Clean Technology

April 11, 2011

Electricity in South Africa a Mess – 25% Price Hike Each Year, Electricty Blackouts, Renewable Energy focus as 90% Coal Dependence

South Africa the most economically developed country in the African continent is also is one of the most dependent countries on Coal Energy.Almost 90% of the country's requirements of Electrcity comes from GHG emitting dirty Thermal Power Plants.Sasol which is a leading energy provider in South Africa is the global leader in Coal to Liquid and Coal to Gas Technologies.In fact most of the Fuel Production in South Africa comes from Sasol plants built long time ago to take advantage of the country's mineral rices and avoid the oil embargo placed on the country during apartheid.The country's electricity situation is massively mismanaged with Eskom a monopoly producer and supplier of electricity hardly adding any capacity.This is due to low prices of electricity which now is being added suddenly at 25% each year.This comes after huge shortages slowing down the economy. South Africa has also come up with new Energy Plan which will largely replace Coal Energy by Nuclear and Renewable Sources of Energy.Note South Africa had been in talks to establish a massive solar plants with funding from China which would have used Suntech Solar Panels.There were also rumors of Yingli suppling solar equipment to the country.
April 11, 2011

Biomass Energy and Rice perfect partners as Electricity Costs rise in India

A number of Agricultural Companies and Green Utilities are focusing on setting up biomass plants in different places in India.Note Biomass Energy accounts for almost 20-30% of the Energy Requirements of the country and is the main source of energy for most of the rural communities for cooking and heating.Biomass Energy is best suited where Crop and Animal Residue are cheaply available.Most of India's Biomass Power Plants have been built by companies involved in agri industries particularly sugar.Now Rice Companies are finding Biomass Energy perfect for their needs as they generate huge amounts of waste Rice Husk which can be used to generate electricity for their inhouse needs as well as for sale to the power grid.Note on top of this,Rice Biomass Electricity is also eligible for Subsidies from the State Governments.Haryana is seeing a surge in Rice based Electricity Plants with 16 MW installed already.Note Haryana is one of the top agri states in India alongwith Punjab and provides a lot of potential.Note a number of Rice Companies such as Lakshmi Energy and Foods have made Biomass Electricity a key part of their growth strategies even changing their names.Here are a couple of Rice Companies with aggressive Biomass Electricity Plans.
April 10, 2011

Biomass Disadvantages – Not Many and Easily Solved

Biomass Energy is the oldest source of Energy known to mankind and till the 19th century was the primary energy source.Even now Biomass Energy is used of Heating and Cooking by a large percentage of the Human Population.Biomass Energy with improving technology is being now used to construct large power plants.Growing Concerns over Climate Change and soaring Coal Prices are making some Power Plants convert from Coal to Biomass as a Fuel Source.Biomass Energy has many advantages such as being Carbon Neutral,using Animal and Crop Wastes in a useful manner,being poor friendly etc.However Biomass Energy like other Renewable Energy forms of Geothermal Energy faces problems of resources.However Biomass Energy suffers from some unique drawbacks like the problem of regular feedstock which becomes tough to acquire in times of drought etc.Biomass Energy also if not used appropriately can result in terrible air pollution as is the case with a majority of the Biomass Energy being used in the backward areas of the world today.Here is a list of the Cons of Biomass.
April 10, 2011

Coal Renewable Energy – How Green Energy stacks up vs Black Coal

Coal is a dominant source of energy for humans accounting for almost for a quarter percentage of human energy consumption and majority of the global electricity production.However Coal is considered as the Dirtiest form of Energy as it leads to Air Pollution,Mercury Poisoning,Global Warming.Renewable Energy is considered as the solution with its non-polluting characteristics,energy security,freedom from peak everything.However Renewable Energy is way more expensive than Coal Energy making it difficult for Renewable Energy to take over Coal.However growing Global Warming Costs will weigh in the future making it inevitable that Green Energy catches up.Here is a list of the pros and cons of Green vs Black where Green represents Renewable Energy and Black represents Coal.Note Green Energy will ultimately win in the end,its only a question of how soon because if the realization comes too late then Climate Change might go far enough to cause catastrophic damage.
April 7, 2011

