Solar Energy

Articles related to Solar Energy

July 12, 2010

Italian Solar Feed in Tariff Subsidy Cuts for 2011 will fail to stop the Boom in Solar Demand

Italian Solar Feed in Tariff Cuts to be More Moderate than Market Expectations The German government allowed a face saving gesture to the Upper House by […]
July 12, 2010

Germany's 2010 one off Solar Feed in Tariff Cuts finally pass after 9 months of Negotiations

German Feed in Tariffs Cut Passes with Minor Change The German Solar Feed in Tariff  Cut was finally passed after byzantine twists and turns over a […]
July 6, 2010

German Solar FIT Reduction Compromise proposed between Bundesrat and Bundestag

The German Solar Feed in Tariff Reduction got another twist as the Upper House Bundesrat refused to pass the proposal into Law.This threw a spanner into […]
July 6, 2010

Green Investing climate in Spain improves dramatically with Wind and Solar Thermal Industries reaching Agreement with Government over Subsidy Cuts

Spanish Government Facing a Tough Fiscal Situation;Plans Green Energy Subsidy Change The Spanish Government has been  facing a tough budgetary situation due to sovereign debt problems […]
July 5, 2010

Green Investing in India – State Run Companies make big plans for Solar Energy Generation

Solar Energy in India has the potential to be one of the biggest opportunities in the Energy Sector in the 21st Century.The government’s strong backing through […]
July 3, 2010

Loan Guarantee of $1.85 Billion to Abengoa and Abound Solar seems to be a Misuse of US Taxpayer Money

President Obama declared $1.85 Billion in Combined Loan Guarantees to Concentrated Solar Power Giant Abengoa and Cadmium Tellurium startup Abound Solar.These huge guarantees is nothing new […]
July 2, 2010

Solar Leader Sharp shifting its Focus from Crystalline Solar to Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Technology

Sharp,the Japanese Zaibatsu known more for its Electronics Products is also the world’s No 1 Company in terms Solar Module Revenues.Sharp has been the solar world […]
June 26, 2010

Did Pension Fund Pressure cause Spain to reconsider its Retroactive Solar Feed in Tariff (FIT) Cut?

Most of these reports had been quite vague but a recent report explicitly mentions that Danish Pension Funds writing to Spanish and EU investors voicing their concerns.With such Big Players joining the fray,its no wonder that Spain is reconsidering its whole Energy Policy.
June 21, 2010

Is Flextronics Becoming the TSMC of the Solar Industry;Wins Four Outsourcing Contracts

Flextronics leverages it EMS expertise to win over Q-Cells Flextronics, the leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider has managed to successfully leverage its Electronic Manufacturing  Expertise […]
June 20, 2010

South Korean Chaebols Samsung and LG entry into solar energy promises to shake up the Competition

Samsung plans for Leadership position in Future Green Industry Samsung had recently announced a shift in strategy with a major push towards Green Industry.It is now […]
June 19, 2010

Spain may use a backdoor approach in cutting Solar Subsidy to rein in Renewable Energy Costs

Background on Spanish Government’s proposal to cut Solar Subsidy on Existing Plants The Spanish government has been actively discussing with industry groups on how to reduce […]
June 18, 2010

Taiwan's TSMC makes a late but smart entry into Solar Energy;Buys Equity Stakes in Stion and Motech

Taiwan Companies Ramping up their Solar Plans Taiwan based semiconductor company TSMC ( Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation) is getting serious about investing in Solar Energy.Other Taiwanese […]
June 17, 2010

Impact of Spain's proposal to retroactively implement an "Industry Killing" 30% Solar Subsidy Cut on Existing Solar Plants

According to the Spanish Solar Power Lobby ASIF,the Spanish government (under Pressure with Spanish Banks facing Funding Problems and Spanish Bond Yields Rising) is proposing a […]
June 15, 2010

Solar Thin Film Technology sees Weaker Hands Going out of Business

Thin Film Technology came into prominence with Polysilicon Prices ruling at $400/kg Solar Thin Film Technology is supposed to be  the 2nd Generation successor to the […]
June 11, 2010

