
July 6, 2011

Solar Air Conditioner in India – Types (Hybrid, Sun Powered Direct Current ACs),Cost and Manufacturers (Onyx)

Solar Air Conditioner or Solar AC refers to an Air Conditioner where the energy for the air conditioning is dervided from solar energy.There are 3 types of Solar Air Conditioning namely passive solar AC,solar thermal and PV Solar Air conditioning.Solar Air Conditioners though a niche area are expected to grow strongly in the future in hot areas like India where Air Conditioning is consuming huge amounts of energy and where there is sufficient sun light to generate big amounts of solar energy as well.
July 6, 2011

How Solar Panels produce Electricity – Efficiency,Challenges and How to Buy Affordable Solar Panels

Assemblies of solar cells form solar panels. The raw material in solar cell- silicon in its purest form makes an ideal neutral platform for the transmission of electrons. Silicon also has some atomic-level properties which make it even more attractive for the./ creation of solar panels. Solar panels receive sunlight and actively convert that energy into electricity. The solar cells have a large area p-n junction diode which convert the energy from sunlight into usable electrical energy. The basic principle behind the procedure is Photovoltaic Effect, photo = light, voltaic = electricity ie. conversion of sunlight into electrical energy
July 6, 2011

Oil Drilling Companies In India – Finding Gold in Offshore Gas Exploration and Production

The Indian economy has performed strongly over the last few years, regularly hitting 8% and above growth rates . This rapid economic growth has led to a significant increase in demand for crude oil and natural gas, to the extent that India is currently the sixth largest consumer of oil and gas. India is one of the biggest importers of crude oil and natural gas as it has to import 2/3rd of its requirements of Oil. Upstream activity in India has rapidly grown post liberalization with 42 active offshore rigs and several seismic vessels engaged in operations offshore on the east and west coasts. Several significant discoveries have been announced since the New Exploration and Licensing Policy (NELP) was introduced. The commercial discovery of the Dhirubhai field by Reliance in the deepwater Krishna Godavari basin has demonstrated the existence of significant reserves in the basins of India. As India imports about two-thirds of its crude oil requirement, Exploration and production of oil and gas is critical for India's energy security and economic growth. Over the years the E&P industry has registered significant growth, primarily due to spiraling crude oil and gas prices.
July 5, 2011

Multijunction Solar Panels and Cells- Guide to Manufacturers ,Efficiency,Concept and Cost

Multijunction Solar Cell Concept The basic principle on which solar cells work is Photovoltaic ie. they convert the photons from the sunlight into usable electricity. However, in this process neither is all the light absorbed nor does all the photons get converted into electricity. High energy blue light photons do not have all of their energy converted into electricity, some is wasted as heat & low energy red light photons are not absorbed at all. Sunlight is made up of a broad spectrum and depending upon these various wavelengths, photons of light also have different energy levels.Hence, to minimize this wastage & to enhance the efficiency of solar cells, scientists came up with the concept of multijunction solar cells.
July 5, 2011

India Hair Oil Market Growing Strongly – List of Suppliers,Brands and Categories (Cocunut,Amla,Cooling,Light Hair Oil)

The hair care industry has grown a lot in the recent years. The reason can be attributed to the fact that a large portion of our Indian population is using higher quality branded products. Of the estimated Rs.1, 611 billion FMCG market in India, hair care products make up approximately Rs.91.5 billion, or 8%, of the total according the Nielsen Retail Audit Report. The 14% growth rate in the hair care industry is also slightly higher than the overall industry average of 13.4%. Shampoo and hair oils, including coconut oils, continue to be the key components of this segment. The marketing startegy of rural distribution campaigns adopted by the hair oil manufacturers and dealers have helped to greatly expand the geographic coverage of hair oil products into the rural parts of the country. In addition, average prices for hair oil products have risen from Rs. 22.25 per 100 ml in 2008 to Rs.23.74 per 100 ml in 2009 according to the Nielsen Retail Audit Report.
July 5, 2011

Education Companies in India – Bad Government School Education offers Huge Market (Everonn,Educomp,CPIL,NIIT,Manipal)

Education is a critical requirements for India today as it lags behind other Asian countries in education indices with vast swathes of its population being illiterate.India's hopes of becoming a major power will remain a pipedream till most of its labor force is educated and productive. As the country strives to become an economic superpower, need for high-quality education, at all levels, will increase. Not only is India deficient in providing primary eduction but due to the higher education costs, many students give up their decisions of pursuing higher studies. But, the emergence of education companies in India has led to a significant change in the scenario. They provide need based education solutions to facilitate the process of interaction between students, teachers and parents. These companies are coming up with technology based educational solutions to meet the educational needs of schools and colleges. These contents can be accessed from any part of India and other countries by interested individuals. They offer digitized content which can be disseminated through 3G spectrum mobile phones, broadband and other sources.
July 5, 2011