Solar Carports – How this Fast Growing Solar Product Works ,Solar Carport Structures and Costs,Solar Panel Carport Suppliers,Largest Solar Carports,Charging Electric Vehicles

Solar Carports are a relatively new Solar Energy Product compared to other Solar Products like Solar Heaters and Solar Cooking.Solar Carports are fast catching on as their dual use of protecting,shading a car as well as providing electricity to nearby offices and buildings.It makes use of real estate that would go waste so it provides a lot of value add besides helping in protecting the environment as well.
April 7, 2011

Why Media Exaggeration (NY Times) making a Big Deal about General Electric's 400 MW Solar Factory is Nonsensical

It is surprising to see the US Media jumping about saying the General Electric will build the biggest solar factory in the US when it is completely factually wrong.There are other companies that add 400 MW in a single quarter these days (eg.LDK). By the time GE builds its 400 MW Cadmium Tellurium Solar Panel facility,there will be around 20 players in the world with more than 1000 MW capacity.GE has been claiming high efficiencies for its Thin Film Solar Panels but the claims that it will be able to dethrone First Solar as the Leader seems far fetched currently.Note First Solar will have almost 7 times more capacity worldwide by the time GE builds its first solar panel facility.GE has been long been developing the Cadmium Tellurium Technology buying up Prime Solar.
April 6, 2011

Renewable Energy for High Priced Diesel Electricity Dependent Islands is a No-Brainer

Islands mostly are depended on diesel generators for their electricity requirements which is considerably costlier than the normal coal,hydro,gas and nuclear forms of energy.Unless you are Saudi Arabia and can get oil at $4/barrel,the price of electricity from oil based energy sources is one of the costliest.Hawaii in USA pays around 30c/KwH for electricity because of the high cost of transporting and buying fossil fuels for its power plants.These islands have a huge incentive in moving towards renewable energy because it not only reduces costs,carbon emissions but also helps in energy security.Hawaii has installed a large number of wind farms,is building a big energy storage facility and promoting other alternative energy forms like solar as well.Hawaii Feed in Tariff has been implemented despite opposition by the utilities.
April 6, 2011

Anti Environment Groups file frivolous lawsuit against Colorado 30% Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) by 2020

USA has been sorely lacking in the fight against Climate Change and Global Warming.Greenhouse Gas Emissions by the US has increased tremendously from 1990 the benchmark year when countries under Kyoto Protocol pledged to reduced their Carbon Emissions.However US has refused to do anything and has not even signed the Kyoto Protocol.The hopelessly rudderless leadership in the US has failed to pass any Clean Energy Laws like Cap and Trade ( not my favorite),Federal RPS etc.Some states have been showing proactive leadership like California despite massive opposition by the powerful oil and gas lobby (Valero,Koch Brothers).Their efforts are being stymied by the very rich who don't care about global warming as they can easily use their money to mitigate any affect on them and the powerful fossil fuel lobby with their thinktank puppets.
April 5, 2011

Nuclear Energy Countries -List of Nations with Largest Nuclear Power Capacities,Nuclear Electricity Generation

The total installed nuclear generating capacity in the world is around 375 GW (WNA) with another 170 GW in planning g state and another 170 GW being proposed. The largest nuclear power is Europe with an installed capacity of 131 GW, ie. 34% of the total world capacity. The second largest country is the USA with around 27% of the world nuclear capacity. The installed capacity of USA is 101 GW. These figures are projected to accumulate to 144 GW & 136 GW respectively by the end of year 2035, according to the EIA. Japan & Russia are the 3rd & 4th in the list with an installed capacity of 49 GW & 23GW respectively.
April 5, 2011

Uses of Nuclear Power – Nuclear Transport (Ships,Submarines),Agriculture,Human Health,Electricity,Futuristic Applications

