
September 5, 2010

The Global Financial Epicentre is Shifting from the Western World to Asia

.Europe and UK remain in equally difficult conditions suffering to some extent from the debt induced overhang.Hong Kong and the rest of Asia in comparison have escaped relatively unscathed and countries in the region have resumed their strong growth trajectory.Its not a wonder then that global talent is looking at Asia for newer growth opportunities.Non-Resident Indians are migrating back to their homeland in record numbers to take advantage of the booming economy.Its the same in case of other Asian centres like Singapore,Hong Kong and Shanghai.Asian companies are now raising money from capital markets in HK rather than NY.
September 5, 2010

EU and Japan worried about Chinese Discrimination against their Domestic Companies

Now Japan has warned China that it will lose FDI if it continues to use such policies against foreign companies.Recent labor unrest in Honda and Toyota factories have become a sticking point for the Japanese.Opaque and confusing rules,export controls over rare earth minerals and heavily biased judiciary have made life quite difficult for the foreign companies.The European Union on the other hand has complained of the lack of access to the Chinese market.Rules meant to deter foreign investment has made EU companies look elsewhere.
September 5, 2010

Cisco goes all out to win the Smart Grid Market through Alliance with No.1 Smart Meter Maker Itron and Alta Rock Acquisition

.Cisco has said that the Smart Grid Opportunity will be 100-1000 times bigger than the Internet as the Electricity Infrastructure of the world is modernized.Pike Research estimates expenditure on Smart Grid to become $200 Billion by 2015 from $20 Billion at Present.Already large sums of money from the ARRA Stimulus are going to be spend by US Utilities on Smart Grid Projects.There are a host of Software and Hardware Companies in the Race for the Smart Grid Pie.IBM,Google,Microsoft,Honeywell,GE,SAP,Oracle every big company wants a piece of this Multi Billion Dollar Pie.However Cisco is the one putting serious money and effort into its Smart Grid Initiative.
September 5, 2010

India and China suffer from Crippling Traffic Jams as Road Infrastructure fails to keep up with Exponential Car Growth

Indian Cities are in general totally unorganized with drivers being scant attention to traffic rules.Space constraints make most cars park illegally as there are no garages.In India's Capital Delhi,it is a common sight to see fight between neighbours for parking spaces.Some of these fights have even led to murders and jail terms.Road Rage has become common malaise as nobody follows traffic rules and jams stretch on for hours.Indian cities are seeing a huge influx of cars on a daily basis with little expansion in road infrastructure.Sick people are known to have died in traffic jams as ambulances can't navigate the serpentine jams.
September 5, 2010

India to make Environmental Protection an Integral Part of the new Shale Gas Policy

Shale Gas Extraction has seen doubts being raised against its Environmental Safety Record.This new form of Fossil Fuel Extraction has seen a Gold Rush from Global Oil and Gas Majors looking to tap into this major new Energy Form.In the initial helter and skelter,environmental norms have been bypassed.Recently a NGO blamed regulators and companies of illegally diverting millions of tons of water in Pennsylvania.India's Biggest Private Company Relaince Industries has invested a huge amount in acquiring Shale Gas Assets in order to assimilate this Technology. The Indian government is writing a new Shale Gas Policy as India is said to have geographical formations with potential Shale Gas Deposits.
September 5, 2010

India looks to extend Cruise Missile Lead through Development of Mach 5 Brahmos Missile

India and Russia have jointly developed the Brahmos Cruise Missile which is said to be one of the most advanced Cruise Missiles in the World.This Cruise Missile is also the Fastest in the world with a speed of 3000 km/hr or around 2.6 times the speed of sound and can be launched from multiple air,sea and land platforms.India's Traditional Adversaries Pakistan and China are one generation behind in the Cruise Missile Technology Race.While Pakistan's lone Cruise Missile Babur is based on the outdated Tomahawk Missiles,China's Cruise Missiles also don't match upto Brahmos in speed and sophitication.
September 5, 2010

India's Tata Power looks to become a Geothermal Energy Leader,Targets 25% from Renewable Sources by 2017

ndia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with fundamentals indicating that this rapid growth will continue for the next 10-20 years as well.However Green Investing in India is fraught with risk since major Green Energy Companies like Suzlon and Moser Baer have proven to be abject failures till now.A Good Way to do make Green Investments into India is through Renewable Energy Focused Utilities.Tata Power which is one of India's largest utilities is looking to focus on Green Energy as well.The company has 16% of its power supplied from Renewable Energy Sources and is looking to increase it to 25% by 2017.
September 5, 2010