Water Purifier in India – Manufacturers,Filter Reviewing the Best – Kent (RO),Eureka Forbes (Aquaguard),HLL (Pureit),Tatas(Swach)

Water Purifying Industry in India is growing by leaps and bounds and has attracted a host of new entrants which are consumer giants.Earlier the field used to be dominated by Eureka Forbes which operated in the premium segment and focused on urban India alone.But with income increasing and people realizing the importance of clean water,other companies have entered the Water Purifying Industry.HLL and the Tata Group have introduced products for the lower segment of the market in the price range o f Rs 1000 as compared to the Rs 5-10,000 wafer filters by the incumbent Eureka Forbes.This has forced other companies to come with lower priced products as well.With the vast majority of Indians forced to go without tapped water leave alone treated water,this industry is set to grow in double digits for a long time.Water Treatment Companies too are growing rapidly as the Water Purification at the Municipal,Industrial Level is getting importance. The above companies are the suppliers of the best wafer purifiers in India.Its tough to make a call on the best as it depends a lot on the nature of the water and price.However Kent and Eureka Forbes are generaly considered the best brands of water filters in India due to their products,after sales service and product range.In the lower priced band,Pureit is considered as good bet especially for rural India where the purchasing power is not that high.
July 5, 2011

Desalination in India Overview – Process,Methods(Reverse Osmosis),List of Companies and Plants

Desalination facilities exist in about 120 countries around the world. According to the International Desalination Association (IDA), the global desalination market is expected to grow to US$ 95 billion through 2005 to 2015. According to a report by Global Water Intelligence (GWI), the worldwide desalination industry is expected to grow 140 percent over the next decade, with US$ 25 billion in capital investment by 2010 and US$ 56 billion by 2015. While countries like the US, Spain, and the Gulf countries have been able to build mega plants, other countries in Asia, Africa, and South America have inadequate resources to do so. Initiatives have been taken by the governments in Spain, the Middle East, and Australia to construct desalination plants to turn seawater into drinking water.
July 5, 2011

Steel Pipe Manufacturers in India – Welspun,Man,Jindal Saw Expanding into Foreign Shores

Steel is an essential material used in many industries – it’s the backbone to countless products, structures and services that shape the everyday lives of people throughout the world.One of the major uses of Steel is in the Manufacture of Pipes which are used to transport energy products.Pipelines are a transportation system that enables the safe movement of inordinate quantities of energy products to industry and consumers, literally fueling our economy and way of life. They are arteries of any Nation's energy infrastructure, as well as the safest and least costly ways to transport energy products. In general Steel Companies in India with the exception of the Jindal Group are not involved in the Steel Pipe production .Most of the Steel makers in India have major operations in foreign countries particularly Middle East.The boom times seem to be over for the sector and competition has become higher.
July 5, 2011

Stainless Steel in India – Production,Manufacturers,Uses and Products

Stainless steel production in India increased from 0.5 million tonnes in 1994-95 to 1.76 million tonnes in 2004-05. India has emerged as one of the top ten stainless steel producer in the world. With a production of 1.1 million tonnes during 2002, the country was ranked 8th in the world. With the economy booming, there is increasing demand for a wider range of products and services in stainless steel.Stainless Steel is manufactured by the mainstream Steel Companies in India beside there are some focused stainless steel companies as well.The Mining Industry in India supplies most of the raw materials used in the production of Stainless Steel.
July 5, 2011

Iron Ore Mining in India – List of Companies(SAIL,Sesa Goa), Iron Ore Mines (Orissa,Jharkhand,Rajasthan) and Extraction Process

Production of iron ore in the country is through a combination of large mechanised mines in both public and private sectors and several smaller mines operated in manual or semi mechanised basis in the private sector. During 2001-02, 215 iron ore mines were operating in a total 638 leases which increased to 261, during 2005-06 operating in 505 leases. During 2006-07, India produced 172.3 MT of iron ore including lump, fines & concentrate. Normally, iron ore mining in India is done by opencast method and on the basis of mining methods, the mining can be broadly divided into two categories, i.e., manual and mechanized. Majority of the large mechanised mines are in the public sectors whereas manual mines are mainly in the private sector. In order to support steel production of 110 MT by 2019-20, the requirement of iron ore is placed at 190 MT & exports have been estimated to be around 100 MT. World iron ore production was 1,690 MT in 2006. Although iron ore is mined in more than 50 countries, the bulk of world production comes from just a few countries. The five largest producers are Brazil,China, Australia, India & Russia.
July 5, 2011