Nuclear Power has come under assualt in the aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident with Nuclear becoming a four letter word.However Nuclear Energy cannot be ignored becauses its benefits are unique in some applications and cannot be substituted by any other means.Nuclear Power also cannot be replaced in the short term from its most widely used application of generating Electricity.Note Nuclear Power accounts for almost 15% of the Global Electricity and in some countries is the major source of energy.For example France which has 80% of its power coming from Nuclear Fission,its impossible to think of shutting down nuclear plants like Germany which gets around 20%.Note even for USA which has the largest installed base of nuclear reactors shutting down almost 200 GW of Nuclear Capacity is quite unthinkable.Besides Nuclear Energy has massive uses in medical and other applications.This cannot be substituted by other means at all.For example its possible to replace Nuclear Electricity by other means like Solar,Wind even Coal and Gas though its costs will be astounding.But you can't replace Nuclear Energy in Medical Applications like Scanning and X-Rays.Here is a list of the main uses of Nuclear Energy.
April 5, 2011

India to Set up 2 Bodies NBEM,NCEM to promote Green Vehicles as Oil Prices Pinch

Note none of the Indian automakers has a decent EV or a Hybrid selling in the Indian market.Foreign markets on the other had are seeing fierce competition amongst major auto makers to gain a first mover advantage.GM,Nissan,Toyota are the leader in this market with other car makers also in the process of getting in.Hectic alliances and JVs are being forged as this market segment promises to be the fastest growing as the governments give massive subsidies and push.It remains to be seen whether the government in India can push given its record.
April 4, 2011

Biomass Advantages & Disadvantages

Biomass Energy is highly under-appreciated as a renewable source of energy despite being the most important source of energy during most of human history..Biomass Energy still accounts for 1/3rd of Energy requirements in a lot of countries and is the primary energy source for heating and cooking in rural communities.Biomass Electricity accounts for around 1% of the world’s electricity capacity of around 5000 GW.With advancements in gasifier technology and energy conversion,biomass power plants have become quite popular.Biomass Power Plants are increasing in scale from around 20-50 MW to more than 100 MW as the technology has advanced quite a bit.The only problem for these large plants is securing feedstock for these power plants and storing them.Biomass energy is used mainly for cooking and heating in rural areas.Now it is increasingly being used to generate power as the technology for biomass energy has advanced.Biomass Energy like other Forms of Energy has got its unique Benefits and Drawbacks which are listed below
April 4, 2011

Hydroelectric Energy Advantages and Disadvantages

Hydro Power is one of the largest sources of energy accounting for roughly 20% of the worldwide demand of electricity and for well resourced countries it accounts for majority of the energy.For Paraguay 100% of the electricity comes from hydro power and lot of it is exported as well.Compared to other sources of Energy, Hydroelectric Power is one of the cheapest,non Carbon Emitting,non Polluting,Mature Energy Source.Hydro Power plants have been developed to almost full potential in developed countries because of their superior characteristics and many more are being constructed by developing countries like China and India.However Hydro Power like all other thins in life suffers from disadvantages as well.The failure of a Hydro Dam can result in massive losses of human life and cause widespread devastation.Large Dams have always been controversial leading to displacement of people and ecology.They have also been cited as the reason for earthquakes due to large land changes.Here is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Hydro Power
April 4, 2011

Clean Technology Market in India attracts Finland Companies ABB,Moventas,ENSTO,Kone,The Switch

India is going to be the biggest Markets for Clean Technology in the world in the lines of China which has already become the largest investor in Green Industry with over $50 billion in public and private investment.India is investing heavily in solar and wind energy and its only a matter of time before other Green Sectors like Electric Vehicles,Energy Efficiency and Smart Grids receive massive investments as well.Finnish Firms with strengths in Electricity Distribution,Wind Energy,Automation are setting their sights on the Indian market which requires large infusions of Technology and Investment.
April 4, 2011

Terra Firma buys Italian Solar Plant Owner Rete Rinnovabile cheaply for over $900 Million – Third Huge Renewable Energy Asset Acquisition

Terra Firma,the multi billion pound Private Equity firm has continued its Renewable Energy Asset Buying Spree spending a monstrous 641 millino Euros to buy Rete Rinnovabile a solar plant owner and operator in Italy.The acquired company is a susdiary of Italian market grid operator Terna and owns around 150 MW solar capacity in Italy which witnessed a massive solar boom in 2010.The acquisition values 1 MW at 4.5 Euros which would be considered not an expensive price given the large returns available for Italian solar power assets which gets a generous government mandated feed in tariff.The solar power plants are well located near distribution end points which is not a surprise since the company was a subsidiary of the grid power operator.
April 4, 2011

Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy – A Detailed Explanation

Renewable Energy is one of the most read about and discussed topics in the world however various misconceptions remain about the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.Note Renewable Energy is a a very large topic and encompasses many different alternative energy forms which have their own distinct pros and cons.A Better Way to understand and explain Renewable Energy would be to look at each different forms of Clean Energy like Solar,Wind,Nuclear,Hydro,Tidal,Biomass and Geothermal Energy.Renewable Energy itself compared to Fossil Fuel forms of Non-Renewable Energy has substantial advantages and some disadvantages as well the biggest of which is Cost.Also note Fossil Fuel Energy has got a massive established base,industry and lobby.
April 2, 2011

Nuclear Energy Advantages vs Disadvantages

Nuclear Energy is currently forcing a major rethink amongst the world governments as the Japanese Nuclear Accident sharply brings into focus the massive radioactive and poisoning risks from accidental damage to a nuclear reactors.Note this is not the first such incident nor is it going to be the last.The advantages of Nuclear Energy is being sharply reexamined by the policymakers vs the huge risks of a nuclear plant meltdown.Most countries have started reviewing their nuclear plants for safety with a number shutting down old nuclear reactors.The drawing plans of new nuclear plants is also on hold as safety regulations are strengthened.Nuclear Energy accounts for around 15% of the world's production of electricity and for some countries like France there is no alternative in the short term with 80% of the electricity coming from nuclear reactors.China has a huge target for nuclear energy of 80 GW by 2020 but that too is coming under attack with a NDRC official talking about lowering it by substituting it with other renewable energy sources like solar energy.Here are the Nuclear Energy Advantages vs Disadvantages.
April 2, 2011

Environmental Pressure Leads to Conversion of Virginia Coal Plant to Biomass

The strict environmental regulations of EPA is leading to converion of a Virgina Coal Plant to a Biomass Fired one.Note the US Congress and Senate have failed to move ahead on climate legislation remaining hopelessly deadlocked on any climate deal.Despite numerous draft laws,no common law has been passed as Republicans fail completely in understanding global warming remaining in the pockets of the powerful oil and gas lobby.EPA remains the only government body which is doing something to reduce pollution and at the same time fight for climate change.The strict new rules against emission of harmful gases like sulfur dioxide,nitrous oxide,mercury has forced a Virginia Coal Plant to convert from thermal to biomass.
April 1, 2011

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy – Drawbacks of Different Alternative Energy Sources

The Biggest Disadvantage of Renewable Energy is the relatively higher cost of most forms of alternative energy compared to fossil fuel sources of energy.This has prevented the higher penetration of clean energy as compared to the non-renewable sources of energy.Also the massive old energy lobbies have successfully used their massive influence and power to inhibit the growth of renewable sources of energy.The recent lobbying by oil and gas firms like the Koch Brothers and Valero is quite pertinent.Note the oil and gas lobbies receive almost 10 times the subsidy received by clean energy sources like wind and solar despite their massive established bases.
March 31, 2011

Advantages of Green Clean Renewable Energy – Complete List to Solar,Wind,Biomass Geothermal,Hydro,Nuclear and Tidal Energy Pros

The importance of Clean and Renewable Energy is growing driven by the twin factors of increasing fossil fuel prices and Global Warming.Other factors contributing to the importance and growing use of Alternative Energy is national energy security as geopolitical tensions in major oil and gas countries grows by the day.Also renewable sources of energy like solar energy promote the democratization of energy production which is centralized by power utilities today.There are a number of alternative sources of energy such as solar,wind,geothermal,tidal,hydro and nuclear energy.Some people may not consider nuclear and hydro energy to be green but it is a fact that these 2 energy sources do not produce GHG emissions and cannot be classified as fossil fuels sources.Each clean energy source has its own advantages and many of the pros overlap with each other as well.However each Green Energy source has its unique benefits which define and separate it from the other clean sources.While Renewable Energy advantages over Non-Renewable can be easily be understood as
March 31, 2011

