Wind Power Plant

September 4, 2012

Why Private Equity is Investing heavily in Indian Wind Energy – 14-15% ROI and Unmet Power Demand

Private Equity in Wind Industry India The Indian Wind Energy Industry is currently under a lot of stress as subsidies and incentives have been withdrawn towards […]
June 3, 2012

List of Subsidy Schemes for Wind Energy in India – Changing Subsidies creates Investment Uncertainity

Wind Energy is one of the success stories in the Renewable Energy sector in India accounting for almost 70% of the total green energy capacity. India […]
January 18, 2012

Indian Wind Energy Developers to focus on Electricity Production than Accounting Gimmicks with Depreciation Removal in new Tax Code

Wind Power in India has been wildly successful and is the 5th biggest in the world because of substantial incentives from the government. One of them has been accelerated depreciation which has made hundreds of companies and rich individuals buy small wind farms. This helps them offset their tax liabilities providing a substantial 2 digit returns. However the big drawback in this from of green subsidy is that it does not incentivize the production of wind energy. Once the wind farm is set up, the incentive to produce lots of electricity is not there unlike the case of Feed in Tariff where your returns are solely based on the electricity generation.
January 5, 2012

Vestas faces Death Knell/ Consolidation aka First Solar from Price War by Chinese Wind Turbine Producers

Chinese Wind Turbine Companies have unleashed a global price war in which Western producers are unable to compete.While Solar Panel producers in the West are dying like flies,Western WTG Makers too face survival questions.Vestas which is the world's biggest turbine company in terms of installations announced another revenue shortfall for the nth time in the last couple of years.The company has already restructed ,reduce workforce etc etc.However the price competition from the Asian companies is too severe and too sustained for Vestas to surive too long.Like First Solar,Vestas seems a likely candidate for takeover by one of the big industrial conglomerates.It has become too tough for a renewable energy company in the West to survive on their own.
July 5, 2011

Chemicals,Textile Companies enter Solar Renewable Energy in India (Kanoria,Oswal Woolen Mills)

Renewable Energy is a sunshine industry in India right now and a number of non traditional players are getting into the clean energy industry right now.Companies with surplus cash or lack of growth opportunities are turning to solar energy generation to fuel growth.The JNNSM first phase saw a large number of companies bidding and some unknown players winning the auction.While a large number of these solar companies will never their projects see the light of the day (pun intended),some will survive and thrive.More companies are getting into the solar power busness attracted by the long term potential of solar energy in the country.Kanoria Chemicals which recently sold off a large chunk of its chemical business is sitting on a huge pile of cash.The company has decided to get into renewable energy generation by setting up a 2-3 MW solar plant.Note Kanoria Chemicals has little to any relation between its core operations and solar energy.
July 2, 2011

Vestas drowning in Chinese Competition gets EDF Energies Nouvelles Lifeline – Order could reach 2000 MW Wind Turbine

Vestas has been getting bigger orders and has been streamlining operations,however its stock price has continued to go down as investors see bleak future prospects wit hthe entry of Korean shipbuilders into the industry.Other heavyweights like Gamesa and Suzlon too have faced massive losses as margins have evaporated in the face of declining topline and prices.But now Vestas has got a lifeline from the renewable energy subsidiary of the French giant utility EDF.The order from is for 2000 MW of Wind Turbines over the next few years.While pricing was not disclosed,it would be certainly be at a discount to the normally premium prices charged by Vestas.This given order visibility to Vestas and provides price safety for EDF.The next frontier for Wind Energy Companies is going to be Offshore Wind and Siemens has stolen a march.Vestas is not going down without a fight recently introducing a 7 MW wind turbine for this segment
July 1, 2011

Cheap Finance Strategically being used to Export Chinese Renewable Energy Products – Sinovel wins largest wind turbine order 1 GW from Mainstream with CDB Funding

Cheap Financing by massive state owned Chinese Banks like Chiina Development Bank (CDB),China Construction Bank etc is being used as a strategic weapon to push Chinese renewable energy exports.Note cheap financing has always been used by big nations like Japan and USA to push exports by their domestic companies.United States EXIM Bank has been financing solar projects in India at very cheap interest rates to help First Solar sells its Solar Panels.Similarly China too has started using the huge balance sheet of its state owned banks to push its large green companies.Note CDB has extended almost $35 billion in credit lines to big Chinese solar companies like Suntech,Trina,Yingli,LDK and others.These credit lines can be used by renewable energy companies to finance the projects of their customers.Note Chinese Banks had bankrolled massive power equipment purchases in India being made by Dongfang and Shanghar Electric Groups.
June 30, 2011

