Tidal Station

January 7, 2013

Renewable Technologies in Nascent Stages: Tidal Power, Uses and Current Tidal Power Plants in India

Tidal Energy: An Overview Tides are caused through a combination of forces created by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon and the rotation […]
April 4, 2011

Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy – A Detailed Explanation

Renewable Energy is one of the most read about and discussed topics in the world however various misconceptions remain about the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.Note Renewable Energy is a a very large topic and encompasses many different alternative energy forms which have their own distinct pros and cons.A Better Way to understand and explain Renewable Energy would be to look at each different forms of Clean Energy like Solar,Wind,Nuclear,Hydro,Tidal,Biomass and Geothermal Energy.Renewable Energy itself compared to Fossil Fuel forms of Non-Renewable Energy has substantial advantages and some disadvantages as well the biggest of which is Cost.Also note Fossil Fuel Energy has got a massive established base,industry and lobby.
April 1, 2011

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy – Drawbacks of Different Alternative Energy Sources

The Biggest Disadvantage of Renewable Energy is the relatively higher cost of most forms of alternative energy compared to fossil fuel sources of energy.This has prevented the higher penetration of clean energy as compared to the non-renewable sources of energy.Also the massive old energy lobbies have successfully used their massive influence and power to inhibit the growth of renewable sources of energy.The recent lobbying by oil and gas firms like the Koch Brothers and Valero is quite pertinent.Note the oil and gas lobbies receive almost 10 times the subsidy received by clean energy sources like wind and solar despite their massive established bases.
March 31, 2011

Advantages of Green Clean Renewable Energy – Complete List to Solar,Wind,Biomass Geothermal,Hydro,Nuclear and Tidal Energy Pros

The importance of Clean and Renewable Energy is growing driven by the twin factors of increasing fossil fuel prices and Global Warming.Other factors contributing to the importance and growing use of Alternative Energy is national energy security as geopolitical tensions in major oil and gas countries grows by the day.Also renewable sources of energy like solar energy promote the democratization of energy production which is centralized by power utilities today.There are a number of alternative sources of energy such as solar,wind,geothermal,tidal,hydro and nuclear energy.Some people may not consider nuclear and hydro energy to be green but it is a fact that these 2 energy sources do not produce GHG emissions and cannot be classified as fossil fuels sources.Each clean energy source has its own advantages and many of the pros overlap with each other as well.However each Green Energy source has its unique benefits which define and separate it from the other clean sources.While Renewable Energy advantages over Non-Renewable can be easily be understood as
March 16, 2011

Tidal Renewable Energy Guide – Uses,Economics,Pros and Cons of Tidal Renewable Power

Tidal Renewable Energy is a niche form of Alternative Energy with less than 500 MW of Electricity Capacity worldwide.Tidal Renewable Energy generates less than .001% of the worldwide electricity generation as the Technology of this Alternative Energy is still quite immature.Tidal Renewable Energy is still an immature technology with most of the plants built around the world being pilot/demonstration ones.The older ones based on Tidal Barrages are also very few in number with the Tidal Power Plant in Le Rance in France the only major operating Tidal Power Plant in the World.Tidal Barrages however are facing major headwinds due to high capital costs and long gestation periods.The newer Tidal Renewable Energy Technologies like Pelamis and Seagen hold big potential though still a decade away from reaching large commercial scale just like Algae based Biofuel and other forms of Green Technology. Tidal Wave Energy is still in its baby phase with the technology not developed far enough to make it a real alternative to fossil fuel energy.However like solar and wind power 20-30 years ago,Tidal Wave Energy can still develop to become a major form of alternative energy.
March 15, 2011

Tidal Barrages – Working Principle,Uses,Economics,Environmental Impact and List including the most Famous Cancellation

A Tidal Barrage is a Dam built across an Estuary or Bay to generate Electricity from the Flow of Tides.It works using the same principles that […]
March 15, 2011

Uses of Tidal Energy – Tidal Electricity the Biggest One

Tidal Energy is one of the many forms of Renewable Energy like Solar,Wind and Geothermal Energy.Tidal Energy is derived from the movement of Waves or Tides due to the Gravitational Attraction of the Earth and the Moon.Tidal Energy is a form of Gravitational Energy which can be used to do Work or be converted in other forms of Energy.Tidal Energy is still an immature technology with advancements in Tidal Energy not as rapid as other forms of Renewable Energy.While esoteric and path breaking approaches are being developed to harness the freely available renewable wave and tidaly energy,the full commercial development is still some way away.On the other hand,Tidal Barrages is a mature technology though its development too has been slow because of high investment and long building time.Here are the uses of Tidal Energy.
March 15, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tidal Energy

Tidal Wave Energy Tidal Wave Energy is still a very niche technology with tidal barrages generating most of the electricity in a few power stations. Most […]
March 15, 2011

Disdvantages of Tidal Energy – Huge Investment and Long Gestation Time

Tidal Wave Energy which utilizes the energy of tides to generate electricity holds big potential though it is still a decade away from reaching large commercial scale .Tidal Wave Energy is a niche renewable source of energy and there are only a handful of commercial tidal power plants in operation worldwide.There are a number of small companies like Pelamis,SeaGen which are developing unique technology to harness the power of tides and waves.However it will take a long time for these technologies to attain a mature stage.Most of the new technologies are still in the pilot stage while the developed Tidal Energy Technology of Tidal Barrages suffers from a lack of investment.The main disadvantages of Tidal Energy are
March 15, 2011

Advantages of Tidal Energy – Many Pros but High Investment a Big Con

Tidal Energy is a niche form of Renewable Energy with less than 500 MW of Electricity Capacity worldwide.Tidal Energy generates less than .001% of the worldwide electricity generation as the Technology of this Alternative Energy is still quite immature.However numerous companies are researching ways to develop Tidal Energy as it offers almost unlimited potential at low costs and with no pollution.Tidal Wave Energy has not seen much commercial success except the almost 45 year old Tidal Wave Power Plant in France.South Korea is planning to build a number of Tidal Power Plants though the rest of the world has not given it much though.Here are the Top advantages of Tidal Energy.
March 13, 2011

List of Tidal Power Plants and Future Tidal Stations- Facing Difficult Times

Tidal Wave Energy is still a very niche technology with tidal barrages generating most of the electricity in a few power stations.Most of the tidal power plants using the modern tidal turbine technology are still in the pilot phase and generate negligible power.However tidal power stations have the potential to generate large amounts of energy in a non-polluting way.Though Tidal Technology is still in the baby phase, a number of companies are engaged in research in Tidal Technology and a large number of Tidal Stations are being built in Europe and USA.Here are a list of major Tidal Power Plants in the world.Expect this list to grow much bigger in the future as human interest in undersea technology grows as resources on land become fewer and more expensive.