December 23, 2019

3 Green Changes That Homeowners Are Embracing

Homeowners haven’t always been the first to dive into the green revolution. Also, some changes aren’t necessarily green per se, but still, provide workarounds without requiring […]
December 19, 2019

Europe sees a Solar Renaissance as Grid Parity Drives a Doubling of Growth

Europe is seeing a strong resurgence in solar capacity additions as grid parity has made it economical to install solar energy as compared to other power sources. […]
December 18, 2019

Indian States try to Leverage Solar’s Rapid Growth to Milk Taxes and Increase Revenues

The Indian desert state of Rajasthan situated on the western part of the country is endowed with large solar resources. The state has a large land […]
December 17, 2019

After Telecom, Huawei could see its Solar Business come under fire from Trade War

Huawei has become the poster boy or rather the whipping boy of the US-China trade war with the USA going hammer and tongs against the Chinese […]
December 16, 2019

3 Appliances You Must Have For A Greener Home

Our world has entered a climate crisis, the effects of which will have a huge impact on our children and generations to come. Thankfully, more and […]
December 12, 2019

Wind Energy in India Languishes as Utility refuse to Buy Power from State Aggregators

Wind energy in India is languishing in a morbid state as existing awarded capacity as well as new tenders by state-owned aggregators like NTPC and SECI […]
December 11, 2019

With Carbon Emissions Rising, India’s Decision to Raise Coal Mining by another 400M tons seems Strange

India is already the third largest emitter of carbon in the world and is one of the biggest users of coal. It will be the biggest growth […]
December 10, 2019

Gujarat Temple Goes Solar – Utilizes the Savings For Education

Yet another story about solar benevolence! The renowned Badrinarayan temple in Surat switched to solar power and is utilizing the savings from electricity bill towards promoting […]
December 9, 2019

Lumos Plans a Million Solar Home Lighting Systems to Brighten up Nigeria

Lumos which is a Dutch company operating in the off-grid solar space in Nigeria plans to substantially scale up its presence in the Western African country. […]
December 6, 2019

Will India’s beleaguered RE Developers get a Respite as Truce called by the AP Government

Solar in Andhra Pradesh The Indian renewable energy developer community has been in the ICU for the last six months as a change in the government […]
December 5, 2019

 Despite government’s Aggressive Intentions, India’s largest Auto Maker skeptical of Fast EV Growth

Advantages of Electric Vehicles India’s largest automaker with more than 50% of car market share is skeptical of the early and fast growth of the Electric […]
December 4, 2019

Solar Energy in 2050 – $6.4T Investments, 18x Multiplier, 8519 GW & 4.9 GT of Carbon

Solar Energy – 2050 Solar energy is all set to continue its spectacular growth in the future continuing the trend it has shown over the last […]
December 2, 2019

Blockchain Solar Energy Trading to Soon Start in India

The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is all set to begin the P2P blockchain solar power trading project in India. The project will be done in […]
November 28, 2019

Indian Railways to Go Eco-Friendly – Solar Power & Electrification on the Table

Railways is a highly power-oriented enterprise, having high energy requirements. Indian Railways in the past have been taking various measures to go solar and railways of […]
November 26, 2019

Why Investing in India’s Renewable Energy Stocks remains a Perilous Exercise

While India’s renewable energy industry has shown tremendous growth over the last decade with a very high double-digit to a triple-digit growth rate, companies mostly have failed […]
November 25, 2019

With India almost Reaching 100% Electrification, the Off-grid Industry goes for a Toss

India along with other South Asian countries as well as Africa used to the prime market for off-grid solar products. The off-grid solar industry has become […]
November 22, 2019

India’s Andhra Problem Continues to Fester for the Renewable Energy Industry 

India’s renewable energy industry has been in turmoil ever since the new government under Jagan Reddy came to power in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. […]
November 21, 2019

4 Ways to Be a Greener Contractor

As new, eco-friendly technology continues to develop and an increasing number of both individuals and companies are demanding greener practices, the green construction industry is quickly […]
November 20, 2019

Off-grid Solar Product Sales in India drop as the Country Achieves 100% Electrification

The off-grid solar products in India witnessed a decline in sales in the first half of 2019. The off-grid solar products are mostly used for lighting homes […]
November 19, 2019

Now Reports Quantify The Number of Lives That Clean Energy Units in India can Save!

Clean air is the need of the hour for major cities in India, especially the National Capital. People across Delhi and NCR are agitated and have demonstrated […]
November 18, 2019

California Wants All New Homes to Run on Solar but Rooftop Solar Players might not Benefit

The USA government under President Trump has turned rabidly anti-Green and even reneged on the Paris Agreement which was not very ambitious to start with. However, […]
November 15, 2019

India’s western City of Pune has the Highest Rooftop Solar Installed but That May Change Soon

Rooftop Solar Growth in Pune Pune which is situated in the western state of Maharashtra in India has the highest amount of rooftop solar capacity installed […]
November 14, 2019

One of the Last Storied Western Solar Manufacturers calls it a day; only First Solar Left Now

Solar manufacturing has been almost completely taken over by China as its huge scale economics and low-cost structure has entirely decimated the competition globally. Western manufacturers […]
November 13, 2019

Understanding Why the Industry in the UK is Shifting to Green Power

According to a report published in Financial Times, 47.9% of the country’s power needs were being met by renewable/non-polluting energy resources as of April 2019. The […]
November 11, 2019

Apathetic Politicians Bring an Indian Utility to the Verge of Bankruptcy and Ruin

The Indian power sector seems in a perennial crisis because of the totally apathetic politicians who for their selfish interests are willing to apparently kill their […]
November 8, 2019

Economic Travails Depress Overall Power Demand and Prices in India

The slowdown in the Indian economy is no longer news as it has affected a broad swathe of the economy with hardly any sector being unaffected […]
November 6, 2019

Now Indian Data Centers to Run on Renewable Energy

Adani Group has partnered with Digital Realty to run data centers on renewable energy in India. Note these data centers are highly power-intensive and cannot afford […]
November 5, 2019

Are You Still Looking for An Answer as to Why You Need Electric Cars in India?

The air quality went bad to worse in the last couple of days in the Indian capital city of Delhi. While the government is trying to […]
November 4, 2019

What Will Happen to the Indian Solar Industry if India Signs the RCEP

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a trade agreement between ASEAN countries and its six FTA partners, whereby they agree to reduce or eliminate tariff and other barriers on imports and exports. […]
October 31, 2019

Delhi and NCR post Diwali – "Pran Jaye Par Akal Na Aaye"

“Poor” Air Quality In & Around New Delhi A few days past Diwali and the Indian capital city is already gasping for fresh air. Pollution levels […]