July 9, 2012

Endemic Corruption afflicts whole of South Asia perpetuating Grinding Poverty for Hundreds of Millions

I am surprised at the similarities in the corruption scandals hitting the South Asian nations almost daily. Despite hundreds and millions of citizens living in grinding […]
June 19, 2010

China seeks to defuse pressure on Currency Appreciation ahead of G-20 through a "Statement";IMF and Obama rush to praise Yuan Reform

China and US Tensions increasing on Currency Valuation The US Senate and President Obama have been increasing pressure on the Chinese Government to revalue the yuan […]
June 16, 2010

Spain denies IMF,EU bailout even as Bond Yields soar and Banks hang on a ECB lifeline

Spain,European Union and IMF all denied that a Spanish Bailout of Euro 250 Billion was being formulated by the international agencies.There are some people who think […]
June 4, 2010

Will the IMF run out of Bailout Money during the Sovereign Debt Crisis

Can IMF Bailout a Country the size of Italy The International Monetary Fund (IMF)  is funded through contributions from its member nations, acts as the “lender […]