As the clock ticks and the daylights become shorter, welcoming the winter season, indoors can become freezing cold. Transitioning to the winter season without preparing your home for the changing weather can make life unbearable. Imagine having to turn on your furnace and keep your doors closed all day and night to keep cold air outdoors? Before the first cold snap hits, do the right upgrades and preps to your home for the cold weather. These are six incredible ways to prepare your home for the cold weather.
The heavy snowfalls and rainfall during the winter can penetrate your home if you have a weak roof system. Ice forms thick sheets on your roof, which can melt and cause water leaks. Water leakage can leave you with damaged appliances and furniture. To avoid such issues, get a winterization expert to conduct a thorough home checkup. By doing so, you can discover and repair missing roof shingles, damages, and holes in the roof system. That can prevent issues with water leaks and damage to your possessions.
Installing solar panels is also a convenient way to supply power to heat up your home. Read How To Prep Your Home for Solar Panel Installations.
In winter, pipes bursting issues are a bit high, primarily due to un-drained water. You may find that your exterior faucets, especially in the garden, have started bursting. Before winter, have the faucets checked by a professional and the undrained water removed. Leaving the unattended water risks, you must deal with pipe bursts and floods. You won’t only have to deal with pipe bursts and floods but also damaged furniture and appliances. If you discover leaks on your pipe, get them sealed by an expert. Heat tape for pipes can seal large and small leaks, leaving your pipes ready for winter.
Nothing is more comforting than sitting close to a warm fire during the freezing temperatures of winter. It keeps the cold away and you relaxed despite the cold weather outside. Sadly, people rarely pay attention to their chimneys and fireplaces. You might have even forgotten about its existence until the cold weather hits, and you try using it. Don’t just sit and wait for the winter season without inspecting the fireplace and chimney. Get a professional to thoroughly inspect the fireplace and clean the chimney.
Furnaces are the most used equipment during the winter season. People want to keep their homes cozy, so they have to turn on the furnace almost daily. Well-conditioned furnaces can meet all the use demands without succumbing to untimely failure. They can keep your spaces heated without raising the home heating bills. Sadly, some homeowners do not pay attention to their furnaces, provided they are working. Prepare your furnace for the winter by scheduling maintenance and repair services. Furnace repair experts can identify and solve existing and potential furnace problems.
The gutters are also in high demand during the winter season. They have to drive out water from your walls and prevent water damage. During the hot and windy summer, leaves and tree branches could have found their way into your gutters. Heading to the winter season with clogged gutters can mean dealing with floods and water damage issues. Get a roofing contractor to inspect your gutters and clean them. Replace all the damaged and old gutters to keep your space from water damage and floods.
Lack of proper care can damage your irrigation system in winter. Start by shutting off the main water supply to the garden irrigation system. Cover the garden water system valves with the right plastic bag and lock them with insulation tapes to avoid damage to the systems. Ensure to cover all visible piping lines with insulating tapes and foam tubes. For an automatic garden irrigation system, you should turn it off from the control system. Disconnect the wires directing power to the system and drain all the pipes. You might need a specialist to help you drain the irrigation system and cover pipes.
Get your home ready for the winter with these fantastic tips. Know which home winterization tricks work for you, depending on your need. Talk with a winterization expert to optimize your home winterization results.