Green Investing in Japan – Panasonic Discovers a Green Goldmine in Sanyo Acquistion

Panasonic hits upon a Green Goldmine in Sanyo Panasonic has hit upon a Green Goldmine with its acquisition of Sanyo .It is now capitalizing on  Sanyo’s […]
June 9, 2010

China Putting Brakes on Green IPOs as some Green sectors face overcapacity

China has put on hold new IPO’s from its fast growing Green Industry to prevent overcapacity and weed out small players.Though Goldwind (China’s second largest wind […]
June 9, 2010

Masdar tries Solar Thermal Technology as Thin Film Division faces trouble;To Build a CSP plant "Shams 1" with Abengoa and Total

Masdar’s Amorphous Silicon Division in Trouble Masdar, Abu Dhabi owned Green Company plans to build a  Solar Thermal plant called “Shams 1” near Abu Dhabi. Masdar […]
June 7, 2010

Is the Green Investing Opportunity in Pumped Hydro Storage being overlooked

Pumped Hydro Storage Introduction Pumped Hydro Storage along with Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) are the less glamorous cousins of Energy Storage Approaches like Lithium Batteries,Flywheels […]
June 7, 2010

Apple goes Green – Files Patents Incorporating Use of Solar Energy into iProducts

The world’s Largest Technology company by Market Cap,Apple has decided to follow the Green Trend recently filing Two patents related to Solar Energy powering  Electronic Products.Apple […]
June 7, 2010

Ambani Detente – Reliance breaks the shackles,Plans to enter Indian Power,Telecom and Financial Services

The detente between the Ambani brothers which lead to the rescinding of the non-compete agreement has resulted in Reliance Industries  Ltd (RIL) being the biggest Winner […]
June 4, 2010

German Solar Feed in Tariff Story gets another Twist as Upper House refuses to pass the Law

The German Solar Feed in Tariff cut scheduled for July 2010 has got another twist with the Upper House of German Parliament Bundesrat not passing the […]
May 31, 2010

Clean Technology Race – Singapore has its priorities misplaced by incentivising Manufacturing

Clean Technology is the the Industry that every country in the world is  pursuing aggressively to gain an early mover advantage .Singapore which is a financial […]
May 30, 2010

Solar Energy in India – Biggest Energy Opportunity of the 21st Century

The Indian Government’s launch of the ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission(JNNSM) promises to catapult India into  becoming the Largest Market for Solar Energy  in the […]
May 30, 2010

M&A and Joint Venture in the Solar Industry picking up pace as Stocks trade at Rock Bottom Valuation

Acquisitions and Alliances have shown an increasing trend in the Concentrated Solar Thermal (CSP) segment in contrast with the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) segment. However the conditions […]
May 28, 2010

US Solar Energy policies seem misguided as Obama visits Solyndra which looks to be Billion Dollar Failure

Solyndra has been  the most hyped startup in the crowded Solar Energy field .It is not due to a lack of competition,another thin film player Nanosolar […]
May 25, 2010

Honda and Coda look towards Chinese Battery Technology for their Electric Vehicles

China is leading US in Clean Energy Manufacturing while it lags behind the US in Technology .While the US government is only thinking that they might […]
May 25, 2010

Will China ever pass a Feed in Tariff Law for Solar Energy?

China has been rumored for a long time to mandate a law to  provide for a higher electricity rates for renewable energy production (Feed in Tariff) […]
May 23, 2010

Indian solar companies win a Pyrrhic Victory

Indian companies Fear Foreign Competition Indian companies raised a massive hue and cry against the Indian government’s draft to allow foreign made modules to be used […]
May 22, 2010

Reality Check for US Commerce Secretary – USA is already far behind China in Clean Energy

The United States could fall behind China and other countries in clean energy technology unless Congress passes energy legislation, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said on […]
May 21, 2010

Why is Solar Thermal (CSP) Industry seeing so many Acquisitions

The Solar Thermal Space or CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) is seeing increasing consolidation with numerous acquisitions and partnerships . There are 3 main reasons for this […]