Samsung Solar Panels Review of Prices of PV Cells Module (UK,Ontario)

Samsung had decided a couple of years ago that it wants to be a major player in the Green Industry and has lined up billions of dollars to invest in solar and wind energy over the next decade.The company is already starting up massive solar panel plants and wind turbine factories as it hopes to capture a large chunk of the clean technology industry.Samsung is a global leader in the Semiconductor area which it is trying to reinforce by huge capital expenditure.Samsung has strong expertise in the areas of LCD and Memory manufacturing and technology, which it can easily leverage to develop Solar Thin Film technology.However,Samsung is focusing its efforts on high efficiency Crystalline Solar Technology.It recently announced a big investment commitment to Ontario in offshore wind and solar manufacturing and generation.The company wants to rival conglomerates like GE and Siemens which already have a large presence in wind,solar and smart grid technologies
July 5, 2011

Nifty Future Tips – Fastest Way to Lose Money by Falling into Nifty Intraday Tips,Nifty Option Tips Trap

There are a lot of books,pundits and websites that are starting to guarantee amazing returns by giving you nifty future tips.These scamsters and fraudsters have only one game plan which is not to make you money but to take your hard earned money.Note there is nobody who will give you nifty future tips that will make you money.Simple reason is that if these jokesters knew a way to make money,they would be making it themselves rather than wasting time and effort giving you tips.Have you ever heard of a successful person in a field giving you sureshot tips in generating easy wealth.Then why should these websites give you tips for paltry sums.These websites have a very simple business model which is to lure common people to their scams by paying money for a month or a year then giving them useless shit which will lose you more money.
July 5, 2011

Solar Panels NZ Buying Guide – List of Brands,Solar Installers,Suppliers,Prices,Types

Solar Power is rapidly increasing around the globe driven by falling prices of solar energy and increasing costs of electricity generated from coal,oil and gas.Besides governments are supporting renewable energy as it leads to increased energy security,less pollution and helps in reducing global warming.Solar Panels Costs have fallen rapidly in recent years falling to as low as $1/watt from $4/watt in 2008.This is due to increasing scale of manufacturing by Chinese producers of solar panels,improved technology and efficiency.While Solar Panel Installations have profilerated in Europe and even in Australia driven by state government rebates,they have not really taken off in New Zealand. The reason is that the prices of solar panels are still higher here because the market is so small that volumes have not decreased the price yet.Major solar panel manufactures also don't have distribution in New Zealand which means that only high cost solar panels are only available from companies like Mitsubishi and BP Solar which are niche players in the global arena.In fact BP Solar has stopped manufacturing solar panels and outsources the production to Asian companies.
July 5, 2011

Natural Gas and LNG Supply and Demand in India – List of Companies and Gas Market Review

Natural gas is rightly termed as the Fuel of the 21st Century, has emerged as the most preferred fuel due to its efficiency and cost effectiveness. The demand of natural gas has sharply increased in the last two decades at the global level. The production of natural gas is around 87 million standard cubic meters per day. The main producers of natural gas are Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC), Oil India Limited (OIL) and JVs of Tapti, Panna-Mukta and Ravva. Even private parties from some fields produce gas under Production Sharing Contracts. Government has also offered blocks under New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) to private and public sector companies with the right to market gas at market determined prices. In India most of the production of gas comes from the Western offshore area. The on-shore fields in Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat States are other major producers of gas. Smaller quantities of gas are also produced in Tripura, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan States. OIL operates in Assam and Rajasthan States, whereas ONGC is operating in the Western offshore fields and in other states. Prior to 1987, gas prices were fixed by ONGC/OIL. since 1987, the price is being fixed by Government. The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has been regulating the allocation and pricing of gas produced by ONGC and OIL by issuing administrative orders from time to time. The gas produced by the JVs and by NELP operators is governed by the respective production sharing contracts between the Government and the producers. Under the existing policy, 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed for both LNG projects and natural gas pipeline projects.
July 5, 2011