Food Riots Break out in Africa while Food Inflation Soars in Asia

The recent weather catastrophe in different parts of the world has pushed up the food prices.The Russian Wheat Export Ban imposed earlier had exacerbated the situation […]
September 5, 2010

Green Investing Weekly – Top Reads from the Web

Renewable Energy Tata, Origin and Supraco jointly win geothermal contract – Recharge News Iberdrola Wins 258 MW Contract for 9 Brazilian Wind Farms – RenewableEnergyWorld JDSU […]
September 1, 2010

Coal India Limited (CIL) IPO – In Depth Analysis of India's Largest IPO shows it to be a Safe Investment at Cheap Valuation

Coal India Limited (CIL) would be a safe stock to invest in if it priced in the indicated manner that is a $33 Billion Market Capitalization.This stock won't be a multi bagger but would offer decent price appreciation with almost no downside risks.At trailing P/E of 15x and 3 year average trailing P/E of 20x,the company is not expensive given its competitive strengths.Its dividend yield would be around 1.5% with growth of around ~10-12%.However if you exclude $8.5 Billion in Cash,then the stock seems cheap at around trailing P/E of 11x.It has a P/B of 6x and P/S of around 3x.With its ASP being at a 65% Discount to the International Price,the Company has a huge moat around its business model and I would recommend it as a Buy.
September 1, 2010

Sino-Indian Relations show Signs of New Strains with Increasing Chinese Provocations

China regards India warily and think it a threat to Chinese domination over Asia.India has responded meekly in the past but recent provocations have made India retaliate back.Chinese Navy presence in the Indian Ocean by building ports in Pakistan and Burma have further queered the pitch.China is also deploying advanced missiles at the Tibet Border while border violations are also rising.India's Cabinet is regarding this with increasing concern with a meeting called to assess the situation arising from Chinese troops in POK.An investment in India's Defense Industry makes good sense in such an environment
September 1, 2010

Empire Building through Unrelated Expensive Acquisitions make Reliance Industries Stock Underperform

Reliance Industries is known to have one of the smartest management teams in the country.The Reliance Group led by Mukesh Ambani is well connected with proven record in executing huge projects in the Oil and Gas Arena.However outside of their core competence,the Group has suffered.Its Retail Entry has not been much of a success despite big bucks being poured in the last 3-4 years.It entry into marketing of oil based fuels has also meandered without going anywhere.Now the Reliance Group has announced an entry into the Hotels Sector by acquiring a 14% stake in East India Hotels at a significant premium over the market price from the promoter Group.This ~$220 million investment is totally unrelated to Reliance's activities and make no strategic sense.
September 1, 2010

After CSI,California shows Green Leadership again with an innovative Feed in Tariff-Reverse Auction Subsidy Scheme

This Program will try to avoid the disadvantages of Feed in Tariff Schemes as it will introduce a Market Based Element into the Tariffs.However this project is still at a preliminary stage and will need a lot of fine tuning.Note similar scheme have been implemented in China and India as well.The Chinese 280 MW of Projects have seen cuthroat competition with loss making bids by State Owned Utilities.It remains to be seen whether California can make a success of this RAM Program where China has failed.Even India has reported a huge response for the JNNSM First Phase of PV Projects.The Success of this California program will be crucial as it might serve as a template for future programs by other states and the Federal Government.
September 1, 2010

Exelon takes Advantage of 2010 Wind Energy Downturn to Acquire Deere Wind Assets on the Cheap

Wind Energy in the USA has hit an Air Pocket in 2010 with Low Prices for Gas and lack of a Federal Push for Green Energy.The end of 30% Cash Grants for Wind Investments by 2010 end may lead to a worse 2011,if the incentives are not extended by the Congress.Note Wind Energy is the cheapest form of Green Energy with prices of 8-10c/KwH and the second most prevalent form of Renewable Energy after Hydro Power.China has become the largest installer of Wind Energy in 2009 with 13 GW showing a 100% CAGR over the last 2-3 years.
August 31, 2010

Is Polysilicon and Wafer Supply Tightness the Reason for New Long Term Contracts being Signed by Downstream Solar Producers

