
July 10, 2011

Mutual Fund Companies in India – Front Running Underperformers? Also Mutual Fund Industry Marketshare

Mutual Fund Companies have seen a steady growth driven by the growing financial assets being generated by the fast growing Indian economy.But the Mutual Fund Industry like other sectors such as Real Estate and Telecom too has come under the spotlight for some illegal activity.While you can't call the industry corrupt because of some fraudulent activities it does raise questions on the industry ethics.Top Mutual Funds in the country like HDFC and L&T have been fined by the stock market regulator SEBI for front running.For those who don't understand what the term means,front running is an illegal activity whereby a fund manager or fund official makes personal gains by making trades on his account before doing a trade for the fund.This causes losses for the fund investor and is akin to stealing.However like other corrupt practices in the stock market industry,SEBI lets them go with small fines which don't deter more such frauds.It is also not unknown that some fund managers connive with company promoters and market operators to rig and do circular trading.Not only is this a problem,another massive problem with the industry is its underperformance as compared to the benchmarks.While earlier mutual funds were known to outperform the benchmarks like the Nifty,a recent Crisil study has dispelled this myth.Given these disadvantages of mutual fund ,it is time to invest in Indian ETFs though not a lot of variety exists in the Indian stock market yet.
July 8, 2011

Reliance Gold ETF – Review of Performance(NAV History,Symbol),Holdings,Expense Ratio,Investing in SIP

Reliance Gold ETF is an open-ended Gold Exchange Traded Fund. It started on 22nd November 2007. The investment objective is to seek to provide returns that closely correspond to returns provided by price of gold through investment in physical Gold and Gold related securities .The prices of Reliance God ETF is affected by several factors such as global gold supply and demand, investors’ expectations with respect to the rate of inflation, currency exchange rates, interest rates, etc. Minimum of one unit can be traded by the investors.The Creation Unit is 1000 units that is if you have 1 kg of gold ETF that is about Rs 26 lakhs you can exchange your paper gold into physical gold from the AMC.
July 7, 2011

UTI Gold ETF Analysis of Assets,Value,Volume,Dividends,Expense Ratio,How to buy goldshares Online

UTI Gold ETF is a bad Gold ETF with bad performance and bad expense ratio.It makes no sense at all to invest in Goldshare.There is no reason for such a high expense ratio in a passive fund which provides no investing expertise or great advantage.You are better off buying HDFC Gold ETF or Kotak Gold ETF.UTI despite being the oldest mutual fund house in India has come up with a very bad Gold ETF offering.You are best advised to look at the following Gold ETF to make an investment. Best Gold ETF Fund in India Goldman Sachs Gold Bees Kotak Gold ETF Fund HDFC Gold ETF
July 7, 2011

6 Advantages and 6 Disadvantages of Mutual Funds vs ETFs – Why Mutual Funds are a Bad Investment

Mutual Funds are one of the most common ways to invest in equity and debt and a large mutual fund industry is involved in this endeavour.There are large number of high paying professions in Wall Street which depend on the mutual fund industry which include stock brokers and sales persons.However the amount of cost of mutual funds is not proportionate to the gains they give out.This is the reason that Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and passive funds which have lower expense ratios and expenses are gaining billions of dollars in money.The reason is that a large number of mutual funds regularly underperform the benchmarks.This has caused massive heartburn amongst investors who have to pay large amounts of fees for the services of the professional fund managers.This has been the trend historically and found amongst numerous countries as well.Besides the costs of the sales and distribution of these mutual fund with their hefty commissions also falls on the investor ultimately.However the prevailing custom of investing in mutual funds is not easily broken despite the underperformance of the mutual fund industry.Most of the advantages of mutual fund can now be found in ETFs which have much lower costs.They also remove the disadvantages such as the possibility of a bad mutual fund manager.
July 4, 2011

Green Banking in India Accelerates – ICICI funding Cleantech R&D,Canara Bank Solar Lighting and SBI using Wind Energy

