Price Fixing

June 26, 2012

India's Antitrust Regulator goes extreme in fining Cement Cartel ,Scares Yarn Producers in lowering Prices

Note India desperately needs someone to break the oligopolies and cartels created by numerous sectors such as yarn producers, cement players etc. But you have to find a balance between penalizing them and bankrupting them.Most of the developed countries like USA and European Union have highly developed and advanced competition regulators which impose hundreds of millions in fines against domestic and international companies who indulge in anti-market practises.The fines serve as a great deterrence where powerful corporates try to undermine the market forces through their sheer size.The landmark anti monopoly legal cases against Microsoft,LCD companies have proved to be very effective in punishing super powerful businesses who have shafted consumers through illegal practises.
May 29, 2011

Competition Commission of India (CCI) makes itself a Laughing Stock by imposing a pitifully small fine on Film Producers for Cartelizaiton

India's new anti monopoly watchdog Competition Commission of India (CCI) has belatedly started operations and its first few orders hardly inspire much confidence.Note most of the developed countries like USA and European Union have highly developed and advanced competition regulators which impose hundreds of millions in fines against domestic and international companies who indulge in anti-market practises.The huge fines serve as a great deterrence where powerful corporates try to undermine the market forces through their sheer size.The landmark anti monopoly legal cases against Microsoft,LCD companies have proved to be very effective in punishing super powerful businesses who have shafted consumers through illegal practises.
May 19, 2010

Why is Europe always at the Forefront of Technology Price Fixing and Antitrust actions

For some time I have noticed that European Union has been coming down very strong on anti trust actions and price fixing against technology companies . […]