#SolarForACause We, at Greenworldinvestor, have always promoted stories where Solar has been used for a social cause. With the rising popularity of solar technology, easy accessibility, […]
Renewable energy is gradually becoming one of the mainstay sources of power in India. As the proportion of renewable sources of power is rising, several initiatives have been […]
Solar technology has shown a phenomenal performance all around the world over recent years, with it reaching grid parity almost everywhere on the globe. The technology […]
The Modi government has been a pro-renewable energy government. As soon as the government came into power, it announced a yet another ambitious target to install […]
Renewable energy was once at a disadvantage against fossil fuels since it was held back by high prices. However, innovation has reduced the cost of renewable […]
Neighborhoods are the hub where families are made, homes are built, expensive assets are stored, talents are nurtured, and futures are shaped. Everyone has a memory […]
There are many ways to cut the overall costs of your monthly electric bill. According to the US government, and more specifically the Department of Energy, […]
In 2018, a total of 13.4 GW of clean power was purchased by companies globally, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. This was a record amount […]
Leading U.S. based thin-film solar panel company, First Solar is looking at selling 45 MW of its solar assets in India. These assets are located in […]
China moves to a Market Driven Mechanism The Chinese solar market is the major driver of solar panel prices globally given that it accounts for around […]
Solar Without Subsidy Indian solar power companies are now seriously contemplating putting up large scale ground-mounted solar power plants without a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in […]
With the new BJP-led NDA government at the center, the Indians are expecting several structural and economic reforms which would benefit the country in the long […]
The Trump administration has decided to end India’s status as a beneficiary developing country. India will not be allowed to export freely to the U.S. some 2,000 […]
Solar Pumps and Plants for the Indian Farmers The Indian government is launching a plan for the installation of solar pumps and grid-connected solar power plants. […]
Solar In Hospitals Solar technology has become very mainstream today. It is being used not only for generating electricity at homes, in offices or industries but […]
Solar power is increasing in popularity, and many homeowners are considering this for their homes. However, the working of solar panels is still new for most people, […]
Trina Solar has been a stalwart of the global solar industry, having successfully navigated the violent ups and downs of the industry as it had made […]
Panasonic’s Nymbus – India Japanese electronics giant Panasonic has made early inroads in the high potential and huge growth EV charging market in India by rolling […]
The Indian power sector has a huge perennial problem of non-payment by its Indian distribution utilities to power producers. The reason is that most of these […]
Solar energy is gaining more recognition from customers across the globe. Solar panels are the best form of making use of solar energy. The Solar Industry […]
Impact of Safeguard Duty Much hasn’t changed for the local solar cell and panel manufacturers even in the nine months after the imposition of safeguard duty on imported solar […]
Climate Change Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg referred to as a climate change warrior, became famous for her emphatic speeches, in one of which she employs EU […]
The Chinese government has been exceptional in establishing its dominance on rapid growth in new industries. Its private sector has also responded well, leveraging the strengths […]
New Domestic Solar Manufacturing Plan – India The Indian government has always made it a mission to support domestic manufacturing of solar products in the country. […]
Total Capacity exceeds 6 GW The southern states of India have been installing solar energy at a rapid pace driven by their perennial shortages of power […]