Carbon Capture and Storage

May 31, 2011

Energy Hunger drives India Oil Giant Reliance to join the Coal Buying Spree

India and China are largely dependent on Coal for fueling a majority of their energy needs despite the evident disadvantages of coal.China derives almost 80% of its electricity from coal while India uses Coal for 50% of its Energy Needs.Most of the new power plants being built in India have plans to use thermal power which means that the coal demand is going to skyrocket even as these 2 Asian giants are already suffering from coal shortages.India's Coal Production is falling short as the Environment Ministry makes it tough for the coal miners to dig up virgin forest areas even as private Indian power companies keep on building gargantuan thermal power plants of more than 4,000 MW capacity.Most Indian companies are now racing to acquire coal mines abroad joining the Chinese companies.Seeing the massive potential in coal,international resource giants such as Rio Tinto and others are trying to access coal assets as well.
May 30, 2011

Coal Shortage Bites – China forced to raise Electricity Prices,Coal Pricing in India might be pooled as 40 GW Thermal Plants without Coal Linkages – Future Dark with India,China to Double Coal Imports

Coal has become the hottest energy topic in the world’s fastest growing economies India and China which depend on Coal for a majority of their Energy […]
April 12, 2011

Clean Coal Technologies – Greenwashing or Reality – List of Coal Technologies – IGCC,CHP,FBC,UCC,CCS

Coal is the largest source of electricity supply in the world with 41% of the global power coming from the burning of coal.The Pros of Coal have made the growth of Thermal Power Plants accelerate in developing countries like China and India.This has made Coal Stocks run up by more than 150% in 2010 and another 30% in 2010.However Coal is also the greatest contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions.Coal is also responsible for thousands of deaths directly and indirectly due to Coal Mining and Coal Combustion which leads to waste products like Mercury,Arsenic etc which are extremely toxic to human health.To solve the twin problems of cheap energy and global warming, a number of technologies have been been proposed which would reduce the harmful effects of Coal Combustion. Despite a number of Clean Coal Technologies being developed and employed,carbon emissions from Coal Ming and Use can only be partly reduced and will not make a major impact on the problem of Climate Change.Clean Coal Technology is not a Green Solution to the Disadvantages of Coal.Saying that implementing Clean Coal Technology will result in Climate Change Mitigation is Greenwashing.That said these technologies need to be implemented till the world is ready to move away from its addiction to cheap energy provided by Coal even though it has a deleterious long term affect.
April 11, 2011

Market Vectors KOL ETF Review- Why you should Buy this Well Diversified Coal Investment

Market Vectors KOL ETF provides a good well diversified way to invest in Coal which is seeing a massive upsurge in demand driven by India and China.For investors looking for individual stocks here is a list of US Solar Companies and Stocks and Indian Coal Stocks.China with around 3 Billion Tons of Coal Consumption and India with another 500 million Tons depend on King Coal for majority of their Energy Needs.While China generates 80% of its Electricity from Coal,India generates around 65%.While both countries have Huge Reserves and Production of Coal,their voracious demand is leading to surging imports.These Imports are being sourced from countries like Australia,Canada and USA which are going through Coal Mining Booms.Ports are getting congested as Infrastructure failed to meet the growing coal needs of India and China..The Biggest Advantages of Coal its Abundance and Cheapness of Coal has made it the Fossil Fuel of Choice for Electricity Companies building power plants in developing countries despite its Drawbacks.This has led to a fight to secure Coal Supplies through vertical integration into buying up of coal mines,building ports and railways to transport Coal.Though India too faces some environmental opposition,massive ultra mega power plants with capacity of 4000 MW are getting built by new Indian private utilities.
April 11, 2011

Investing in Coal a Good Idea (Think China,India) – USA Coal Companies,Stocks (Tickers) Rising valuations

