Renewable energy capacity additions has been rapidly increasing in the last few years, turbo charged by the rapid growth in solar energy capacity. While wind power […]
We have at numerous times criticized the USA government for targeting India’s domestic content policy to promote solar manufacturing in the country, through a limited capacity […]
The Indian renewable energy sector faces unique and difficult challenges, as it tries to achieve a 175 GW capacity by 2022. This involves a rapid growth […]
Polysilicon prices set to rise We at Greenworldinvestor have become bullish on polysilicon companies because low prices have made major producers stall capacity growth, even as […]
We at Greenworldinvestor had sounded the end of the solar thermal technology almost 3 years ago, when we had said the technology was no longer competitive […]
Jharkhand high Solar Tariffs The two biggest risks in India’s utility solar market came to haunt India’s tribal state of Jharkand’s solar reverse auction for 1.2 […]
Solarworld might face bankruptcy Solarworld which has been the main instigator of protectionist policies by USA and Europe against the import of Chinese made solar products, […]
China’s Industrial Overcapacity The Chinese economy always had a huge problem of industrial overcapacity, due to the state directed policies and central planning. Artificial suppression of […]
Top Chinese Solar Companies Performance – 2015 As FY2015 comes to an end, and most of the solar companies have declared their full year results, let […]
Coal Tax in India While India has not given up its right to develop large new electricity power capacities using coal, the government is consistently increasing […]
New Chinese Development Bank for Solar The new Chinese development bank which has been set up as a competitor to Western dominated IMF and World Bank, […]
The Chinese have not only killed a once flourishing European solar industry through sheer economics of scale, cheap costs and government support, but have also bought […]
SunEdison is closing its polysilicon and solar wafer production facilities in USA as the company hunts for cash, since solvency fears have risen due to increasing […]
Overcapacity in China The Chinese government has been trying to reduce overinvestment and overcapacity in a wide range of industries such as steel, shipbuilding, wind turbines, […]
Chinese Solar Inverter industry set to grow China has managed to become the dominant manufacturer of solar wafers to panels in the world, with a market […]
India Solar Booming – 2016 We have been closely following the solar energy boom in India, with numerous grid sized tenders being floated by the government. […]
China Wind Installation 2015 China installed a gargantuan 30 GW of wind energy capacity in 2015, as it became the world’s largest wind energy producer. Europe […]
Integrated Solar Storage Tender India India has been issuing massive solar tenders left and right, with almost 10 GW of solar tenders issued by January 2016. […]
EDF’s Joint Venture in India French energy giant EDF has formed another billion dollar joint venture to invest in India’s burgeoning renewable energy sector. This JV […]