Green Banking in India has started increasing at a rapid pace as concerns over Global Warming increase.Most of India's Banks are pushing for Clean Technology in their separate ways.Though there is lack of regulation on funding of environment friendly projects,Banks are pushing ahead on their own anyway.India's Financial Sector has seen the writing on the wall as the largest bank SBI is using Wind Energy for captive consumption to reduce its carbon footprint.The Bank is also reducing the interest rates for Green Projects beside helping in carbon consulting of customers.SBI is also implementing thousands of Green Kiosks to reduce the need for paper.ICICI Bank is helping funding research in clean technology using TFD while Canara Bank has funded almost 50,000 units of Solar Lighting .
July 4, 2011

Asset Management Companies in India – Growing Financial Inclusion boosting Investment Companies (Complete List,AUM,Industry)

Asset Management Companies in India have come a long way since the preliberalization era when only the government owned Unit Trust of India was the sole option for Indian investors.Like the other Finance Companies in India,Investment Management Companies too have grown massively in size as well as numbers.The massive Indian market which is still quite primitive in terms of financial inclusion has attracted a host of domestic and foreign investment companies.Only 4–5 per cent of household assets are in mutual funds and the top eight cities in terms of households penetrated account for 75 per cent of retail AUMs.there are only about 35 fund ‘families’ in India, as compared to the global numbers like 700-odd fund ‘familes’ in the US, 60 fund ‘families’ in China and around 70 in Japan.The Lehman crisis took a toll on the weaker asset managers but the industry continues to thrive as modernization of the Indian economy will lead to a transfer of asset from the informal sector to the formal sector.The Total Assets under Management in India as of June 2011 stands at Rs 7.43 lakh crore ($160 billion).The industry has 43 active players with Reliance MF being the largest investment company in India followed by HDFC MF.
July 4, 2011

Finance Companies in India -List of Infrastructure,Housing,Gold,Transport Finance Institutions,Banks and Insurers

The Indian Financial Companies were subject to strict regulations till 1991 when interest rates were administered and asset allocation was governed through various formal mechanisms and strict controls limited the entry of financial companies. In 1991, the government of India initiated a reform programme for India, which encompassed the financial sector.There were numerous reforms that were intitiated which has led to the emergence of a robust financial sector which easily managed to sidestep the post Lehman global financial crisis in 2008.The post 1991 reforms allowed the deregulation of interest rates,entry of new private sector banks permitted long-term lending institutions like ICICI,IDBI,HDFC to carry out banking activities.The banking sector in India has become increasingly more competitive in recent years. Public sector banks have lost their market share to the more dynamic private sector banks .It is not possible to list out all the Finance Companies in India in one post as there are almost 13000 non-bank finance companies (NBFCs) besides Banks,Insurance Companies,Foreign Financial Institutions etc.This post lists out the Financial Companies in the Gold Finance,Travel,Housing,Infra sectors as well as the Top 10 Banks.
July 4, 2011

Infrastructure Finance Companies of India – Sources of Financing of Indian Infra Projects (IDFC,IL&FS,IFCI,PFC,REC)

At the time of independence in 1947, India's capital market was relatively under-developed. Although there was significant demand for new capital, there was a dearth of providers. Merchant bankers and underwriting firms were almost non-existent. And commercial banks were not equipped to provide long-term industrial finance in any significant manner. By the early 1990s, it was recognized that there was need for greater flexibility to respond to the changing financial system. There was a need for these financial institutions to directly access the capital markets for their funds needs.So a number of infrastructure finance companies were set up.Some of them have become fully private like ICICI while others have been partly privatized. like REC and PFC.Besides a number of private companies have recently become big players in the infrastructure financing space like SREI,L&T Finance etc.Note with almost $1 trillion expected to be spent on infrastructure in India over the next 5 years,the scope for these companies is immense if they manage their assets-liabilities in a decent manner
July 4, 2011

India Housing Finance – Guide to List of Top Home Loan Companies,Types of Loans,Interest Rates,National Housing Bank Act,Laws,Tax Benfits

The formal housing finance market of India comprises various segments viz. Housing Finance Companies, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Co-operative Sector etc. These institutions offer a variety of products relating to direct finance, refinance, micro-finance etc, to the borrowers.The share of outstanding housing loan as a percentage of GDP has risen from 3.4 per cent in 2001 to 7.25 per cent in 2007 (estimated). The share of outstanding housing loan as a percentage of GDP has risen from 3.4 per cent in 2001 to 7.25 per cent in 2007 (estimated). Housing Finance Companies in India At present, the need for housing finance in India is largely being fulfilled by the more than 40 Housing Finance Companies and 27 Public Sector Commercial Banks.The housing finance companies' market is dominated by large players such as HDFC, LIC Housing Finance Limited, Can Fin Homes, Dewan Housing Finance Limited, Sundram Home Finance and GRUH Finance Limited (now bought by HDFC)
July 2, 2011

