July 2011

July 3, 2011

Photovoltaic Cells Manufacturers Guide – List of Largest Companies in India,China,USA,Korea and Malaysia

Photovoltaic Cells have grown tremendously in the last few years spurred on by lowering costs and high demand in European countries like Germany.Photovoltaic Cell Manufacturers have also increased particuarly in low labor cost regions of Asia like China and Taiwan.In fact most of the solar panels have solar cells from companies in Asia.Solar Cell Manufacturers have incresased their capacity at a fast pace to meet the increasing demand.Currently due to oversupply of Photovoltaic Cells,the prices of solar cells have crashed with top quality solar cell prices almost 50% down from that one year ago.This is one of the best times to install solar cell panels in your roof given the rapid decline in the cost.Most of the independent solar cell suppliers are from Taiwan and some from China.European solar cell producers have mostly disappeared due to the high cost base of the European factories.
July 3, 2011

7 Pros of Natural Gas – Heating and Cheapness the Biggest Benefits

Natural Gas in USA is seeing massive investments and interest due to very large shale gas discoveries enabled by improvements in Gas Drilling and Extraction Technology.Billions of Dollars have been invested by domestic and international oil and gas companies.Plans are being made to Export Natural Gas from America as the price of Natural Gas in USA has now become considerably lower than other parts of the world.While prices of other Fossil Fuels like Oil and Coal are rising at steep rate,Natural Gas Prices have fallen even below the 2008 crisis levels and are now at around $3.5/mmbtu.With production increasing Natural Gas is increasingly looking to garner marketshare gains in the energy sector in the US.Countries around the world like India and China are also looking to tap shale gas deposits as Energy Scarcity increases around the globe.
July 3, 2011

High Efficiency Solar Cells – Sale Prices of Very High Efficiency Silicon,Multijunction Solar Cells

What are High Efficiency Cells High Efficiency Solar Cells are those Solar Cells whose average efficiency of converting solar energy into electricity is in general much […]
July 3, 2011

Saving Cord Blood Pros and Cons – Banking Stem Cells Not Worth it ,Biggest Disadvantage is High Oppurtunity Cost

Cord blood refers to the blood that is collected after the birth of a child after the umbilical cord has been cut and is extracted from the fetal end of the cord, diverting up to 75 ml from the neonate. It is usually done within 10 minutes of giving birth.An adequate cord blood collection requires at least 75 ml in order to ensure that there will be enough cells to be used for a transplantation
July 3, 2011

Cheap Solar Cells – How to Buy and from Where (China,Ebay)

Solar Cells are the basic building blocks of solar panels which are used to generate electricity from the sun.Note Solar Cells are made from Solar Wafers which are composed of Polysilicon the same material which is used to make your Electronic Products like iPods.While most people will never encounter Solar Cells since they buy and see Solar Panels,some enthusiasts want to make their own DIY Solar Panels.While in my opinion DIY Solar Panels are a Scam for people who are trying to save money ,its nonetheless a good thing for students and adopters.Its gives you an idea about how solar energy is converted into electricity.Note making solar cells is almost impossible for the layman so building your own solar panels requires you to buy solar cells.Nowadays solar panel prices have crashed making it easier to buy cheap solar cells on the market.
July 2, 2011

Ernst and Young (E&Y) in Indian Corruption Investigation as awards itself Technology Tender for Indian Government Corporation Bank – Accounting Big 4 losing pristine image (PWC Satyam Scandal)

Note corruption is nothing new for the Big 4 firms with another one PriceWaterhouseCoopers caught red handed in the massive billion dollar Satyam corruption scam.Two of the partners of PWC were sent to jail in the fraud which involved cooking the books for almost 8 years.Having a Big 4 auditor is a must for any well known big public company.However the reputation of these Big 4 continues to get besmirched with newer scandals.It does not take a rocket scientist to guess that bribes were involved as rules were circumvented and Corporation Bank top brass was also involved.Government Tenders are a massive hotspot of corruption as they are opaque and powers rest with a few.Lack of transparency results in massive embezzlement of taxpayer money.Corporation Bank.Note Relaince India's biggest company is facing an investigation along with the oil and gas regulator DGH.Recently LIC Housing Finance one of India's largest housing finance companies was involved in a scam as well alongwith top official form other PSU Banks for taking bribes.This resulted in a massive stock price fall for a number of these companies.Expect Corporation Bank stock to take a similar dive hurting the shareholders.Investing in the Indian stock market has become more dangerous than ever where a corruption scam hides under every stone.Government companies which are considered safer by investors too are being proved problematic with PSU CEOs now being jailed for scams.India's largest aluminum company NALCO CEO has been jailed for accepting gold bricks in bribes
July 2, 2011

Vestas drowning in Chinese Competition gets EDF Energies Nouvelles Lifeline – Order could reach 2000 MW Wind Turbine

Vestas has been getting bigger orders and has been streamlining operations,however its stock price has continued to go down as investors see bleak future prospects wit hthe entry of Korean shipbuilders into the industry.Other heavyweights like Gamesa and Suzlon too have faced massive losses as margins have evaporated in the face of declining topline and prices.But now Vestas has got a lifeline from the renewable energy subsidiary of the French giant utility EDF.The order from is for 2000 MW of Wind Turbines over the next few years.While pricing was not disclosed,it would be certainly be at a discount to the normally premium prices charged by Vestas.This given order visibility to Vestas and provides price safety for EDF.The next frontier for Wind Energy Companies is going to be Offshore Wind and Siemens has stolen a march.Vestas is not going down without a fight recently introducing a 7 MW wind turbine for this segment
July 2, 2011

