Green Investing Choosing investments options that support your environmental concerns can be a challenge. Attempting to structure your portfolio around emerging green technologies has historically proven […]
LG Air Conditioners Founded in 1958, LG is known for bringing advanced digital products and applied technologies to its customers. LG Electronics is on its way […]
Rising Electricity tariffs in India Electricity tariffs in India are increasing rapidly, where both the quality and quantity of power is quite bad. We had talked […]
Tamil Nadu has been at the forefront of green energy generation in India, with almost half of the country’s wind energy capacity. The state has also […]
Eastern region of India is a land of huge potential which is endowed with rich minerals, forests, productive and fertile soil along with rich cultural heritage. […]
Goldman Sachs invests in ReNew Power, India Investment giant Goldman Sachs is sharply increasing its investment in renewable energy projects around the world. The company invested in […]
Indian states come around to promoting Solar Rooftop Installations after being fixated on ground mount plants Indian states have finally come around to supporting rooftop solar […]
Capital Investment in Solar Industry projected at $2.3 billion in 2013 The solar industry has been sick in the last couple of years as massive over-investment […]
Urea Policy 2013 The new urea policy being unleashed in 2013 was expected to help the government reduce its fertilizer subsidy. However, the expectation did not […]
The paint and dye stuff is a segment in the broacd chemical industry. The industry in itself has experienced some major growth in recent years. The […]
Declining Indian Industrial Output It is needless to say that the core Industries is India’s lifeline. The industries are slipping badly marking a threat to the […]
BASEL II BASEL II is a new capital adequacy framework designed by the BASEL Committee of Banking Supervision. It is mandated for all the scheduled commercial […]
Relevance of Capital Markets In today’s global dynamic market, the economic relevance of a Capital Market lies in its effectiveness. It is dependent on how effective […]
Economic Survey – Facts The pre-budget Economic survey gave a rosy picture indicating the return of happy days for the economy. The GDP growth will take […]
Mike Parker rightly said, “When you don’t invest in infrastructure, you are going to pay sooner or later.” Indian government after realizing the need of development […]
Some simple rules of the road, rather than some sweeping theory about institutions or geography, will determine India’s economic success over the visible time horizon. Why do Nations Rise and […]
The Indian government recently published its industrial output report which showed poor performance, as compared to the previous year. The industrial output fell by 0.6% in […]
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JINDALSTEL) is one of India’s major steel producers Company has significant presence in sectors like Mining, […]
Complex Financial Products World’s most successful investor billionaire Warren Buffet, in the year 2002 in his letters to shareholders said- “Highly complex financial instruments are time […]
The Indian economy was primarily known to be an agrarian economy with majority of GDP coming from Agriculture and majority workforce dependent on Agriculture. Over the […]
Investment Climate Investment Climate is a broad concept which encompasses all the factors affecting business decisions which includes profitability, location, etc. to a name a few. […]
CAN SLIM CAN SLIM is a seven lettered word also known as the seven-pronged mnemonic which is publicized by the American famous national daily titled Investor’s […]