DIY Solar Panels Truth – Scam or Money Saving

The Internet is full of websites that advertize and give you steps on how to make solar panels.In fact DIY (Do it Yourself) Solar Panels has become almost a regular industry in training common people to make solar panels at their homes.The reason given is that building solar panels at your home is much cheaper than buying solar panels from wholesalers.There are numerous books as well that you can buy on amazon that have diy solar panels.These books have nothing but a manual on how to solder solar cells together to make a solar panel.You can pretty much get this for free from any of the credible solar websites.However DIY Solar Panels throws up tons of books and website advertizements that seemingly would make you into a wizard solar panel maker.The truth is far from what these charlatans say.Solar Cell and Solar Panel prices have fallen drastically in the last few years.In fact you can buy very good solar panels from China and other places.In fact you can buy very good quality Japanese solar panels from Sharp or Sanyo at $600 for a 200 watt solar panel.
July 5, 2011

Solar Panels Ontario Canada Guide on Cost,Sale,Manufacturers and Rebate (Microfit)

Solar Panels Demand has exploded in Ontario Canada boosted the the provincial government MicroFit program which gives a generous feed in tariff (higher electricity price) for the solar power generated from silicon solar panels fitted to your home or office.The Feed-in-Tariff depends on the size of the solar installation and is guaranteed for 20 years at a fixed price.This implies that you not only save on power bills but also get a much higher electricity price for the solar energy electricity that you are generating.This has led to a veritable boom in solar panels sale in Ontario and made it the fastest growing solar energy region in the whole of North America.However solar panels cannot be bought from anybody to qualify you for a government rebate.Only Solar Panels which meet the domestic production criteria can get solar rebates from the government.
July 5, 2011

Sanyo Solar Review – PV HIT Module Sale Prices,Efficiency and Comparison

Sanyo Solar is one the biggest Japanese solar companies along with Sharp,Kyocera and Mitsubishi.After Panasonic bought Sanyo,the emphasis on the renewable energy green division has been increased by Panasonic..Sanyo had been already been metamorphizing into a Green company from an Electronics company before Panasonic bought it for a very cheap price.Sanyo had never found much success in the cut-throat Electronics Sector with Operating Margins very near to break-even.However under Panasonic it could become a potential leader in the extremely fast growing Green Sectors.Panasonic has completely changed its strategy to become a major Green Player targeting a Major Percentage of Sales in the future to come from Green Products.Panasonic which is the world’s biggest Plasma TV producer is going to spend $1 Billion on Green Building investments.Panasonic will combine its Green Strengths with Sanyo’s to sell a complete Eco-Friendly Home complete with Solar Power,LED Lighting and Energy Storage and Efficiency capabilities.In Solar where Panasonic is the No. 3 player in Japan behind Sharp and Kyocera ,it is speeding up the expansion of solar capacity.It will spend more than $500 million aiming to triple its energy solutions business in Europe to 800 Million Euros by 2016.
July 5, 2011

1366 Technologies – Will More US Government Millions go Down the Drain aka Evergreen,Solyndra ?

1366 Technologies has got a $150 million DOE Loan Guarantee as the startup looks to raise $300 million to fund its solar wafer producing factory.Note the company is using an innovative technology which it says will be game changer in reducing the costs for making solar wafers.Note Solar Wafer Companies in China have managed to raise scale and reduce costs substantially in recent years winning marketshare from European companies like REC and Solarworld.The smaller companies like PV Crystalox are in deep trouble because of their high cost of operations and are trading at a fractional of their book value.Its a tough environment for solar companies especially if they are starting out as established solar panel companies like Evergreen Solar are facing potential bankruptcy.Evergreen Solar got millions of dollars in grants and loans from Massachusetts however the company has been forced to shut down its factory.Like 1366 Technologies Evergreen too uses a unique technology "String Ribbon" to producer solar wafers .However it has not been able to scale and reduce costs compared to the mainstream silicon solar wafer producers like LDK and GCL.
July 5, 2011

Income Tax Slab Rates in India – Calculation Steps for Women,Senior Citizens,HUF,Individuals

The Indian Income tax Act prescribes different tax slabs for Senior citizens, Women & Individuals including AOP (Association of Person), BOI (Body of Individuals) & HUF (Hindu Undivided Family). To calculate the total income tax liability, one needs to follow the below mentioned process: * Calculate your gross total income. This includes gross income from the five sources of income - Income from Salary, Business/ Profession, Capital Gains, House Property & Income from other sources. * Calculate the net deductions for example donations, investments and savings such as provident fund subscriptions, Life Insurance Premiums etc. * The net taxable income is gross total income less net deductions. * Then the appropriate income tax rate is applied to calculate the total tax liability. * Education Cess of 3% is applied on the tax payable to arrive at the total tax payable. Relief under various sections would be applied on this total tax.
July 5, 2011

