The Indian automobile industry is one of the largest industries accounting for a substantial part of the domestic industrial base (almost 50%) and one of the […]
As India grapples with a rising trade deficit against China (more than $58 billion annually), the government has imposed import duties on a range of goods […]
Impact of Brexit on British Automobile Industry The British manufacturing industry has been facing challenging times of late due to the Brexit uncertainty which has made […]
Even before the election of Donald Trump, solar energy had witnessed a war between the USA and China with both countries having imposed anti-subsidy and anti-dumping […]
Global Tender Activity Solar energy is definitely here to stay! Solar energy led the overall global power sector with 216 tenders accounting for 73%, followed by thermal […]
The rise of green parties in Europe has had a hugely positive effect on the fight against climate change. Countries such as Germany, Austria, and others […]
The Indian government imposed safeguard duties as high as 25% on imports of solar cells and panels to protect its domestic industry which was getting bankrupted […]
Thin film technology in the early parts of the decade was looked upon as a competitor for crystalline silicon solar technology. However, the rapid scale-up and […]
BEE Energy Ratings For Solar Panels One of the few major Indian successes in the energy efficiency (EE) sector has been the energy star ratings started […]
India’s journey on the road to electric car adoption has so far been slow-paced. But given the hazardous levels of air pollution, especially in the urban […]
Softbank, the Japanese Telecom giant, made it big with its investment in Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce group. The bank started its story in India with investments in Indian […]
The future holds much value for natural gas as an alternative source of energy. Its beneficial role in countering carbon emissions is being viewed positively against […]
Homeowners haven’t always been the first to dive into the green revolution. Also, some changes aren’t necessarily green per se, but still, provide workarounds without requiring […]
Europe is seeing a strong resurgence in solar capacity additions as grid parity has made it economical to install solar energy as compared to other power sources. […]
Wind energy in India is languishing in a morbid state as existing awarded capacity as well as new tenders by state-owned aggregators like NTPC and SECI […]
Yet another story about solar benevolence! The renowned Badrinarayan temple in Surat switched to solar power and is utilizing the savings from electricity bill towards promoting […]
Lumos which is a Dutch company operating in the off-grid solar space in Nigeria plans to substantially scale up its presence in the Western African country. […]
Advantages of Electric Vehicles India’s largest automaker with more than 50% of car market share is skeptical of the early and fast growth of the Electric […]