Yet another inspiring story from around the world about #SolarForACause! In an initiative to encourage parents to send their children to school, YOLK installs Solar Cow, a solar system, in schools and distributes Power Milk, i.e power banks. The children plug the power system which looks like a small milk bottle into the cow and stay the whole day in school waiting for it to be charged. Education is what takes place when the kids are waiting! In the afternoon they return home with these charged milk bottles, which is a power bank used to charge mobile phones, etc.
YOLK engages in designing innovative solar products to appeal to the masses. The Solar Cow is basically a metal frame in the shape of a cow and has a solar panel attached atop. The Solar Cow project aims at curbing child labor which is fast growing in the backward areas of growing economies. YOLK has set solar cows in the rural areas of Kenya having little access to electricity. The root cause of child labor is poverty and in order to provide enough incentive for the parents to send their kids to school, free electricity is being offered. The power banks or the small milk bottles has enough power to charge cell phones, flashlight, radio, or other gadgets. It is seen that families are able to save up to 20% on their power bills, and 4-6 hours of walking time to the nearest charging station (to get their gadgets charged).
A Solar Cow typically comprises of solar panel, storage batteries, portable batteries and charging station. $1 million can bring 20,000 children to school. Solar energy is one of the most sustainable sources of power. Once the initial cost is borne, you can literally enjoy power for free. Institutions which bear the cost of primary education for kids have a limit to these expenses. With a Solar Cow, there is no such limit. It is a good initiative to impart education to poor kids. The primary years of a child are very crucial and could shape his/ her entire life. If we are successful in instilling basic education into them, we can end up shaping a better future for the next generation. For more details, you can visit their website here.