Why Polysilicon Producers Are Facing Issues The whole solar supply chain has been hit in the last few months as overcapacity and lower demand has formed […]
Ill Effects of Global Solar Trade Wars The globalized nature of our economy has unexpected side effects for workers and companies. Though globalization has brought prosperity […]
The Peaks and Troughs of Polysilicon Prices China saw a large number of polysilicon plants getting built during the post 2008 solar boom phase, when polysilicon […]
China Polysilicon Industry on a Brink China has become the world’s greatest solar manufacturer in just 4 years as its state backed companies invested billions of […]
LDK faces working capital crisis LDK Solar (LDK) which used to be the world’s biggest supplier of solar wafers and was building the biggest polysilicon plant is now contracting […]
MEMC to SunEdison MEMC – the world’s leader in silicon wafer manufacturing has now changed the company name to SunEdison. The shareholders approved of this change at the company’s […]
Leading solar wafer companies like Renesola (SOL), GCL Poly Energy, SAS and others remain under pressure due to the below cost prices of solar wafers. The […]
Dow Chemicals buy Nuvosun Materials giant Dow Chemicals has bought the entire equity stake in CIGs solar startup Nuvosun to bolster its solar shingles line up. […]
Polysilicon Prices The prices of polysilicon have gone up a bit in the last few months as poly producers have sharply reduced utilization to 50% or […]
China has been bristling against the hostility in solar trade from major partners such as US and Europe. The dominance of the Chinese solar panel industry […]
GCL Poly China based GCL Poly is the biggest solar wafer producer in the world. GCL Poly raised its wafer capacity almost 85% in 2011. The company’s […]
Polycrystalline silicon or Polysilicon (poly-Si or “poly”) is a material consisting of multiple small silicon crystals. Poly is highly pure form of silicon and is much […]
Introduction The whole solar industry has been facing a massive overcapacity problem since the beginning of 2011. Thousands of solar companies have gone bankrupt, but the […]
Why are the Global Solar Panel Wars Occurring Chinese solar panel producers have increased their market share rapidly in the last 4-5 years displacing the dominant […]
LDK Solar (NYSE:LDK) which used to be the biggest solar wafer producer has completely stopped production of polysilicon and sharply reduced shipments to preserve cash. The […]
Solar Protectionism growing by the Day Solar Protectionism has been growing rapidly amongst major countries with global solar trade wars becoming a rage. Solar Companies not […]
Consolidation is the new way for Solar Companies to Suvive Consolidation in the global solar industry continues at an accelerated pace with companies exiting the solar […]
Polysilicon Price Crash Polysilicon which is the most used raw material for manufacture of solar panels has crashed to unheard of levels as the capacity glut […]
China keeps coming out with new ways to protect its beleaguered solar panel industry which is facing the wrath of the Western governments. Note China exports […]
Renewable Energy Corporation used to be the biggest polysilicon and wafer producer for the solar industry just 4 years ago. The company grew crazily with high […]
Polysilicon Polysilicon Companies have seen an amazing amount of profits in the period between 2008-2011 end as prices of polysilicon shot up to $400/kg which resulted […]
Europe-China Anti Dumping Trade War Initiates The worst fears of the Chinese solar panel producers have come true with Europe starting the history’s biggest anti dumping […]
The price crash for solar panels seem to be never ending with the latest solar module prices ending at around 72c/watt for normal crystalline solar panels. […]
Suntech Suntech was the biggest solar panel supplier in 2011 shipping almost 2000 MW of solar modules to various countries around the globe. Suntech, which is […]
The biggest Chinese solar panel producers like Sunech, Trina ,Yingli and Canadian Solar have come out strongly against the recent filing of a complaint of dumping […]
Renewable Energy Corporation used to be the world’s largest supplier of polysilicon, to solar panel companies just 3-4 years ago. The company, which earned eye popping […]