Ernst and Young (E&Y) in Indian Corruption Investigation as awards itself Technology Tender for Indian Government Corporation Bank – Accounting Big 4 losing pristine image (PWC Satyam Scandal)

Note corruption is nothing new for the Big 4 firms with another one PriceWaterhouseCoopers caught red handed in the massive billion dollar Satyam corruption scam.Two of the partners of PWC were sent to jail in the fraud which involved cooking the books for almost 8 years.Having a Big 4 auditor is a must for any well known big public company.However the reputation of these Big 4 continues to get besmirched with newer scandals.It does not take a rocket scientist to guess that bribes were involved as rules were circumvented and Corporation Bank top brass was also involved.Government Tenders are a massive hotspot of corruption as they are opaque and powers rest with a few.Lack of transparency results in massive embezzlement of taxpayer money.Corporation Bank.Note Relaince India's biggest company is facing an investigation along with the oil and gas regulator DGH.Recently LIC Housing Finance one of India's largest housing finance companies was involved in a scam as well alongwith top official form other PSU Banks for taking bribes.This resulted in a massive stock price fall for a number of these companies.Expect Corporation Bank stock to take a similar dive hurting the shareholders.Investing in the Indian stock market has become more dangerous than ever where a corruption scam hides under every stone.Government companies which are considered safer by investors too are being proved problematic with PSU CEOs now being jailed for scams.India's largest aluminum company NALCO CEO has been jailed for accepting gold bricks in bribes
July 2, 2011

India Business-Politician Nexus Intimidates Poor Tribals Selling Land cheaply for Janjgir Champa Power Plant (Videocon,Kanwar) Twist Laws

Indian Businessmen and Politicians have been looting the citizens and the treasury of billions of dollars through numerous corruption scams and scandals.While the focus has been on the big corruption scandals at the centre being perpetrated by ruling party politicians,opposition party has not been far behind.The Nira Radia Tapes revealed the extent to which the Indian politicians have sold the state to big business.Major ministers are appointed by the major industrial conglomerates leading to billions of dollars in embezzlement.There are numerous instances like the Commonwealth Games Scam,Adarsh Scam,the 2G Telecom Scam etc.Many of the politicians are now big businessmen themselves owning companies legally and illegally.According to Nira Radi,India's agricultural minister is the benami owner of one of the largest realty companies DB Realty whose CEO is cooling his heels in jail for the 2G Scam.The concerned minister is also involved in the Lavasa City Scam in which a whole city was built in partnership with HCC flouting all environmental norms and regulations.
July 1, 2011

Green Self Service Kiosks by India's Largest Bank SBI to save Thousands of Trees,reduce GHG Emissions

Green Self Service Kiosks are set to become ubiquitous in branches run by India's largest bank State Bank of India.Finance has been greatly been benefited by the Information Technology solution reducing transactions costs and time greatly.Banks in India have been slow to roll out Technology Platforms .India due to the lack of penetration of technology has been far behind with large swathes of its population bereft of access to technology.SBI however has come up with an innovative idea Green Channel Counters (GCCs) which is a low cost solution to reduce costs and improve efficiency.These self service kiosks have a screen,keypad,passbook printers etc through which a customer of the bank can perform most of the functions.This would reduce the need for staffing and also lead to saving of paper.Normally it require a ton of forms to perform various functions like depositing,withdrawing money.However with these kiosks most of it can be done online which would greatly reduce paper usage saving trees as a result.
June 28, 2011

Indian Lender Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) to invest $600 millon to set up 300-400 MW Hydro,Biomass capacity