How to Save Electricity and Reduce Home Power Bills in India (Simple Ways for Lighting,Home Appliances and Entertainment)

India suffers from a massive electricity deficit with large swathes of the country undergoing power blackouts of as long as 8-10 hours on a regular basis.The problem becomes even more acute in the summer season when air conditioners are being used in an increasing number of homes and offices.The industry too is using more and more amounts of electricity as the Indian economic growth rate has exceeded at 8% in the last few years.The electricity situation has not improved and looks like it will become more miserable.The sorry state of affairs is that the cost of fuel is rising but the electricity regulators are loath to increase prices.This means that Indian electric utilities will supply low power as they will be reluctant to buy higher cost electricity.According to CEA,India had a peak demand of around 116 MW in Apri-Dec 2009 with 101 GW of Supply resulting in a 12.5% Demand Deficit.The Fast Growing Economy has resulted in even higher demand for power which has not been met by increased demand.
July 5, 2011

Is Solar Energy Renewable – Differences with Nonrenewable Sources

By definition it goes that Solar Energy is renewable. The sun rises every morning & sets every evening. It has continued like this since last billions of years & will continue for more billions of years. Hence there is an unlimited supply of sunlight. Unlike coal & oil which is fast depleting, there is an abundance of sunlight. Hence the prices of these products are getting dearer, whereas the solar energy will definitely be very reasonable in the near future. The day is not far off when all our homes & offices will be lit by this solar energy & that too for almost free. Strictly speaking nothing in this universe is renewable but if the time-line of the energy source is sufficiently long for example in the case of the sun which will be billions of years then it is renewable.Solar Energy is definitely more renewable than Hydro or Geothermal sources of energy .
July 5, 2011

Solar Power Credit Scheme Australia Guide – Understanding Solar Energy Multipliers,STC,SGU and REC

State governments in Australia have been at the forefront of giving rebates and subsidies to promote solar energy in the country.This has resulted in a large boom of solar installations among residents in the country who are taking advantage of the generous subsidies.Though recently a number of provinces like New South Vales and Victoria have stopped the solar rebates , the falling cost of solar panels in Australia has still made it attractive enough for people to put up solar panels.Now the rebates for solar energy is federal in nature where you can receive a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) or Solar Credit for the solar energy generated from solar panels
July 5, 2011

Indian Court objects to Retail Banking Licence for Black Money Facilitator UBS

India's Supreme Court took over the investigation of vast amoutnof black money stashed in foreign money accounts from the compromised government.The ruling Congress party has proven to be remarkably reluctant to take action against corruption and black money despite huge pressure from the civil society and the judiciary.The government itself has ministers who are highly corrupt with a telecom minister in jail and the textile minister who may be on the way as well.Other ministers like the Agricultural Minister Pawar has repeatedly surfaced in numerous scams rocking the country.The Supreme Court has also taken the government to task for granting a retail banking license to the Swiss giant bank UBS.Note UBS had not been given a license as it was under suspicion for facilitating the movement of ill gotten money into Swiss bank accounts
July 5, 2011

List of Air Conditioning Companies in India with Price Review – Japanese Entering the Premium AC Segment

Air conditioning has almost become a necessity in India, owing to the hot and humid weather conditions in India. Almost all the electronic and home appliance companies now are manufacturing and marketing ACs. Gone are the days of the primitive & huge window ACs in India, the modern day ACs come in a wide range from split to cassette, packaged unit to slimpak etc. There are also internet enabled & sensory ACs. Prices of Air Conditioners In India the lowest priced ACs can be had at Rs 12000-13000 which are of a 1 ton size and can be bought from good brands like Samsung and LG.The price range can go upto Rs 30-35000 for better Japanese brands which have higher energy efficiency and premium features.This is the general price range for ACs in India though you some companies like Sharp,General sell even higher priced ACs touting their better quality.But India being a highly price sensitive market lower priced ACs sell more.Earlier Spilt ACs used to be priced much higher but with companies lowering the prics to the Rs 18-20000 range,split ACs have been selling more increasing their marketshare in India.
July 5, 2011

Chemicals,Textile Companies enter Solar Renewable Energy in India (Kanoria,Oswal Woolen Mills)

