
January 5, 2012

Solar Energy in Pakistan starts to economically compete with Lead Acid Batteries and Diesel Generators

Pakistan is a energy deficit country like most other South Asian countries with inadequate investment in the electricity sector and the distribution infrastructure.The cause of the energy crisis in the country is due to massive corruption and misgovernance , a theme which will be familiar to citizens of India as well.Pakistan has been looking at investments from the Chinese power companies in the hydro and wind sectors to boost electricity generation.However these investments take time and some may never come to fruition.However Pakistanis are now turning towards cheap Chinese solar panels to beat the high electricity tariffs and dependence on expensive diesel generators and UPS systems.
January 4, 2012

Shocking Land Degradation and Pollution against Environmental Norms by Coal India revealed

Coal India the monopoly producer of Coal in India and responsible for providing almost half of India's Energy Requirement is a very inefficienct organiazation is well know.Corruption and pilferage of massive amounts of coal is a well known fact to all industry participants.In fact stealing of coal is a major livelihood for lakhs of poor Indians in coal belt areas.What is not well known is that Coal India has flouted all norms of environment and conservation.It has not restored sites of open cast and underground mining leading to massive losses for the local environment and citizens.Sand meant to fill up the old mines has been sold in the market for profits.RTI application has shown that this government maharatna has been negligent towards it duties in a huge scale.No wonder there are so many protests for land acquisitions by industry and the government given the degradation and pollution that these companies do.
January 4, 2012

How South Korean Solar Panel Producers are taking the fight to the Chinese with Pricing, Brand and Distribution Power

South Korean Conglomerates LG,Samsung,Hyundai and Hanwha have made massive investments in solar energy production in the last couple of years.Encoraged by the Korean government to become a force in the Green Energy area in the future,Korean giant chaebols have invested in almost all areas of cleantech like Electric Vehicles,Wind Energy,Solar Energy,Energy Storage etc.While Western companies fall like flies in the face of the Chinese onslaught of super low pricing,Koreans are holding their own and want to take fight into the Chinese camp.
January 4, 2012

Adani Power to set up 140 MW Solar PV Capacity in India even as it looks to grow in Africa

Adani Power,which is a leading Indian electricity company and part of the Adani Group is set to invest big money in the solar power in India.The company plans to set up 140 MW of energy capacity according to news reports with an investment of $600 million.Given the current costs of solar equipment and solar panels ,the price tag looks high at almost $3.5 million/MW when the current prices are more like $2 million/MW for large power plants in low cost locations like India.
January 4, 2012

NVVN to sign PPA with Indian JNNSM Phase 2 Winners for 350 MW Solar Plants in Jan 2012

JNNSM Phase 2 recieved almsot 8 times the bids with 2500 MW worth of bids out of which around 350 MW was selected for providing Feed in Tarifffs with the average tariff of Rs 8.77 or 17.5c/Kwh .Note India's execution record has not been great with only 400 MW solar capacity reached in 2011 against a target of more than 1000 MW.However weaker and unknown players have gone out of this business and the winners this time look more likely to construct these solar power plants.No doubt a massive glut of solar panels in the world with prices as low as 80-90c/watt helping .Compare that to prices of solar panels which were more than $2/watt last time.
January 4, 2012

India's Power Industry caught in Coal Crisis – Revival through Shorter PPA, Fuel Cost Tariff Indexation

This new plan has following features 1) Reduce the Power Purchasing Agreement Tenure to 5 years from 25 years.This would make it easy to change the prices of power purchased to reflect the changed realities 2) Some sort of fuel cost indexation for electricity tariffs .The reason is that prices of imported coal has risen dramatically which has made the large UMPP get stuck because the revenues don't meet the costs. This plan will take 6 months to be implemented as the government talks with stakeholders like states which are reluctant to change the power prices decided in the PPA with the earlier UMPP being built by Tata Power and Reliance Power in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
January 4, 2012

Telecommunication Operators in India caught Swindling the Government again in 3G Fraud even as 2G Scam simmers

Telecom Companies in India are in general an unscrupolous lot with the 2G Scam showing the whole telecom industry of India in a Bad Light.While a number of top executives of telecom companies spent time in jail,it seems that these companies have learned nothing.They continue to find loopholes to take both their customers and government for a ride.Indian Broadband and Telecom companies have made defrauding customers an art by illegally adding value added services and charging for them.They also burn millions of dollars in subsidized diesel to power their telecom towers since there is no restriction on that.Now these comapnies have been caught again in another manipulation trick in 3G services.
January 4, 2012