Coal is the biggest source of Energy for Electricity Production in the world and its use is expected to continue to grow to 44% of the Electricity Production by 2030 (IEA).Despite Coal having many dangerous disadvantages,its Advantages of cheapness and abundance have made it the Fossil Fuel of choice.With global reserves estimated to be around 200 years,it does not have the "peak oil" characteristics as well.Though not a Coal Fan,nonetheless Coal stocks are a great investment choice due to the fact of its growing demand which is outstripping supply.China and India are massively growing their electricity,steel and cement production which requires billions of tons of coal.China consumers almost 45% of the global coal production while Indian demand is growing by leaps and demands as well.Indian Power Utilities are grabbing up Coal Mines in Africa,Australia and Asia to secure feedstock for their gigawatt thermal power plants.Despite its growing importance Coal does not have a lot of choice in terms of investment unlike Fossil Fuels like Oil and Gas.Here is a list of Coal Stocks which one can invest in and the sole Coal ETF - Market Vectors Coal ETF (KOL).
April 11, 2011

Coal Advantages and Disadvantages – Pros of Coal Winning Despite Dangerous Cons

Coal is one of the most important sources of energy for mankind providing an easy way to generate energy in a cheap manner.The relative abundance and low costs of using Coal has made it the the first choice of Fuel for building Power Plants in the world.Coal has huge importance as an Energy source and forms the most important raw material for Cement and Steel.Coal is also used in a variety of other industries like Paper,Aluminium,Chemical,Transportation and Pharma.However Coal also has huge negative consequences as it is the largest source of Carbon Emissions which happen during Coal Combustion.Coal Mining despite two hundred years remain as hazardous as ever resulting in thousands of deaths in India and China.Mercury,Arsenic and pollution of other harmful substances into the environment causes diseases and many deaths as well.However for countries like India and China there are little other alternatives and there is no conviction amongst policymakers to change their energy strategies as well.So the advantages of Coal are currently overpowering those of the Cons of Coal.This despite Coal being the dirtiest form of Energy and causing many deaths globally.The main reason for the cheapness of Coal is that the societal costs are not added on explicitly to the Price of Coal making it seem artificially cheap.
April 9, 2011

Disadvantages of Coal Energy- Biggest Contributor to Global Warming is Coal's Biggest Drawback

Coal is the Biggest Contributor to Global Warming generating billions of tons of carbon dioxide during combustion.Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels available on earth and it is expected that Coal will last another 200 years.The mass usage of Coal and its deleterious effect on the environment makes Coal a controversial choice of Energy.Coal is responsible for 25% of Human Energy Consumption and is the largest producer of Electricity in the world. Coal causes Human Deaths in the Thousands each year directly through Mining Deaths and Indirectly through Human Diseases like Lung Cancer,Mercury and Arsenic Poisoning.The costs of Coal are artificially low because these costs are passed onto society and not explicity added onto the cost of coal powered electricity or coal products like Steel and Cement.Reducing Coal Usage gradually is a big necessity but given the growing hunger for energy by India and China and lack of a Climate Agreement that looks unlikely in the near future
April 9, 2011

Uses of Coal – Electricity,Steel and Cement Biggest Users of Coal

Coal is one of the cheapest and most important sources of energy, responsible for 41% of electricity productionworldwide. In many important countries like India,China,Germany,USA,Coal is the primary source of electricity and energy.Other smaller countries also heavily rely on coal for example Poland 94% , South Africa 92%, China for 77% and Australia for 76%.Coal has played this a pivotal role in the development of mankind and his progress into the Industrial Age.Coal is an essential raw material and fuel for important global industries like Cement and Steel.Different qualities of Coal are used for different purposes.For example coking coal with higher carbon percentage is used in Steel Production while Thermal Coal is used in Production of Electricity.It was during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries that demand for coal surged. Coal is responsible for almost a quarter of the global energy production,41% of the Electricity Production and more than 60% for Steel Making.Here is a list of the Major Uses of Coal
April 9, 2011