REC is looking to invest more than $600 million to set up 300-400 MW capacity in India and is already talking to the Himachal Pradesh government to set up plants there.REC has said that it is looking for power plants with a PLF of more than 50% which automatically rules out wind and solar energy.Its interesting that REC is concentrating on small hydro and biomass power capacity unlike other PSUs which are mainly concentrating on solar energy.India needs massive amounts of investment in renewable energy in order to meet its 15% Renewable Energy Obligation by 2020 from 5% at present.Its instrumental for the large government companies to invest heavily into clean sources of energy.Power Finance Corporation Green Energy has been set up by PFC to become one of the biggest lenders in Green Energy and now REC has also decided to directly invest in Green.More such initiatives will have to be taken to increase the cleantech energy capacity.
June 1, 2011

India's Agricultural Loan Interest Subsidy Perversity- How Rich Farmers Make Risk Free 3-5% Carry using Zero Capital

India's policymaker keep making dumb policies to promote agriculture in the country which leads to huge losses for taxpayers and leads to no gains for poor farmers.One such policy is to give a interest rate subsidy of 3% to farmers who have repaid their loans.This means that if you are getting a loan from the banks at 7.5% normally,you will now get it at 4% if you are a farmer who has repaid his loans.Note the condition "repaid his loan" is meant to sound as it he has great thing like saving someone from a burning building.Last time I though all loans were meant to be repaid.But evidently different rules apply to farmers who were in the election year in 2009 were given a loan waiver.The government effectively allowed the farmers to convert their loans to a grant.It was an indirect gifting of billions of dollars to farmers to get votes and it worked splendidly for the ruling Congress party.A winning idea is seldom abandoned even it leads to perverse economic outcomes.
May 10, 2011

Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Analysis – Follow-on Public Offering Buy/Sell Recommendation Not Bad but Not Great Either

Power Finance Corporation (PFC) will raise ~$1 billion through a follow-on-public offer (FPO) which is the first divestment by the Government for FY12.Note the government of India has set a target to raise $9 billion through divestment of public sector (PSU) companies stocks.PTC India Financial Services another company operating in the same segment offering finance to power generation companies came out with an IPO.Despite advantages of growth,a good business model in India’s booming Energy Sector,the valuation of the company had been kept too high leading to 20-30% losses from the IPO price.However PFC does not have a high valuation trading for around 9-10x P/E which is comparable to the competitors like REC.However the valuation is not very low also keeping in mind the rising interest rate environment which is making life tough for the Indian Banks and financial intermediaries.Power Finance Corporation has substantial advantages of growth,a good business model in India’s booming Electricity Sector where the List of Power Companies are growing exponentially.The valuation of the company also has been kept at a reasonable level at a discount of around 5% from the prevailing stock market price.The growth of the company has been impressive but a rising interest rate environment,competition from other power finance government providers like IFCI,IDFC,REC makes the issue neutral.It is always possible to buy the stock later or buy competitors in the same space like REC.The stock is a good buy for the long term given the fundamentals,good business sector,however current short term macro problems does not make it a great buy currently.
May 8, 2011

More Indian Insider Trading Malfeasance exposed as SKS Microfinance falls 20% before Loss Announcement

Note the stock fell before it announced the results after the close of the markets which means that insider trading had take n place.The volumes at 10 times certainly seems to hint so as the JP Morgan downgrade of the stock could not have led to such a big fall in which there are a large number of foreign and domestic funds as investors.Besides its problems in Andhra Pradesh are hardly new and Indian brokers hardly that good that their reports cause such big stock price movements.Like other SEBI probes expect this one to fail or result in a small penatly which will not deter more such white collar fraunds in the Indian Stock Market.Insider Trading in India is quite widespread with some of the biggest business groups having been fined by SEBI like ADAG etc.
May 7, 2011

'Regularisation of Illegality' – India's Environment Minister Helpless in Taking action against Ecological Destruction

India's environment minister Jairam Ramesh has pleaded helplessness as he is too being forced to go along with these environmental destructive projects.This is a characteristic which is peculiar to India and has allowed the culture of corruption to flourish.If you build a large enough project with enough billions in investment you can get away with the murder of the environment as the government could destroy such a large investment.These ad hoc measures which lead to construction of illegal projects has been leading to the destruction of ecology in a large scale manner.Only a blanket demolition of all structures built illegally irrespective of the cost will lead to the lessening of the corruption in the business sector.
May 3, 2011

Global Commodity Parabolic Price Rise Bubble or Real- Is it Really Different This Time