Polysilicon Companies with Small Capacities go Bust/Stop Production of Solar Raw Material (Timminco,Hoku,MEMC,PV Crystalox)

Smaller Polysilicon producers with small sizes and higher costs are going bust almost everyday.With poly prices falling below $30/kg even bigger producers with inefficient plants like MEMC have been forced to curtain capacity.The smaller poly producers with 2000-3000 tons capacity have virtually no future.With poly expansion still taking place by big producers even in an oversupplied market the small fish are having the capitulate.
January 3, 2012

India Faces Dark Summer in 2012 with Prices Spiral,Fuel Shortages,Local Agitation,Producer Losses

India faces a Long and Dark Summer in 2012 with its Electricity Industry in Shambles.The list of woes is almost non-ending and the government is the biggest culprit.Locked in a policy paralysis due to its corruption taint,the authorities have failed to move.Indian Electricity Companies too are facing losses and may even default on some project debt.The state distribution companies already have racked up billion of dollar in losses due to total mismanagement of tariffs and power theft.So the whole supply chain is in trouble with the Indian Banks also in trouble as they have lent billions to the power producers.
January 3, 2012

Chinese Wind Tower Companies face Dumping Danger after Solar Panel Makers

Chinese Solar Panel Producers have become a famous target of an anti dumping petition brought on by Solarworld and other companies.Though US Solar Installers have opposed the move as it will increase the solar panel prices in US,ITC has gone ahead with the investigation.Though the charges of subsidies and efficiency can be debated,the fact remains that US Solar Panel Producers can't compete with Chinese Solar Panles.Massive industrial overcapacity in China has made the prices of products very cheap and made it difficult for Western producers to compete in most areas such as Chemical,Renewable Energy,Textiles etc.The Chinese win because of their low interest rates,cheap labor,free land,massive government support.
January 3, 2012

EU stops the Free Carbon Lunch – Airline Prices to Increase to factor in Carbon Emissions

Airline Ticket Prices are set to go up as European Union implements its ETS Scheme on the Airline Industry from 2012.Note EU as a region has been one of the most active players in the climate change arena and has an active carbon emissions market.Though this market has encouraged fraud and profiteering by unscrupolous players making it a good target for the fossil fuel lobby,the principle to fight against global warming is a good one.Compare that to USA,Canada and Japan who have done nothing to fight climate change despite the wealth of these nations.Canada has been guilty of abandoning the Kyoto Plan after missing its previous target.It has faced no penalties as it is not legally enforceable.The country continues down the pollute as much as you can pushing oil extraction from tar sands which is much more dangerous to the environment than normal oil drilling.
January 3, 2012

Earthquakes – The New Deadly Side Effect of Cheap Gas Production from Shale Formations

Shale Gas Technology has completely changed the Oil and Gas Picture in North America.Natural Gas prices have touched new low below $3/mmbtu as massive discoveries and production of shale gas has led to a glut.With the Technology being exported to other countries,it is expected that Natural Gas may take over from Coal as the preferred choice of electricity power generation.China and India are already taking out tenders for shale gas blocks.However Shale Gas has a nasty side effect which is normally not talked about.The cases have kept increasing though the mainstream media and the powerful oil lobby has tried its best to supress it.The first one is water contamination which I had written about earlier
January 3, 2012

What will be India's Solar Power Capacity in 2012 after 400 MW in 2011

Solar Power in India has been growing at a rapid clip due to a number of favorable factors 1) Big Energy Deficit 2) Lots of Sulight 3) Falling prices of Solar Panels 4) Favorable government subsidies. Indian Solar Power Capacity in 2012 Many of the small firms have been weeded out and the developers and banks have got some experience in this new solar industry.Expect 2012 to be much better and expect at leas a doubling of the solar power capacity as both phase 1 and phase 2 winners in JNNSM complete projects.Rajasthan,Gujarat and Karnataka state subsidies should also see some projects being complted Solar Power Capacity in India in 2012 should be around 1 GW which is not bad and will make it one of the top 10 Solar Markets in the world.
January 3, 2012

Middle Class in America Getting Decimated – 30 Shocking Stats

Income Inequality is a Theme that is getting played across the world in developing as well as developed nations.Most of the turmoil in 2011 in the Middle East and the Occupy Wall Street Movement can be attributed to the growing Income Gap between the Have and Have -Nots.The Great Recession in 2008 can also be looked upon as a fallout of this.Gini's Coefficient which measures the income distribution gap has shown continued deterioration all over the world.The Middle Class is shrinking and growing poor by the day and it is not only the Poor Class that is getting affected.
January 3, 2012

