Europe Solar Demand Decline For many years, Europe has been the main driver of growth of the solar industry worldwide. In fact, it is highly doubtful […]
Abound Solar Bankruptcy The US government grants and loans to green energy companies has not given good results, frequently resulting in big bankruptcies. The reason is […]
The Indian government is looking to set up four gigantic solar panel power plants with hundreds of thousands of solar panels in each farm. The government […]
Suntech Liquidating Suntech which is the largest solar bankruptcy case in China is slowly shutting down. After its main operating subsidiary Wuxi Suntech was declared insolvent, there […]
China Solar Industry China was always supposed to be the holy grail which would lead the solar panel industry to great profitability. In 2010 and 2011 […]
Indian and Chinese Solar Frauds India and China are not only very large fast growing economies but very corrupt ones as well. Greenworldinvestor readers would already […]
Energy Storage Solar energy is no longer a fringe pastime for tree lovers but a $100 billion industry these days with 35 GW of installation expected […]
Solar in India is rapidly reaching mainstream status and you can find solar products in the daily lives of people even without government subsidies. Here is […]
Investment in Solar Solar commentary these days has become hugely bullish as solar stocks touch new highs. Sunpower, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar are all reaching their […]
Solar Inverter Market The Solar Inverter Market is seeing increasing pressure of competition even as the solar panel prices have started to stabilize. The solar module […]
Inventions in Solar Industry The solar industry is seeing new applications and innovation by industry veterans as the industry grows out of its infancy stage. The […]
Asahi Glass to exit Solar Glass Business? China is starting to dominate all parts of the crystalline solar supply chain. The country earlier used to dominate […]
Suntech has been the poster child of Chinese solar failure after the company stopped bond payments earlier this year and its top management was unceremoniously shown […]
Scientist Myles Steiner has announced that The Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has set a new world record at 31.1% for a two-junction solar cell. The research […]
Retail Solar Financing At Greenworldinvestor, we have always thought that the country’s needs would be more served if the government stopped subsidizing the large massive solar […]
METI to Survey The Japanese Solar Farms The Japanese solar boom has continued unabated over the last one and half years with massive FITs leading to […]
China’s solar industry has been making huge losses for the past 2 years and despite improvement in fundamentals this year, most companies are still in the […]
USA solar company First Solar has been facing issues of its declining solar system backlog even as its solar modules remain non-competitive with crystalline solar modules made by most […]
Taiwan’s Fate – A Niche Solar Player or Top Solar Producer Taiwanese cell producers such as Gintech, Motech, Neo Solar power etc. have been making hay, […]
JNNSM A Fraud? India has been rocked by scams in almost all industrial sectors be it telecom, aviation, real estate, construction, defence etc. Renewable energy is not immune to the general […]
Solar Demand 2015 Deutsche Bank has recently come out with very aggressive demand projections for 2014, saying that the demand will shoot up to 45 GW […]
The USA China scenario USA and China have been fighting a big solar trade war since last year, even though the solar product trade continues briskly […]
Chinese Government to Restrict the Chinese Solar Industry The Chinese government is set to issue a blanket stop on all PV capacity increase due to the […]