Corruption in Indian Telecom Industry India has been rocked by numerous new corruption scandals and scams in the recent past. One of the biggest was the […]
The biggest Chinese solar panel producers like Sunech, Trina ,Yingli and Canadian Solar have come out strongly against the recent filing of a complaint of dumping […]
Renewable Energy Corporation used to be the world’s largest supplier of polysilicon, to solar panel companies just 3-4 years ago. The company, which earned eye popping […]
The International Monetary Fund along with the World Bank have received a lot of criticism in recent times because their policy prescriptions have had the opposite […]
Rising Capitalism With capitalism of some sort being prevalent in almost all major countries in the world, other ideologies have taken a backseat. Markets have well […]
Mergers & Acquisitions in India Indian companies have been expanding aggressively by taking over companies and assets abroad. A number of big bang acquisitions have been […]
Rajasthan India’s western state of Rajasthan which is home to India’s only desert and with one of the least population densities has come out with a […]
Offshore Wind Energy Siemens the giant German industrial conglomerate and which is also the world’s largest Green company has taken a huge lead in the nascent […]
Solar Industry research is quite abysmal especially in India where research agencies and market analysts have very little clue of what’s going on in the global […]
Investment Banks Jobs in Investment banks are being ruthlessly cut since the beginning of 2012, as the revenues and profits of these banks disappear. Increased regulation […]
Japanese Solar Inverters While Japanese solar panel companies are sweating due to cheap Asian solar panel imports, the solar inverter companies in Japan are facing the […]
Nuclear Energy Massive protests in Germany post Fukushima had forced the German Government to shut down all its nuclear energy reactors and focus on green energy. […]
China-US Solar War The Global Solar World War is truly on now, with the Chinese Government starting investigation on the imports of solar polysilicon from Korean […]
Australia Solar Australia has seen a big increase in solar panel installations due to generous subsidies given by individual states in Australia, like New South Wales and […]
Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Technology is beating other rivals in the solar race hands down, with other technologies like thin film solar, solar thermal and concentrated […]
BYD When companies are facing trouble in their core markets, they tend to hive off unrelated assets to focus their energy on regaining their mojo in […]
Natural Gas New technology for drilling Natural Gas in Shale Formations in America has brought a paradigm change in the Energy Market at least in North […]
German Wind Turbine Producers Siemens and RePower ( Suzlon subsidiary) are the biggest beneficiaries of a sharp growth in offshore wind energy in Europe. These companies […]
Solar Capacity in China China has repeatedly increased the Solar capacity targets since the last one year as solar panel prices have crashed making solar power […]
Solarbuzz which is one of the solar industry’s leading research agencies has come out with some predictions on the Solar Industry for the next 5 years. […]
Overpopulation and Increased Lifespan This current day situation is taking an increasing toll on people graduating from colleges in the West. There are enough statistics to […]
Solar Power in Brazil Solar Energy is now cheaper to generate than buying electricity from the utility for retail consumers, in Brazil. The sharp fall in […]
Bankrupt Green Energy Companies These days the only thing you hear about in the Green Industry is Bankruptcy or companies on the verge of insolvency. The […]
Solar Power in India is growing rapidly despite the federal subsidy program, JNNSM not doing so well. This is mainly due to the State Government’s stepping […]
Energy Efficiency Rankings In an unsurprising ranking by International Energy Efficiency Scorecard developed by ACEEE, US and Canada have bottom ranks in Energy Efficiency along with […]