Leap Green Energy – Another Indian Green Utility gets funding from Foreign Bank / Private Equity

The Indian Energy Sector has seen massive investments by Private Equity and Investment Banking Groups in the West.Green focused utilities like Orient Green Power and Greenko are already listed in the public markets.Big PE firms like Blackstone,Appollo and KKR has put money into Indian electricity companies as well.Despite losses and adverse conditions being faced,this sector continues to attract money.Leap Green Energy which is backed by the family of India's ace motor racer Narain Karthikeyan has got Rs 100 crore in funding from JP Morgan one of the biggest investment banks in the world.
January 3, 2012

Securitization emerges as New Funding Model for Capital Intensive Solar Energy Projects

Securitization has emerged as New Funding Model for Capital Intensive Solar Energy Projects.In India Welspun Energy which is a solar developer with a solar plant in Gujarat has managed to securitize the project.Securitization in finance refers to pooling of various cash flows generated from different assets such as mortgages,recievables etc.Note Securitization has become a dirty word in finance as subprime property mortgages in the US were sold as AAA security products.However in case of Solar Energy they may prove to be a boon.Note financing of debt has become a big problem in building solar farms.Securitization can be an ideal way forward as it spreads the risks and allows the loans to be given to solar developers.
January 2, 2012

Chinese Challenges in 2012 and What China Intends to do about it (Nothing Much)

China faces multiple challenges 1) Slowdown in Europe and USA means that their exports are sputtering and manufacturing has already started contracting 2) Protests in cities and villages grows against rampant corruption and land grabbing by Communist officies.Lack of democracy means violent protests at times. 3) Debt is becoming a huge problem with local government vehicles facing trouble as they can no longer raise money from real estate sales which has fallen by 20-25% 4) Massive industrial overcapacity is being exported outside.This has made the other trading nations put duties and curbs.A big trade war with USA cannot be ruled out.Chinese solar and wind products faced countervailing duties and dumping charges.China has already imposed high duties on US car imports.
January 2, 2012

Question How is Debt Distressed Chinese LDK acquiring German Solar Developer Sunways Answer Chinese Government Free Money

Note Chinese companies too would have shut down but the state owned Chinese banks are keeping them alive with loans at ridiculous interest rates.LDK which is buying Sunways is almost insolvent as well with its convertibles trading at less than 50c on the dollar in Singapore.It has more than n$3 billion in debt compared to its market cap of around $600 million.It faces massive losses in the coming qtrs and can't serve the interest payments much less expand.The strong support of the Chinese government for its green companies is keeping them alive.Chinese solar panels have become super cheap due to companies selling at below cost and massive scale.Note all the cheap solar panel brands in the world are Chinese with the exception of First Solar and some Asians. LDK has managed to spend 22 million Euros despite burning hundred of millions of dollars in cash because it has got the Chinese government trillions backing it.So while Western companies burn and crash,the big crony Chinese companies can expand and acquire. Most of the German solar manufacturing industry is finished and it is unlikely that except a couple of them like SM Solar or Wacker will live to see 2013.Q-Cells too should go bankrupt or get consolidated .Note despite European companies shifting factories to Asia ,they just can't compete.Some of the smaller module makers with 20 MW plants have seen huge losses with the equipment not selling for 10 cents on the dollar
January 2, 2012

Gujarat Solar Energy Developers miss Deadline with only half of 300 MW target, want an Extension

Gujarat solar energy has been massively promoted by the state government led by Modi which has announced numerous incentives and subsidies.The state has an ambition of becoming the Germany of solar energy in India with more than 1 GW of capacity in the next 2-3 years,but the solar energy developers has missed the deadline.29 solar companies in India now want an extension which add up to 450 MW of capacity.The 300 MW of capacity target has not even been half covered with only 140 MW installed.However the problem is that on Jan 29 2012 new feed in tariffs will be announced which will be lower.This will benefit the older developers if they get the older higher tariffs with much lower equipment prices.The State has already implemented a clear and forward looking Renewable Energy Policy with emphasis on Solar Energy.It has signed PPAs with a number of solar project developers under its State Solar Subsidy Scheme.While other states are looking mainly towards the federal subsidy scheme JNNSM to push Solar Energy Generation,Gujarat is looking to push Solar Energy on its own.Gujarat now has reportedly acquired 3000 acres at Charnaka village in Patan District which it will give to solar project developers to install solar panels.
January 2, 2012