India Business-Politician Nexus Intimidates Poor Tribals Selling Land cheaply for Janjgir Champa Power Plant (Videocon,Kanwar) Twist Laws

Indian Businessmen and Politicians have been looting the citizens and the treasury of billions of dollars through numerous corruption scams and scandals.While the focus has been on the big corruption scandals at the centre being perpetrated by ruling party politicians,opposition party has not been far behind.The Nira Radia Tapes revealed the extent to which the Indian politicians have sold the state to big business.Major ministers are appointed by the major industrial conglomerates leading to billions of dollars in embezzlement.There are numerous instances like the Commonwealth Games Scam,Adarsh Scam,the 2G Telecom Scam etc.Many of the politicians are now big businessmen themselves owning companies legally and illegally.According to Nira Radi,India's agricultural minister is the benami owner of one of the largest realty companies DB Realty whose CEO is cooling his heels in jail for the 2G Scam.The concerned minister is also involved in the Lavasa City Scam in which a whole city was built in partnership with HCC flouting all environmental norms and regulations.
July 1, 2011

Green Self Service Kiosks by India's Largest Bank SBI to save Thousands of Trees,reduce GHG Emissions

Green Self Service Kiosks are set to become ubiquitous in branches run by India's largest bank State Bank of India.Finance has been greatly been benefited by the Information Technology solution reducing transactions costs and time greatly.Banks in India have been slow to roll out Technology Platforms .India due to the lack of penetration of technology has been far behind with large swathes of its population bereft of access to technology.SBI however has come up with an innovative idea Green Channel Counters (GCCs) which is a low cost solution to reduce costs and improve efficiency.These self service kiosks have a screen,keypad,passbook printers etc through which a customer of the bank can perform most of the functions.This would reduce the need for staffing and also lead to saving of paper.Normally it require a ton of forms to perform various functions like depositing,withdrawing money.However with these kiosks most of it can be done online which would greatly reduce paper usage saving trees as a result.
July 1, 2011

Second Wave of Solar Thin Film Bankruptcies Starts – Suntech ends CSG Solar funding

Solar Thin Film Companies are coming under siege again due to the relentless fall in the prices of crystalline silicon panels in recent months of 2011.Note large number of thin film companies went bankrupt the last time polysilicon prices fell off a cliff in the post Lehman crisis period in 2008 end.Applied Material the biggest solar equipment company killed off its SunFab Division which has a large customer list.Applied Materials saw the writing on the wall and concentrated its efforts on crystalline silicon equipment buying HCT Shaping and Baccini to become a billion dollar supplier of solar equipment.A number of weaker hands in solar thin film went out of business.However the prodigious growth in solar demand in 2010 saw large investments being made again.The biggest failure (not complete yet) seems to be the DOE and Obama darling CIGs startup Solyndra which has already used up a billion dollars with nothing much to write home about .Now Republicans are investigating whether the more than $500 million US government loan was done improperly.Abound Solar a CdTe startup has also managed a $400 million loan and I doubt whether it will manage to ever pay off the loan given that the lowest cost manufacturer of solar panels First Solar itself is under pressure from sharp cost reduction by integrated solar panel companies like Trina Solar.
July 1, 2011

Cheap Finance Strategically being used to Export Chinese Renewable Energy Products – Sinovel wins largest wind turbine order 1 GW from Mainstream with CDB Funding

Cheap Financing by massive state owned Chinese Banks like Chiina Development Bank (CDB),China Construction Bank etc is being used as a strategic weapon to push Chinese renewable energy exports.Note cheap financing has always been used by big nations like Japan and USA to push exports by their domestic companies.United States EXIM Bank has been financing solar projects in India at very cheap interest rates to help First Solar sells its Solar Panels.Similarly China too has started using the huge balance sheet of its state owned banks to push its large green companies.Note CDB has extended almost $35 billion in credit lines to big Chinese solar companies like Suntech,Trina,Yingli,LDK and others.These credit lines can be used by renewable energy companies to finance the projects of their customers.Note Chinese Banks had bankrolled massive power equipment purchases in India being made by Dongfang and Shanghar Electric Groups.
July 1, 2011

Solar Panels in Australia – List of Suppliers,Cost and Review (Sharp,Sunpower,Suntech,Silex,BP Solar,REC)

Australia has seen a big increase in solar panel installations due to generous subsidies given by individual states in Australia like New South Wales and others.Unlike other parts of the world where solar installations have started with large solar farms,residential rooftop installations have powered Solar Energy in Australia.The sharp growth in solar power has attracted most of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world like Suntech, Canadian, REC, Kyocera, Sharp, Sanyo, Yingli, Suntech, Trina Solar and others.The major Solar Panel Suppliers in Australia are foreign manufacturers as Australia does not have a local content policy to promote manufacturing of solar cells or solar panels.Only a few handful of companies have manufacturing operations in the country.Almost all of the solar panels sold in Australia are imported.