
September 11, 2012

Is it justified for the Indian Wind Industry to ask for Subsidies from the Government in Addition to RECs

GWI had written that the Indian Wind Power Industry is facing problems in 2012 and there is a possibility that new wind capacity could fall by […]
July 6, 2012

Why Indian State owned Electricity Distibutors and Generators are living in mortal fear of the Sun

India’s Green Companies are seeing tremendous growth backed by the nation’s massive energy demand increase. However, it is a known fact that India’s power situation is […]
June 16, 2012

First Indian Solar Renewable Energy Certficaties sold for 24c/Kwh as NLDC certifies solar plants ; New Solar Funding Mechanism holds Promise

The Indian Solar Electricity generating industry has mainly been funded by the auction mechanism at the federal and state level. The solar generators get their electricity […]