Grantham has made a famous call that the rise in commodities is not a cyclical phenomenon but a secular long term one.He says that the rise in commodity prices is different from the past.Note Grantham has done an extensive study of bubbles and is one of the leading minds in the investment community.While every time in the past,the statement "this time is different" has led to a crash,Grantham's call cannot be taken lightly.He says that the rise in population,shortage of resources,the growing consumption power of massive chunks of prosperous citizens in India and China will lead to a continued surge.Note commodity prices have declined secularly in the last century and since 2000 have managed to erase all their losses to form new peaks.Grantham also says there is a possibility of a massive short term decline which will give a historic opportunity to load on commodities.Jim Rogers is the most famous commodity bull and now Grantham has joined him.Note famous hedge fund managers have already made huge bets on gold and are winning currently.Note CIA and German Military are already on the record for calling Peak Oil which would lead to a drastic fall in living conditions worldwide as the global growth fueled by cheap fossil fuels sees an end
May 3, 2011

India's Central Bank RBI finally throws the Kitchen Sink as Double Digit Inflation Rages on;Hikes Savings Bank Rate to 4%,Repo Rate to 7.25%,Lowers GDP Growth Rate;Stock Market Tanks

India's Central Bank has been steadily raising interest rates in 25 bps increments as inflation has raged at more the double digits for more than a year.However it has not stopped the inflation from coming down as high commodity prices keep the inflation at 9% which is much more than the target of 3-5% inflation rates.With Bernake money printing fueling oil and food prices globally,it looked unlikely that RBI's timid measure would bring the inflation down anytime soon.So this time the Central Bank has thrown the kitchen sink at the problem raising the interest rates by 50 bps to 7.25% which is much more than what the market was expecting.The Central Bank also raised the interest rate on savings rate from 3.25% to 4% which was not expected by anyone.Note the low interest rate on savings bank had been a huge money spinner to top Indian banks which have large deposits of this low interest rate savings deposits.
May 2, 2011

Lavasa A Township built on Sand – How the Politics-Business Nexus Colluded to give Birth to this Environmental Disaster

Lavasa is a story of corruption,looting of the poor and raping of the surrounding environment by the Indian politician-bureaucrat-businessmen nexus in a beautiful cover of a township built for the rich and well heeled.There is little concern for the law as these powerful developers know that they can get away with murder quite literally.The long term sustainability of the township is in doubt which defeats the entire purpose anyway.Any buyer of property in Lavasa should be aware of these problems and should not buy it as their investment will be eroded in the future anyway besides having the taint of being looted from the poor.However the media too has lost interest as a new scandal emerges everyday. Lavasa Township being constructed near Pune,Maharashtra has been in the media off and on for creating a environmental disaster in the shape of a beautiful township constructed on the hills.The town which has been constructed for 300,000 residents has violated all building and environmental norms of the state and centre.With powerful politicians and businessmen backing the project,its not as surprise that the state government of Maharashtra actively helped the township in bypassing all the laws and regulations.There is no provision for permanent water supply and it would lead to a clash between the water wants of Lavasa and Pune.Note builders in India are notorious for leaving out water and waste sustainability in their plans.The residents of the buildings,apartments and other shelters have to bear the brunt later on when there is no water and problems like waterlogging.Gurgaon the millenium township suffers from both of these problems quite acutely.Note these problems are common to both million dollar homes as well as slums in India.
May 2, 2011

Why are SBI,Axis and HDFC Bank afraid of liberalizaton of Savings Account interest rate

SBI and HDFC Bank which are the 2 of the largest banks in the country have protested against the RBI proposal to free up the interest rate given on savings account in India.Note RBI fixes the rate at which money deposited in saings account earns interest currently for all banks in India.The current rate is 3.5% which is way below the near double digit inflation rate being experienced in India.Most Indians deposit their savings in bank saving and fixed deposit accounts as there is no widespread equity or debt investment culture in the country.This allows banks with a large retail depositer base to earn supernormal profits by paying pathetic interest rates on savings account and lending that money at 12-13%.While the public sector banks have to serve a lot of priority sectors private banks have no such concerns.This leads to high NIM for private banks leading to huge profit growth each year.This has made investing in top banks in India such an attractive proposition.
May 1, 2011

Private Banking In India – Another Corruption and Fraud Hotspot (Citibank,Standard Chartered)