Pros of Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Power Benefits under the Fukushima Cloud

Nuclear Energy is facing a global backlash after the Fukushima incident in Japan as countries race to review their existing nuclear reactors.Nuclear Power had been enjoying a Renaissance in the 21st century as the Chernobyl and Three Mile Radioactive incidents faded from public memory.China is the principal driver of growth constructing reactors at a rapid clip to meet its growing needs with thermal power fast reaching a saturation point.Other growing developing countries like India,Vietnam are also planning to heavily invest in nuclear plants.However all those plans may change as the Japanese earthquake shakes up the nuclear energy industry more than the landmass in Japan itself.Note despite the catastrophic tails risks of nuclear power,it is not going to go away soon due to the large installed base and no fast substitutes available.Note more than 430 nuclear reactors are currently operational globally today and lots more on the drawing board.Note Nuclear Power accounts for around 18% of US electricity capacity and 30% plus for Europe,Japan and Korea.France is the leader with 80% of the electricity generated coming from nuclear fission.Here is a list of the Pros of Nuclear Energy.
March 31, 2011

7 Cons of Nuclear Energy – Catastrophic Tail Risks Enormous

Nuclear Energy is one of the most important sources of Energy for Humans accounting for almost 15% of the world's electricity capacity.Most of the Developed Countries have installed gigawatts of nuclear power during the heydays of 1960-1980s before the Chernobyl and Three Mile Nuclear Reactor Failures.Nuclear Energy has come into renewed focus after the drastic nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Plant of TEPCO in north Japan.The 6 nuclear reactors have to be decommissioned after most of the safety processes failed at the plant following a massive earthquake.However Nuclear Energy will continue to play a big role as the installed base of nuclear power is too huge and the growing demands of developing countries too large.China and India have massive growth targets for Nuclear Power given its low costs and non-GHG emitting properties.Like Hydroelectricity,Nuclear Electricity is the only large scale baseload source of energy which does not contribute to Global Warming.There are many advantages to nuclear power but the massive tail risks of catastrophic radioactive poisoning is too enormous.This has resulted in a global backlash as people across the world (Germany,India) are protesting to stop Nuclear Power.NIMBY concerns are growing by the day as the fallout from radiation can permanently make a large area inhospitable to human/animal life for many years.Here are the detailed list of the Cons of Nuclear Energy.
March 31, 2011

Hydroelectricity Costs – Not as Simple as Dollars per Kilowatthour

Hydroelectricity is one of the largest sources of energy accounting for roughly 20% of the worldwide demand of electricity with around 800 GW of capacity installed.There is considerable potential still left and developing countries like India and China can be expected to install another 500 GW over the coming years.Hydroelectricity is very important as it does not lead to GHG emissions and contribute to global warming.It also does not have the drawbacks like other renewable energy forms of high costs and intermittency.The advantages of hydroelectricity are substantial enough to far outweigh any disadvantages.But like nuclear energy,hydro power has some tail risks which can lead to catastrophic damage.The costs of hydroelectricity are not a simple function of dollar costs.It should also take into account the massive displacement costs in case of massive hydro dams,the loss of ecology and potential tails risks which can lead to massive payments.
March 31, 2011

Green Companies in India – Biomass,Solar,Wind,Geothermal,Hydroelectricity Energy Producers,Alternative Energy Utilities

India's Green Companies are seeing tremendous growth backed by the nation's massive energy demand increase.The 8% Plus Economic Growth coupled with the already massive electricity deficit which makes brownouts of 8 hours a day normal in many places in the country provides the macro background underpinning the growth.India's Green Industry is still in a nascent state compared to the massive solar and wind industries in countries like China and Germany.However attracted by the massive potential a number of companies small and large have entered the fray.Most of India's large energy groups,utilities have already established a small presence or are in process of doing so.While Wind Energy is the largest Renewable Energy Industry in India after HydroElectricity,Geothermal Energy is non-existent without a single large commercial plant.Biomass Energy is quite well developed and Solar Energy is the fastest growing Green Industry.Here is a comprehensive list of the Green Companies in India operating in the different Alternative Energy Sectors.
March 31, 2011