Can Ladakh the Cold Desert become India's Solar Desterec – Massive Benefits

Ladakh,one of the most beautiful hilly regions lying near the Chinese border has one of the highest potentials in generating solar power in India.Note under JNNSM,India is targeting more than 20 GW in the next 10 years and already large solar farms are coming in the desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat.However,Indian policy has mostly neglected the less inhabited region of Ladakh.Most of the policy initiatives have been low key in nature and mostly to provide the region with off grid solar power,solar cookers and solar lights.What has been missed is to build massive solar panel farms and connecting them with a transmission line to the power hungry states of the North.Just like Himachal Pradesh has become a masssive hydro power exporting state,Ladakh can do the same trick with solar power. Solar Panel prices have fallen by 50% in 2011 and now solar energy can be profitably be generate at Rs 7/kwh.While this is more expensive than coal at Rs 4/kwh,the thing to be remembered is that this power value is constant for 25 years and it has no coal disadvantages which kills thousands each year.Also it increases Indias 'energy security and reduce imports of expensive coal.It also will provide more employment and generate economic value internally beside supporting the Indian construction and EPC companies.
January 2, 2012

GlobalWatt bails out of constructing a Solar Panel Plant in Michigan – Not Surprising

The Chinese solar panel producers too are facing tough times with many companies running at low utilizations and almost everybody running losses.Some companies with huge debt burdens like LDK are running because of government largesse as they are effectively insolvent for all purposes.Expect more bankrutpcies in the coming year .It will take a very foolish or a very brave company to expand solar capacity this year. Only USA Solar Installers are having a good time with below cost solar panels availabe increasing the returns and leading to massive increased.It looks like 2012 will be a good year for US solar installers who are expanding rapidly to take advantage of the falling solar module prices.Even Buffett is going all into solar development space acquiring billion dollar project in a classical case of vulture investing.
January 2, 2012

Should India learn from Brazil in reducing Fiscal Deficit and Budget Spending

2011 has been a bad year for emerging markets with high inflation,slowing growth and rising interest rates.Most of the problems are a consequence of the 2008 Financial Crisis when emerging countries increasing fiscal spending and reduced interest rates to reduce the affect of the Lehman crisis.Now the Bill is coming due with slowing growth and higher inflation.Most of the BRIC countries have heavily increased interest rates in 2011 to slow inflation as their poor population can ill afford the damaging effect of inflation. Brazil has reduced its 2012 Budget by $32 billion to control inflation drawing howls of protest from politicians who always want to spend more as if money grows on trees.The country has reined in spending in both 2011 and 2012 to reduce the fiscal deficit and spend more money on productive sectors like infra.
January 2, 2012

Why Indian Government allowing Direct Foreign Individual Investing in stocks could be a Bad Idea for Both

For Foreign individuals a) The idea may be bad as well as Indian stock markets are a quagmire of bad corporate governance and corruption.Insider trading and manipulation is quite rampant which has made retail investors flee the market. b) They will be faced with foreign exchange volatility which can be quite high.In dollar terms the Indian market fell by almost 35% in 2011. c) Some sectors are notorious for corruption with even professional fund managers avoiding real estate because of accounting shenanigans and indian small cap stocks being like casino games rather than companies
December 7, 2011

Which is Best Place to Invest Money in India in 2012 – Bonds,Stocks,Gold or Real Estate?

Investing Money in India right now is a very confusing matter given the large number of choices and the lack of attractiveness of different assets due to different reasons.There are hundreds of voices seemingly intelligent but who are selling their own books.If you turn on the finance new channels they will keep saying buy stocks for the long term as if a normal investor can make money by buying stocks for the short term.Gold proponents will say that it has been a great investment over the last several years and with the US,European systemic shocks it will remain so.However the rapid uptrend in gold prices has made it a somewhat risky investment.Investing in Gold is also not easy given the wide array of choices like Gold ETFs,physical or futures.So lets see each asset class with its pros and cons
November 4, 2011

Gold Bees ETF India Review

The Bees lineup of ETFs was started by Benchmark Asset Management Company which was a unique Indian AMC in the sense that it focused on ETFs at a time when the major Indian AMCs did not care a hoot.However ETFs in India are starting to catch on rapidly as Indian mutual funds under perform despite their very high expense ratios.Recognizing this trend of growing AUM of ETFs,Goldman Sachs acquired the still small Benchmark.With effect from 14th July 2011, both Benchmark Asset Management Company Private Limited and Benchmark Trustee Company Private Limited became a part of the Goldman Sachs group. Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. It was founded in 1869 & is one of the oldest and largest investment banking firms.
November 1, 2011

Axis Gold ETF India Performance, Assets under Management, How to Trade, Risks Associated

