
February 16, 2016

Japanese solar companies continue to shrink in the global market for solar panels

The Fall of Japanese Solar companies Japanese solar companies such as Sharp, Mitsubishi, Kyocera and Panasonic used to rule the solar market in the last decade. […]
February 15, 2016

USA demand to skyrocket in 2016 as large solar projects achieve completion

USA Solar Market will boom in 2016 USA could become the biggest country in terms of solar demand in 2016 and may just edge out China, […]
February 12, 2016

Erstwhile hero of solar polysilicon industry turns to a zero due to China’s anti-dumping duty on USA

Hard Times for REC Silicon REC Silicon, which is a Norwegian company has turned an unlikely victim of a China USA trade war on solar products. […]
February 11, 2016

Stalled Indian thermal power and steel plants look to solar power for success

The Indian industry has seen solar power emerge as the fastest growing sunrise sector, with the government pushing through billions of dollars in tender this year. […]
February 10, 2016

China misses its 2015 target by 15%, but still remains the largest source of global demand

China largest Solar Hub China remains the world’s largest source of solar panel demand, despite missing its 2015 target of 17.8 GW by almost 15%. The […]
February 9, 2016

Why Indian solar manufacturing remains down in the dump (s)

 The state of solar manufacturing in India Indian solar manufacturing remains down in the dump, despite the DCR policy implemented by the government last year and […]
February 5, 2016

Is the world going to Nuts – Negative interest rates by a major central bank

Negative Interest Rates Negative interest rates sounds crazy and I would never even have thought about it, but now it has become a reality. When you […]
February 4, 2016

Why the first solar rooftop and off grid policy by an Indian state is flawed

Maharashtra Rooftop and off Grid Solar policy Maharashtra has become the first state in India to come out with a policy of targeting solar rooftop and […]
February 3, 2016

Why millions of workers continue to face a bleak future in India

Things are looking bleaker and bleaker for workers in two of the world’s largest nations India and China. Not only are rapid technological changes reducing the […]
February 2, 2016

India continues to see lower solar prices due to high competition and risky bids by companies

The Indian solar market continues to surprise observers with newer lower prices every day conducted in numerous reverse auction solar bids by state government, as well […]
February 1, 2016

Indian government tries to put the WTO Solar Panel favoritism case to rest

The Indian government is proposing a bilateral deal with USA in the domestic content requirements solar case that India had lost earlier. USA had brought a […]
January 31, 2016

Guide to buying Air Purifiers in India

Important points to consider before buying Air Purifier in India With rising levels of pollution and increasing threats to health from the diseases caused, people are […]
January 29, 2016

China to continue pushing for higher efficiency solar power plants to reform its industry

Higher Efficiency Solar Companies to survive in China China is the world’s largest solar market with more than 16 GW of solar installation in 2015. The […]
January 28, 2016

Professor’s Ignorance on Solar Power Economics in major Newspaper

I am amazed at the ignorance and lack of due diligence done by analysts and academics when they post articles on solar energy in major mainstream […]
January 27, 2016

Indian Wind Energy Sector buffeted by multiple threats

India wind energy will suffer The Indian wind energy sector which did spectacularly well in the first decade of this century, cannot catch a break in […]
January 26, 2016

Solar investments in India up by 80% in 2015 becoming largest renewable energy sector

Solar investments in India Solar energy has become the dominant renewable energy source in India in terms of investments, with $5.6 billion being invested in 2015, […]
January 25, 2016

Another eye popping decline in Indian solar tariffs to less than 6 cents/kwh sets cat amongst the pigeons

Indian Solar Tariffs on a declining spree The Indian solar tariffs discovered during recent reverse auctions have defied belief, and led to many industry analysts and […]
January 21, 2016

Suzlon finally gets its skin into the solar game, wins some projects in South India

Suzlon has been making a royal song and dance about getting into the solar industry in India. The company which is one of the world’s biggest […]
January 20, 2016

Indian state owned power financing companies PFC and REC to invest $16 billion of cash into green power plants – More of a necessity than a choice

The Indian power minister Piyush Goel has been trying to structurally reform India’s electricity sector by recently introducing the UDAY scheme, in which India’s Achilles heel […]
January 19, 2016

Another Indian company plans a big manufacturing facility in Andhra Pradesh however the proof of the pudding is in the eating

Solar Expansion plans in India Indian companies are aggressively expanding into the solar manufacturing space, as India is all set to become the 4th largest market […]
January 18, 2016

With a revival in solar demand and prices, will the South Korean panel makers become more aggressive

Solar Panel Industry – South Korea The South Korean conglomerates LG, Hyundai and Samsung, all entered the solar cell and panel manufacturing space during 2010-11 when […]
January 15, 2016

The Solar Industry brings heavy guns to bear after losing the regulatory battle to utilities in Nevada

The utility industry is locked in a life and death batter with the solar industry across USA, as the solar industry slowly and steadily erodes away […]
January 14, 2016

Embattled Yingli decides to build a 300 MW solar panel plant in Thailand

Yingli Solar Energy has been decimated by its massive debt burden, where most of its earnings are going to service the interest on its debt. The […]
January 13, 2016

The foolishness of Australia’s repeated anti-dumping investigations of Chinese solar panels

Australia imposing AD duties? Australia has once again restarted investigations into dumping of Chinese solar panels into the Australian solar market, due to a complaint received […]
January 12, 2016

Why is IEA making unreasonably optimistic projections for fossil fuels, given the sharp fall in renewable energy costs

Isn’t IEA’s Fossil Fuel projections too optimistic International Energy Agency (IEA) is the world’s premier source of global energy trends and forecasts. Its predictions and estimates […]
January 11, 2016

Indian regulator proposes drastic reduction in solar project prices – is it overreaching itself

My view on Solar project prices in India The Indian central electricity regulator generally publishes solar electricity reference prices each year, based on equipment and financing […]
January 7, 2016

India finally puts some money in Rooftop Solar – Increases budget by an amazing 730%

Indian Rooftop Budget increases by 730% India has finally started to put money into providing support for rooftop solar energy, where it has set a very […]
January 6, 2016

Are Solar Manufacturers finally getting some pricing power due to global consolidation?

The solar industry has been a brutal one for manufacturing companies in the last 4-5 years, as increased competition has led to a vertical drop in […]
January 5, 2016

Will Google’s Project Sunroof come to India?

Google’s New Solar Technology Google has been one of the most innovative companies in the world, pouring billions of dollars into projects which seem farfetched such […]
January 1, 2016

Why Andhra Pradesh has become the leading Indian solar state in India with massive capacity expansion

AP – Leading Solar State in India The southern state of Andhra Pradesh has become the leading solar state, with massive capacity expansion being planned by […]