Private Banking in India has become one of the fastest growing businesses in the country with a rising wave of millionaires forming an attractive target segment for MNC banks looking for growth.Top Indian Banks have given spectacular returns driven by India's 8% GDP growth and increasing financial penetration.Note Private Banking or Wealth Management business involves providing taxation,wealth managment,investment,insurance and other financial products under one umbrella to wealthy customers.The private banking customers recieve privileged services from the banks who provide a one stop contact person in the shape of a "relationship manager".Compare this to normal banking customers who face namelss contact centre operators with little knowledge.Most of the foreign banks in India like Barclays,Standard Chartered,Citibank which have a big presence in India have been hiring aggressively and targeting wealthy customers through a big marketing spend.However the services being given leave a lot to be desired."Trust" is the biggest quality in a banking relationship as a customer trusts his life savings and in this quality these banks have failed miserably.
April 15, 2011

Nira Radia reveals Sordid Corruption Nexus – DB Realty owned by Pawar,Tata Companies TCS,Tata Motors Bending Backwards in giving Favors to DMK Raja for Telecom License

Nira Radia the millionaire lobbyist who became a public figure overnight as tapes leaked to her phone conversations were printed by the mass media has revealed sordid details about the politician businessmen nexus.In the chargesheet presented by the CBI to the Supreme Court she has revealed the multi billion dollar realty company DB Realty is a front for Sharad Pawar and controlled by him.This hardly comes as a surprise as powerful Agri Minister Pawar has been linked to a number of corruption scandals like the Lavasa Scandal,2G Telecom Scam,IPL Scam etc.Note DB Realty CEO has been directly implicated in the transfer of bribe giving to Raja the former Telecom Minister in exchange for a Telecom License at dirt cheap prices.It is a tribute to the power of Pawar that despite such massive circumstantial evidence against him and his family,there has been no court case or police charges against him.Note a number of big companies in India are known to be secretly owned and controlled by powerful politicians.Not that politicians don't own billion dollar businesses openly and use their political muscle to further their own interests in a blatant manner.
March 16, 2011

PTC India Financial Services (PFS) Review and Analysis – Too Expensive to Buy the Financial cum Energy IPO despite Quality and Growth

PTC India Financial Services has substantial advantages of growth,a good business model in India's booming Energy Sector.However the valuation of the company has been kept too high for essentially what is a financial intermediary.The growth of the company has been compensated by the high valuation making it not such a good buy especially in the context of the current stock market and economic conditions.It might be better to look at cheaper alternatives in the Indian Infra Sector.
March 8, 2011

List of Top Ten Banks in India – Each a Good Investment for Different Reasons

India's GDP has been growing at a rapid clip over the past decade and is set to grow at even a faster pace in the coming decade.Financial services penetration of the Indian economy is quite low compared to even other developing economies.With majority of the Indian population mired in poverty,access to banks and financial companies is quite hard as people lack knowledge and education.India's banks have grown at a rapid pace over the past 2 decades after the financial liberalization.However this growth has still lacked in meeting the massive demand in the need of financial intermediation.This has led to the growth on non-banking financing companies (NBFCs) and microfinance companies.With the opening of the insurance sector,financial companies in India are set to enter a new growth phase.Major banks in India are either state owned or previous government owned institutions which have been fully privatized like ICICI and HDFC Bank.Both the state owned banks and the private banks have managed to grow without throwing the whole system in a crisis like what has happened in the recent past in Europe and USA and in China in the 1990s.Here is a list of the 10 Major Banks in India
December 14, 2010

2 Giant Solar Thermal Projects by Tessera,NTR in USA run into financial trouble even before start of construction

Using the same logic,I had questioned the massive amount of USA taxpayer money being given as a cash grant to build almost 4-5 GW of Solar Thermal Plants in California.Most of these solar thermal projects were approved in the last 6 months of 2010 so that they could be eligible for the Treasury Cash Grant under Rule 1603.I seem to have been vindicated quite early with 2 of these giant solar thermal projects being developed by Tessera Solar have run into trouble.The CEO of the company has already left and many of the employees have been fired.Strange for a company that has won multi billion projects in hand.The parent Irish company NTR is reportedly looking to shelve the plants as it does not have enough money for 5% of the total project costs required before 2010 end.
December 14, 2010