China to boost Solar at expense of Nuclear Energy in Fukushima aftermath

China which has the most ambitious growth planned for nuclear energy is already rethinking its target 3 weeks after the Fukushima plant in Japan started spewing out radioactivity.Note there has been a strong global backlash against nuclear energy around the world and 7 nuclear plants in Germany have been closed all but in name.Other countries like South Korea,Italy,Switzerland are rethinking of what do about their nulcear reactors giving the massive tail risks with nuclear generation.Already 2 earlier nuclear disasters in Chernobyl and Three Mile Island had massively damaged the surrounding ecosystem poisoning humans and animals alike with radiation.Japan too may see its land areas near the reactors be quarantined for many years as TEPCO has failed to control the nuclear plant and government will probably pour concrete.
March 30, 2011

Solar and Wind – Competition and Cooperation between the these Dominant Renewable Energy Sources

Solar and Wind Energy are the two most widely used forms of Renewable Energy amongst others like Geothermal,Tidal,Biomass etc.While Hydro and Nuclear Energy are also considered by some to be Alternative forms of Energy,most governments do not count these two in their renewable targets.Wind Energy has been the dominant amongst the 2 in the last 2 decades as falling prices of Wind Power has made it more widely used.However the rapidly declining costs of Solar Energy has made it the faster growing of the two with 50% annual growth being seen in the last decade.Solar Energy also has a much larger potential than any other form of Energy.However its higher costs have inhibited its growth till now,however the entry of low cost Asian producers and fast technology innovation has already brought solar power on parity with fossil fuels in some places like Italy,Turkey,Hawai etc.
March 29, 2011

List of World's Largest Hydroelectricity Plants and Countries – China Leading in building Hydroelectric Stations

Hydroelectricity power plants are the biggest power stations in the world dwarfing the biggest nuclear and coal power projects.The world's biggest power plant is the Three Gorge Dam in China which at 22.5 GW is more than 50% larger than the 2nd biggest power station in the world.Most of the world's largest hydroelectricity plants in the world are situation in China and South America.North America also has some of the larger hydro power plants.China is the by far the world leader in hydro power plant capacity with around 200 GW which it aims to double to around 400 GW by 2020.Other major hydroelectricity countries are Canada,USA,Brazil and India.Note Hydroelectricity is responsible for producing around 20% of the world's electricity.Here are some of the major world hydroelectricity power plants .
March 29, 2011

Hydroelectricity Disadvantages – 7 Cons of Hydro Power Can't overcome the Advantages

Hydroelectric Dams have disadvantages which are quite different from those of other forms of renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal or nuclear energy. Hydro Power in […]
March 29, 2011

Hydroelectricity Advantages – Nine Major Pros of Hydel Power

Hydroelectricity is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.Hydroelectricity capacity is around 800 GW accounting for almost 20% of the global electricity capcity.China and Canada have the largest hydro capacities in the world.If you consider Hydropower as renewable energy,then Hydro is the most widely used renewable energy in the world.In fact Hydroelectricity is the 3rd biggest source of electricity in the world after coal and oil/gas.Hydroelectricity power plants can have massive capacities with the Three Gorges Dam in China being the world's largest at 22.5 GW.The Itiapu and Guri Dams in South America are the 2nd and 3rd largest with 14 GW and 10 GW capacities.China is set to double its massive hydroelectric capacity to almost 400 GW by 2020 from 20 GW currently.The advantages of Hydroelectricity are many
March 28, 2011

Disadvantages of Solar Power – Overpowered by the Pros of Solar Energy

Solar Power has been the fastest growing energy source in the last decade showing a compounded annual growth of over 50%.In 2010 alone,solar energy demand grew by almost 150% beating the most optimistic forecasts as costs kept on declining for this renewable energy source.While Solar Power continues to be one of the most expensive forms of energy,it is also the energy source where the costs are declining rapidly.However detractors of this alternative energy source keep pointing to its drawbacks.Note the Disadvantages of Solar Power are far overpowered by the Pros of Solar Energy.However the drawbacks of Solar Power do exist.Here are the Disadvantages of Solar Power .