The Axis Gold ETF started in 2010 under the NSE Symbol AXISGOLD.The Scheme endeavors to generate returns that are in line with the performance of gold, subject to Tracking Errors. The corpus of the Scheme isinvested in Gold Bullion of fineness - 995 parts per 1,000 (99.5%) or higher. Further, the Scheme may also invest in gold related instruments (including derivatives related to gold) as per SEBI guidelines.
November 1, 2011

HDFC Gold ETF Review and Details on Expense Ratio,Performance,Buying SIP and NSE Symbol

HDFC Gold ETF along with Kotak and Gold Bees are one of the best gold etfs to invest in India and provide a sharp contrast to the worst ETFs like SBI and Axis Bank.HDFC Gold ETF has the added advantage of being one of the largest Fund Houses and is a subsidiary of one of the largest private banks with a great distribution strenght and reputation.It is also one of the few mutual fund ocmpanies which is offering a SIP on the Gold ETF unlike many others.Expense Ratio is also one of the lowest in the industry at 1% . All in all HDFC Gold ETF is a good buy if you are thinking of putting money in gold through ETF.
October 27, 2011

SBI Gold ETF (GETS) – Details/Information of Mutual Fund ,Plan Charges,Scheme Expense Ratio,Buying Online SIP

SBI GETS is an open ended Gold Exchange Traded Scheme. Even though this is an open-ended scheme, investors need to buy & sell units of the scheme on the stock exchanges where these units are listed for liquidity at the market price, subject to the rules and regulations of the exchange. The Scheme opened on March 30, 2009.The investment objective of the fund is to seek to provide returns that closely correspond to returns provided by price of gold. However, the performance of the scheme may differ from that of the underlying asset due to tracking error. The benchmark is the price of the Gold. Special Products SIP, SWP, STP are not available. No dividend would be declared under the Scheme unlike Reliance Gold ETFThe SBI GETS Expense ratio is 2.5%.This is one of the highest expense ratios in the industry much higher compared to other Gold ETF Fund products like Kotak or Goldman.The reason of this expense ratio is not apparent since passive investment in gold does not require such high expenses.This is a deal killer from SBI Asset Management and I would strongly recommend never to buy SBIGETS unless SBI reduces this expense ratio
October 25, 2011

Kotak Mahindra Gold ETF Review and Analysis of Returns,Expense Ratio,Dividends, Price Performance History, and how to buy SIP

Kotak Mahindra which is one of the biggest private banks with operations in almost all aspects of Finance like Investing Banking,Wealth Management has launched a good Gold ETF products as well.It is an open-ended gold Exchange Traded Fund, which invests in physical gold and tracks the domestic spot price of gold as closely as possible. Units of the scheme listed on stock exchanges and can be easily traded in demat form. Each unit of the scheme is approximately equal to 1 gram of gold. Units of the schemes are backed by physical gold held by the Custodian - Scotia Macotta. All physical gold held with Scotia Macotta conforms to the London Bullion Market Association’s (LBMA) rules for Good Delivery. The investment objective of Kotak Gold ETF is to generate returns that are in line with the returns on investment in physical gold, subject to tracking error.
October 23, 2011

Gold ETF Funds in India Guide – Best and Worst NSE Gold ETF ,Comparison amongst SBI,Reliance,Kotak,HDFC,UTI,Axis,Benchmark and Should you do a Gold ETF SIP

I had written about the best way to invest in gold in India looking at the different ways of buying physical gold and gold etfs.There was also the option of investing in gold mutual fund which invest in gold mining companies as well as looking at whether to buy gold from banks or you were better off buying gold from your neighbourhood jeweller.Alll the options of buying gold have their advantages and disadvantages.Gold ETFs have become the fastest growing segment of buying gold in India with most people prefering teh convenience and ease of buying gold the demat way.Note only does it have the security and storage advantages,it is also easily saleable without a huge transaction costs.Its no wonder that most asset management companies in India have launched gold etf products to take advantage of the growing trend of buying gold Etfs in India.SBI and UTI,two of the oldest government owned mutual fund houses in the country too have started gold etfs besides the private companies.Benchmark Gold Bees remains the oldest gold etf in the country and is looking to gain marketshare after Goldman Sachs bougth the company.IDBI has joined the gold etf party becoming the latest AMC to start a gold ETF.There is little to distinguish these Gold ETFs from each other since they don't have any active management and are mostly linked to the price of gold.The best gold etf is the one which has the least tracking error and the lowest expense ratio.I don't have a favorable opinion of the mutual fund etfs in India since they charge very highly and there is lack of variety and liqudity in the Indian ETF market.