
July 18, 2010

Chinese Solar,Wind and Smart Grid companies face Fierce Price Wars in Domestic Market

Chinese Green Companies are being forced to look at overseas market for Profits as their Domestic Market is being ravaged by fierce price wars.Wind,Solar and even […]
July 18, 2010

The world's most powerful country has only Insensitivity and Callousness to give to its weakest citizens

USA is unarguably the world’s richest and most powerful country after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1980s.The country  is the only superpower left […]
July 18, 2010

7 Reasons Why Food Prices are Increasing in India

Food Prices have become one of the most important topics in India over the last 2 years.A Deficient Monsoon season in 2009 was the primary cause […]
July 17, 2010

India's Rural Employment Guarantee scheme leads to greater Bargaining Power for Rural Laborers

India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme or MGNREGA as it is popularly known is leading to labor shortages around the country.The NREGA scheme which […]
July 17, 2010

India's Unloved Real Estate Sector tries to make a comeback through the IPO Market yet again

Indian Real Estate Sector yet to Recover from the Lehman Crisis The Indian Real Estate Sector is one of the most interesting sectors in India with […]
July 17, 2010

Midfield Industries IPO Review – Another overpriced small cap Indian Initial Public Offering

Indian market has seen a raft of junk offerings in the IPO market over the last few months.Many of these issues have failed to get subscribed […]
July 17, 2010

Green Investing in India – Favorable government policies make Gujarat a top Renewable Energy destination

India’s Western state of Gujarat is one of the most developed regions in the country and has shown tremendous economic growth over the past decade.The state […]
July 17, 2010

India's Justice System to expedite Environmental Cases through Green Benches

India is facing a growing backlog of environmental cases with rapid industrialization leading to disputes with traditional stakeholders.Land acquisition has become a huge problem with industries […]
July 17, 2010

ABB and India's largest insurer LIC lock horns over Indian subsidiary valuation

ABB recently came up with an open offer to increase its stake in the Indian subsidiary from 52% to 75% offering Rs 900/share which was a […]
July 17, 2010

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries looks to overseas Wind Markets for Growth

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , the massive Japanese Conglomerate is looking to overseas market for growing its Wind Energy Division.Mitsubishi like other Japanese companies are looking towards […]
July 17, 2010

What US and Bangladesh have in common – Unemployment and Low Wages

The Global Financial Crisis is truly global in its character of inflicting misery and impoverishment amongst workers.Bangladesh and US which are two highly disparate countries in […]
July 17, 2010

Australia's falling Renewable Energy Certificate prices delays Wind Energy Projects

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) are one of the popular subsidy measures used by government around the world to promote Green Energy.However the market pricing of these […]
July 16, 2010

Green Energy becomes Bigger than Fossil Fuel Energy in Europe and USA during 2009

Green Energy has increasingly become mainstream rather than a niche category supported by some environmental activists and hippies.This is proved by the fact that almost half […]
July 16, 2010

Massive Coal Plant in Andhra Pradesh,India faces cancellation due to protests from farmers and fishermen

A huge 2640 MW coal plant has received a major jolt after its environment clearance was rejected by he National Environmental Appellate Authority (NEAA).This plant which […]
July 15, 2010

Spanish Banks and City Councils still in Dire Straits;Portugal Ratings also get cut by Moody's

The Spanish Financial sector is still in a precarious condition which is underscored by the record European Central Bank (ECB) borrowing . The indications of weaknesses […]
July 15, 2010

European Power Utilities look to Private Capital to Increase Renewable Energy generation

European Power Utilities are increasingly looking towards private capital in order to fund their renewable energy projects.The European Union has a target of generating 20% of […]
July 15, 2010

German success prompts Malaysia to plan a Feed in Tariff scheme in 2011

Germany’s EEG program instrumental in bringing Solar Energy  Close to Grid Parity Germany has been the poster child for Feed in Tariff success in promoting renewable […]
July 15, 2010

Exxon to invest a Minuscule amount in Algae based Biofuels

World’s biggest Oil company Exxon Mobil has opened a Greenhouse facility to grow and test algae which will be used for producing biofuels.Algae based Biofuels is […]
July 15, 2010

Billion Dollar Bailout Beneficiaries Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac block Renewable Energy PACE program to ostensibly "protect taxpayers"

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a cesspool of Corruption and Waste Fannie and Freddie Mae which would long have gone bankrupt after the Lehman crisis had […]
July 14, 2010

German Exporters make Hay from Euro weakness as Global Trade Imbalances grow even Bigger

.The almost 20% peak to trough fall has led to Germany's already strong exporting machine to generate even greater exports.While the rest of the European countries like Spain,Greece and Portugal don't really have the industry to benefit from Euro weakness,Germany has a massive industries to do so.
July 14, 2010

Nokia under Siege – Workers at Indian factory strike over low wages

Nokia is a company under siege from multiple forces.On the global stage,it is fasting losing brand value,marketshare and profits under competition from Technology Giants Google and […]
July 14, 2010

US Exim Bank criticized for providing credit finance to Mega Coal Power Plants in India and Africa

US Export Import Bank (Exim) is a government owned financial institution which helps support US trade through credit financing of exports/imports of US companies.The Bank is […]
July 14, 2010

General Electric gets aggressive in Green Energy through Ecomagination $10 Billion R&D Investment

General Electric or GE as it is popularly known is one of the biggest players in the Green Industry globally.It generated $18 billion in Ecomagination revenues […]
July 14, 2010

Industry causing Environmental Disasters in India and China – Chlorine Gas Leaks in Mumbai leads to 3 deaths and more than 60 falling ill

India and China are seeing rapid economic and industrial growth in excess of 8% GDP growth.While rapid growth is necessary to pull up the estimated 2.5 […]
July 14, 2010

Green Investing in South Korea – Hyundai plans to double solar capacity by 2011

LG and Samsung have already committed themselves to billion dollar investments into crystalline solar manufacturing.Not to be left behind South Korea’s Hyundai Industries which is known […]
July 13, 2010

Unrestricted Globalization of Capital Flows Consequence – Swiss Currency Strength leads to Impoverishment in Hungary

There has been reports of massive debt distress in Eastern European countries following the Global Financial Crisis.One of the major factors leading to this is the […]
July 13, 2010

Raju family swindled more than $500 million in the Satyam scandal however Ringleader continues to live in luxury

The Satyam scandal resulted in a loss  of around $3 billion besides doing irreparable harm to the reputation of India’s corporate sector.The ringleader behind the entire […]
July 13, 2010

Microsoft faces a taste of its own "Free" medicine from Android in Operating Systems

Now Android threatens Microsoft in other Technology Hardware like Tablets.Apple's iPad has made Tablets the hottest hardware category with every major PC company like Acer,Dell,HP planning new models.With Android being a huge consumer hit and free,these vendors will have little incentive to push Windows based Tablets in the Market.
July 13, 2010

Is the Jindal Rs 42000 crore Coal to Liquid project in Orissa wasteful just like the Tata-Sasol CTL plant?

Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL),one of India’s biggest private sector Steel companies is looking to build a Rs 42000 crore ( ~$10 billion) Coal to […]
July 13, 2010

China's protests over India's Blacklisting of Chinese Telecom Equipment companies seems hypocritical

Huawei and ZTE in the center of the storm Huawei and ZTE have been embroiled in a major controversy over India’s security concerns over using Chinese […]