Pros of Coal – Abundance and Cheapness Biggest Advantages of Coal

Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels available on earth and is a major supplier of energy.Coal is the largest producer of electricity in the world accounting for more than 40% of the global electricity production.This is expected to rise to 44% according to IEA.In the last decade global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel.Coal has many other important uses as well such as steel production, cement manufacturing 6 billon tonnes of hard coal and 909 million tonnes of brown coal were used with China accounting for almost 45% of the global coal consumption.Coal is also one of the largest sources of Carbon Dioxide Emissions as well responsible for double the GHG emissions from Oil.Coal is regarded as the dirtiest form of Energy due to high Carbon Emissions,Pollution,Hazardous Substances such as Mercury,Deaths due to Coal Mining etc.However the cheapness of coal,its established industrial base and abundance makes Coal indispensable in the Short Term just like Nuclear Energy.Here are the main Advantages of Coal
February 18, 2011

Leading GHG emitter and Biggest Coal Exporter Australia Kills Most Green Program using Floods Excuse

Australia is the biggest exporter of coal in the world and one of the leading emitter of GHG emissions.Its huge mining industry generate tons of carbon and earns billions for the Australian Treasury.However despite its leading role in global warming,Australia has almost no subsidies for green energy.The federal government has conveniently used the recent Queensland Floods to cut off a number of Green Programs such as Green Car Innovation Fund, Cleaner Car Rebate Scheme, the Carbon Capture and Storage Flagships and Solar Flagships, the Solar Hot Water Rebate, Green Start Program, Solar Homes and Communities Plan.The Solar Flagships Program which was supposed to generate around 1 GW of Solar Energy has also been killed.Note Australia generate 92% of its electricity from Fossil Fuel which is quite high compared to other developed countries.
February 15, 2011

Does India need a Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Plant by Toshiba and NTPC

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) has been mooted as one of the main weapons against climate change.With little alternative to Coal based power generation,CCS is touted as a temporary solution.However CCS as a global warming solution is like putting lipstick on a pig.The technology for CCS remains immature at best and even the biggest users of coal,the Chinese utilities have ruled out using CCS before 2015.Though big pilot projects have been announced in Australia,USA and UK,CCS is not a serious option as far as dealing with climate change.This however has not prevented companies from playing in this area.Toshiba is the latest company to join the CCS fray hoping to set up a 5 MW pilot plant in JV with India's biggest power utility NTPC.
December 3, 2010

Soaring Coal Prices Increasing Global Electricity Rates making Green Energy more Lucrative

Coal Prices have started to increase in the international market alongwith other commodities like wheat,sugar,corn,gold,copper etc.But unlike other commodities,Coal has a disproportionate effect on Energy Prices.Note Coal is the principal supplier of top energy consumers like China,USA,India,Germany etc.The cheap price and abundance of coal has made it the fossil fuel of choice for generating electricity.The Technology for mining,processing and using coal to generate energy is well developed and cheap.This is the main reason for Coal's growing use despite its reputation as the Dirtiest Form of Energy.Coal Mining also regularly leads to hundreds of deaths even in developed countries like USA and New Zealand.However Growing Carbon Emissions due to Coal and its Supply Shortages has resulted in looking for alternative forms.Clean Coal Technology and CCS are looked upon as means to try and improve the carbon footprint of Coal.However the CCS Technology remains immature and expensive as of now .
August 18, 2010

Is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology putting Lipstick on the Coal Pig

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology is akin to putting Lipstick on a Pig (read Coal Power Plants).This Technology which has been hyped as the Green Answer to Coal's Dirty Polluting Ways has never been proven on a commercial scale .Note the British Government promising CCS with every new Coal Plant.Despite numerous large pilot projects,the Technology remains immature.Even China which gets 80% of its electricity from Coal Power Plants and is the biggest emitter of GHGs,remains skeptical of this technology.
July 2, 2010

India and China try to curb GHG Emissions through Coal Taxes and CCS

India-China Economic Growth leads to sharp increase in GHG Emissions The 21st Century is said to be a China-India Century with these Large Asian economies expected […]