Renewable Energy is a sunshine industry in India right now and a number of non traditional players are getting into the clean energy industry right now.Companies with surplus cash or lack of growth opportunities are turning to solar energy generation to fuel growth.The JNNSM first phase saw a large number of companies bidding and some unknown players winning the auction.While a large number of these solar companies will never their projects see the light of the day (pun intended),some will survive and thrive.More companies are getting into the solar power busness attracted by the long term potential of solar energy in the country.Kanoria Chemicals which recently sold off a large chunk of its chemical business is sitting on a huge pile of cash.The company has decided to get into renewable energy generation by setting up a 2-3 MW solar plant.Note Kanoria Chemicals has little to any relation between its core operations and solar energy.
July 5, 2011

Why Sharp is being forced to abandon its Japanese Solar Factories

Sharp which was the biggest solar company in 2010 in terms of revenues is being finally forced to move its production away from Japan to low cost countries in Asia.Note the relentless cut in prices of solar panels by Chinese solar panel companies has made life impossible for high cost panel companies in Europe and Japan.While US Companies like Sunpower and First Solar always had the majority of their production in low cost locales like Malaysia and Philipines,European solar firms had also started shifting their production overseas with Q-Cells moving to Malaysia and REC to Singapore.The current glut in solar panels has let to massive bloodletting in the solar industry with some established companies like Evergreen,ENER on the verge of bankruptcy.The sharp cost improvements and increased supply of crystalline silicon solar panels is set about to bring radical changes in the solar industry after a massive boom in 2010.The Second Wave of Thin Film Technology Bankruptcies has already started and we can expect more of that soon.Most of the production bases in Europe should be shuttered as well as costs have become higher than the selling prices.PV Crystalox and REC are already in a lot of trouble,cutting production and forecasting losses in the second half of 2011.
July 5, 2011

Nuclear Power Plants Pros and Cons – Europe Decides Cons too Disastorous

Nuclear Power Plants around the globe are being closed at a furious rate particularly in Europe.The Fukushima Disaster has caused a nuclear winter in the nuclear power plant industry.Even Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Leaders like Toshiba are changing their strategy to concentrate on Renewable Energy.Even new Nuclear Power Plants being built in India and China are facing massive opposition.New Nuclear Power Plants being built at Jaitapur and Tamil Nadu have met massive organized protests by local citizens throwing the future of nuclear power plants in jeopary.The Communist Government in China too is going slow on the biggest rollout of nuclear power plants in the world.High Cost Escalation and long project delays had already made building new Nuclear Power Plants in the Developed World almost impossible.Japan and Germany which are two of the largest nuclear countries have decided to shut down all nuclear power plants.Switzerland and Belgium too have decided to kill the nuclear power industry in their countries.In this light it becomes very important to examine the pros and cons of nuclear power plants.A cost benefit analysis of nuclear energy is crucial as new plants cost billions of dollars and can cause massive costs if things go wrong as was the case with Chernobyl and Three Mile Island Disasters in the 1980s.
July 5, 2011

Paint Companies/Manufacturers(Asian,Nerolac,Berger) in India List – Double Digit Secular Growth makes for High Valuation

In early days, painting your home would mean buying paint and putting it on the walls without worrying about anything else but in today's world, Painting would just not mean simply coloring your house. It comes with a long list of added functionality, which makes it even more better. The modern day paints have additional functions like - Being Very durable, Glow finish, Covering hairline cracks, Fighting fungus, Giving a rich sheen, Dirt Resistance, keeps your home u cool, repelling water, water proof, extra tough, glossy finish for metals & many more.
July 5, 2011

Edible Oil Manufacturers in India – Growing Market attracts MNCs (Cargill,ConAgra) to the Mustard,SoyaOil Industry

The Indian vegetable oil economy is the fourth largest in the world after US, China & Brazil. Since 1995, India's share has been 10% of the world production of oilseeds. A wide range of oilseeds crops grow in India. Groundnut, soyabean & mustard together contribute 85% of India's oilseeds production, as per a report by Indian law office. Mustard oil is the third largest edible oil produced in the world after Soy oil and Palm oil. At a production level of 13-14 million tons, it accounts for about 12% of the total World's edible oil production.The Indian market in volume and revenue terms is quite large and has seen increasing investment from foreign players.However the margins in this industry are quite low which implies that the profitability is much lower in the Edible Oil Market in India.There are also large regional players which have strengths in their domestic turf.The Edible Oil Sector has seen a number of M&A deals in recent times as well.KS Oils which is a large player back by some of the top name PE has been in trouble in recent times due to its large debt.