Polysilicon used to be Big in the Supply Constrained Days of 2007 and 2008.This commodity which is generally producers for $30/kg used to be sold at $400/kg by Polysilicon Producers as the Exponential Demand Growth in the Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Industry pushed the prices to astronomical levels.With Polysilicon being the only constraining link in the Supply Chain,Downstream Solar Companies with access to Cheap Polysilicon Contracts used to be the Kings of the Industry.Polysilicon Producers like MEMC,Wacker etc. managed to sign many sweetheart deals on those days with 10-15% prepayments and other favorable conditions loaded in the favor of the upstream suppliers.
August 31, 2010

Giant Chinese State Owned Utilities expectedly Win most of Solar Projects with Loss Making Bids

Don't know how these projects will further the cause of Solar Energy in China as they don't help in formulating realistic Feed in Tariff Rates for the Government's New Energy Administration (NEA).China has long been delaying the introduction of a Feed in Tariff (FIT) for Solar Energy.Note many major countries in the world except for China and the USA have Feed in Tariff Programs to promote Solar Energy.In fact 75% of the world's solar energy installations are dependent on the FIT subsidies.
August 31, 2010

Green Industry in India – Solar Energy runs into Debt Hurdle even as Government plans Smart Meter Rollout

.Most of the State Electricity Distributors are in poor financial shape and have been known to frequently default on their financial obligations.With almost 70-75% of the estimated $2.2 Billion in the first phase of the PV projects to be financed by debt,this represents a big hurdle for the success of Solar Energy.The government needs to come out with some sort of arrangement of guarantees for the smooth functioning of the Solar Mission and instill confidence amongst investors and Banks.
August 31, 2010

Japan joins EU and USA in raising concerns over Chinese Muscle Flexing of its Monopoly on Rare Earth Minerals

Japan is the latest country to raise concerns over the Chinese Monopoly over Rare Earth Minerals.These 17 Minerals are essential for High Technology and Green Industries of the Future and China has a control over 97% of the global deposits of these minerals.The EU had recently warned over the adverse effect over the shortage of these rare minerals while USA is contemplating taking China to the WTO over the same matter.China has defended its action saying that mining of these minerals leads to environmental degradation has reduced the export quota drastically by 72% in the 2nd half of 2010 compared to the First Half.Japanese automakers like Honda,Toyota and Nissan have big plans in the Green Vehicle Sector which uses big amounts of these minerals imported from the mainland.However China's cracking down over illegal exports and tightening control over these rare minerals has sent down tremors in Japan.
August 27, 2010

China raises Environmental and Labour Concerns in another African Country even as it pushes Green Investments

China is making massive investments into Africa exploiting the virgin natural resources of the Dark Continent for its voracious industries at home.Unlike the Developed Nations,the Chinese government has no qualms about the country's rulers or human rights violations.Not surprisingly as it has been accused by activists of violating labor and environment rights in areas where it has invested.Most of the African countries have despotic and corrupt regimes looking to sell the continents rich resources to anyone willing to pay them.They have found a compliant partner in China which gives them a red carpet treatment.Mozambique is the latest country to sign a MOU which would lead to Chinese largesse.
August 27, 2010

India's New Direct Tax Code Analysis – Nothing New about It

The Indian Government Cabinet today gave approval to a new Direct Tax Code which is supposed to fundamentally change the Tax Structure in the country.This Code […]
August 27, 2010

Greater Fool Games continue in the Indian Stock Market as another small cap IPO gets Pumped

There is no good way of shorting Prakash Steelage stock otherwise it seems a sure shot money making opportunity.What is funny is that mainstream media websites have described the stock glowingly as a multibagger.More reason than ever to strictly avoid mainstream financial media.These IPOs have become a fertile gambling ground with the dice loaded in favor of the promoters and connected market operators.Retail investors get sucked in not realizing its a "Greater Fool" Game with the whole purpose of making them the Greatest Fools.
August 27, 2010

New Czech Renewable Energy Policy to Bust the Solar Boom with a 50% Subsidy Cut

Czech Republic came out with a Renewable Energy Framework which will finish off the Solar Sector in the country if passed in the current form.Czech despite […]
August 25, 2010

New South Wales Generous Solar Bonus Scheme reaching the 50 MW Limit Prematurely Unsurprisingly Surprises the Australian Bureaucrats