Punjab & Sind Bank set for Huge Oversubscription like MOIL IPO

Note the issue size of the IPO is quite small at around $100 million which means the retail portion is only $30 million.Coal India IPO with a $3 billion issue and $1 billion retail portion got subscribed by almost 2-2.5x.This mean that Punjab and Sind Bank can get subscribed by almost 60x since MOIL IPO got 55-60 times overall subscription with almost 31x retail portion even when the issue size was almost triple that of Punjab and Sind Bank.Note though MOIL IPO in my opinion was more undervalued than PNSB,still I think oversubscription in case of this PSU Bank would be higher than that and could easily cross the 31x retail that MOIL IPO got
December 8, 2010

Punjab & Sind Bank IPO – Very Attractive Valuation makes it a Buy

Punjab and Sind Bank is a National PSU (Public Sector Undertaking) which is coming with a Rs 480 crore IPO by selling 4 crore shares at around Rs 113-120.The Company is offering 18% of its equity in the offering which would give it a market capitalization of roughly Rs 2500 crore ($550 million) at the upper end of the price band.Note there are a large number of mid cap and large cap PSU banks listed on the Indian markets.Note most of the PSU banks have seen a very good bull run in the last year and a half significantly outperforming the rest of the market.However the last 3-4 months have been tough with a LIC Housing Finance Scandal implicating top PSU Bank Officials for taking Bribes for Loans.The rise in deposit rates and tight liquidity has also hurt the sentiment for PSU Bank stocks.However,Banking remains one of the best ways to play the Indian growth story as financial inclusion remains very low.PSU Banks in general trade at low valuations compared to the private bank peers and mid cap PSU banks at lower multiples than larger ones like SBI,Bank of Baroda and PNB. Summary Punjab and Sind Bank seems a no brainer due to its significant discount on its fair valuation.At 5x P/E and around 1.2x P/B ,Punjab and Sind Bank is being sold at a substantial discount to the rest of PSU banks which are lower quality in terms of growth and margins.There are some mitigating factors like the low NIM ratio however the valuation more than covers for that up.The only problem in case of the Punjab and Sind Bank IPO is going to be oversubscription.Like MOIL IPO which saw 55-60 times oversubscription,same thing could happen here also.
December 3, 2010

India's Oligopolistic Banking Sector High Lending-Deposit Spread (NIM) due to Lack of Competition

India's Banking Sector is highly profitable earnings very high Lending Deposit Spreads.India's Central Bank RBI has said that this spread (NIM) needs to come down in order for India to grow by double digits.However the Banks are in no mood to change their highly profitable business model.With India's Economy growing at a rapid pace the banks are seeing high credit growth and net interest income as well.They are opposed to any change in the status quo which allows them to make supernormal profits in the highly regulated banking sector.Note I am calling the Financial Sector as an Oligopoly because the Central Bank strictly controls the entry of new players in the Banking Sector.RBI has recently proposed giving new banking licenses to some more companies but it won't change the structure of the industry.
December 3, 2010

Another Indian Stock Market Scandal Erupts as Realty Firm Ackruti City and Broker Dangi get Banned for Rigging Share Prices

India's Stock Market Regulator has been hardly proactive in cracking down on stock market manipulation except for some inefficient scolding.It has banned some companies and a stock market operator for artificially rigging up stock prices through a nefarious scheme so that the stock could placed through QIBs at higher prices.Recently GMO,Goldman,Morgan and Fidilety got conned by a fly by night Indian financier who managed to place $100 million of his company's shares a hugely inflated price.A cursory due diligence by these high flying financial institutions would have shown his business model to a sham.Realty Investing in India is always a dangerous game with real estate firms involved in all sorts of corruption scandals.Akruti City whose shares had seen a massive rise some months ago has been implicated by SEBI for rigging up its share price with the help of a "stock market operator" Dangi.Some other firms like Murli Industries,Welspun Corp have been found to be part of this corruption game as well.Broking Firms like Ashika and Anand Rathi were broking for the Operator.Note SEBI has not done much except banning these firms.I would have though that these white collar crimes should be punished more stringently.Banning some entities without any jail time will lead to more and more of these stock rigging in the future.