Countries around the world have always managed to shoot themselves on the foot while designing and implementing Feed in Tariff Schemes.Spain did it in 2008 resulting in a Boom and Bust Cycle,Czech is going through the Boom Phase currently while UK seems to be in the starting stage of the Boom.A Bust inevitably follows the Boom,as Bureaucrats never manage to prepare a good incentive scheme to promote Green Energy.It always surprises me how a developed nation government regularly manages to botch up these schemes.
August 25, 2010

Spanish CSP Leader Abengoa thinks Solar Thermal Technology won't reach Grid Parity till 2020

Although the global financial crisis has pushed governments to sharply cut aid to the renewable sector, it has had little effect on costs in the solar mirror power sector compared with the photovoltaic (PV) sector, which uses solar panels to generate power. "We've see some reduction in prices, but nothing like in the PV sector. Costs per megawatt are between 4 and 5 million but they can reach up to six depending on the kind of power storage system you use," Seage said. Sector analysts put the average cost of CSP per megawatt at about 5 million euros before the global financial crisis, about six times more than for conventional gas-fired power generation. The high cost of CSP makes it unlikely to be competitive with conventional energy until the next decade, and that also depends on reasonable charges for carbon dioxide emissions. "We see CSP power becoming competitive between 2020 and 2030, depending on a country's levels of radiation," Seage said.
August 25, 2010

China and Tokyo Implement CityWide Cap and Trade Schemes after Copenhagen Failure

Global hopes of an agreement on Carbon Emissions to stop the advance of Global Warming has been put in the Cold Storage.With little consensus and declining […]
August 25, 2010

Climate Change Advocate Norway subsidizes Fossil Fuels Five times more than Renewable Energy

Norway has been hailed as the toughest cutter of Greenhouse Gas Emissions amongst the devloped countries promising to cut Carbon Emissions by  30-40% by 2020 from […]
August 25, 2010

Why are Korean Shipbuilders Hyundai,Samsung and Daewoo making Wind Turbines?

Korean Shipbuilders are facing the twin problems of increased competition from Chinese companies as well as a global glut in Ship Supply.They are looking to diversify away from the ship building industry into newer faster areas of growth.Wind Energy has been growing at above 20% CAGR over the last several years and makes a good area to invest in.Daewoo Shipping has bought a small firm in the USA DeWind to acquire Wind Turbine Technology while Hyundai has already made plans to open Wind Farms.With same skills required in Offshore Wind Farms and Shipbuilding,Daewoo Shipping has set a target of $800 million from Wind Energy by
August 25, 2010

Why is Japanese Technology Giant Toshiba entering the Solar EPC business?

Note the Solar EPC business typically is a low margin business like the general Enginereering Procurement and Contract (EPC) Sector.A number of Solar Companies like Q-Cells,MEMC,Sunpower and First Solar in recent times have entered this segment to generate a captive demand for their solar products.Nobody derives significant profits from this part of the supply chain due to its lower margin structure.With low barriers of entry and little bargaining power,this part of the Solar Food Chain is the last place you would expect a high technology company like Toshiba to enter.The Nikkei report says that Toshiba wants to enter the Smart Grid business by leveraging its experiece of the Solar EPC business.
August 25, 2010

Will Repeated Solar Feed in Tariff Changes by France Drive Away Investors

Even Germany has imposed yearly changes on FIT , still it has managed to become the solar capital of the world.2010 was an exception due to a mid year change,still Germany is going to install more solar capacity in 1 month than US's entire historical installed capacity.This is due to a well laid out policy which instills confidence in investors.The French Government's FIT cut has good reasons since ground mounted plants have lesser costs and most European countries like Spain are trying to boost residential solar installations.However rapid fire changes are not the answer to a well thought of careful FIT policy.
August 24, 2010

Trony Solar plans an IPO listing in HongKong after getting rebuffed in New York

Note HK listed Chinese solar firms like GCL and Comtec solar have performed much better than their NY listed Chinese peers.The HK market has also outperformed the US markets which are presently suffering from Double Dip Scares.If Trony manages to list successfully in Hong Kong it will give an impetus for other Chinese Green Companies like Daqo and others to list in HK as well.With continued apathy towards Chinese solar stocks,it is not inconceivable that you might see NY listed firms apply for a dual listing in HK as well.