Wind Energy Development in India boosted by entry of Metal Traders MMTC,Ushdev

Wind Power in India has been growing at a rapid pace making India the 5th largest global market for wind energy despite limited resources of wind energy.India Wind Power Plants are all set to grow with the entry of new wind power developers like Metal Traders MMTC and Ushudeve International.Note MMTC is the state owned metal trading giant while Ushudev is the 3rd largest private sector trader in metals after Adani and Surana Groups.New Wind Farm Developers like Caparo,Greenko,Genting,Techno Electric have already put agressive wind expansion plans in place.Now MMTC and Ushudev have joined the wind party as the economics of wind energy look enticing given the massive shortage of energy and the incentives given the government like GBI,Tax Breaks etc.
June 23, 2011

Offshore Wind Energy in China – 300x Growth in 10 years,List of Offshore Wind Companies and Subsidies

China installed almost 50% of the world's wind power energy capacity in 2010 as its market exploded from almost nothing to around 18 GW.China's massive energy needs and its growing emissions and pollution problems have led to strong tailwinds for the wind industry.This has also led to the growth of a massive domestic industry which has led to 8 Chinese Wind Turbine Producers among the top 15 global WTG suppliers.Now China is looking to make major inroads into offshore wind energy which is dominated by Europe.China has the only offshore wind farm in Asia off Shanghai and is looking to rapidly ramp up as its energy needs keep growing.With more than 70% of China's electricity coming from dirty coal and the country already consuming 3 billion tons of coal a year,energy sources have to be diversified urgently.
June 1, 2011

Wind Farm Developers in India put aggressive capacity plans in place (Caparo,Greenko,Genting,Techno Electric)

Wind Power in India has shown sharp growth in 2010 and looks to have a bright future with a number of wind farm developers investing aggressively to expand capacity.Wind Turbine Companies have also been putting up factories in India to catch a slice of the world's fifth largest wind energy market.Even Chinese companies like Dongfang and Shanghai Electric have managed to win contracts from power companies like KSK Energy.Greenko one of the first Green Utilities in India is raising funds to put even more wind turbines in India while Caparo has the biggest expansion plans in place.CLP which is the largest wind energy capacity owner in India too is plowing ahead with plans to add to the wind capacity.The most surprising entry is by Malaysian casino developer Genting which has raised debt from HSBC to put up a 92 MW Wind Farm in India.
June 1, 2011

Wind Market in India sees European Wind Companies Vestas,Gamesa,Enercon gain marketshare from No.1 Suzlon

Top European Wind Companies Vestas,Gamesa and Enercon have gained marketshare in 2010 in the Indian Wind Power Market.Note Indian Wind Energy Companies have been competing with each other as the Indian Wind Power Market starts slowing down.India installed more than 2 GW in Wind Capacity and is the world's fifth largest market.Suzlon the biggest Indian Wind Turbine Company has seen its marketshare go below 50% for the first time to 41% as aggressive initiatives by foreign wind manufacturers pay off.Note GE,Siemens and others have been setting up blade and turbine factories in India to lower costs and improve their position.Gamesa has been the biggest winner by gaining a 10 percent marketshare taking the No.3 position from the world's largest wind turbine company Vestas.Enercon maintaines its 2nd position with 500 MW of installations despite severe legal problems between the domestic unit and the German parent.
May 12, 2011

Renewable Energy in Poland (Wind,Biomass) in Brief – Increasing with Huge Prospects due to 90% Dependence on Coal

Poland is one of the largest countries in Europe to have such a high dependence on Coal Energy to meet its Electricity Needs.Note European Union has a target to meet 20% of its Energy by 2020 from Renewable Energy sources which has mad the fossil fuel dependent Eastern European countries looks towards Wind,Solar and Biomass Energy.Note Eastern European countries like Romania have seen a boom in wind energy driven by incorrect Green Energy subsidy policies while the Solar Boom in Czech led to a drastic increase in electricity prices forcing the government to Bust it with a combination of FIT cuts,tax increases and strict regulation.Poland which is the largest Eastern European country in the EU has traditionally depended on Coal to meet most of its Energy Needs.Despite the major disadvantages of Coal,Poland has resisted reducing the support given to the Thermal Power Industry.The cheapness and abudance of Coal has made it hard for Poland to shift its Energy Policy like other Coal dependent nations like South Africa,China and India.
May 12, 2011

80% Chinese Wind Turbines Companies might be Bankrupted as Smaller Producer to lose Government Subsidies (NDRC,MIIT) – Beneficial for Sinovel,Mingyang,Goldwind

The Chinese Wind Industry has around 80 wind turbine companies many of which are quite small and don't' have the money and expertise to compete in the international markets.Though the Chinese dominate the top global wind turbine companies list with 7 of the top 15 WTG companies Chinese,many are not competitive.Sinovel which has become the largest wind turbine company has recently canceled order for Electrical Control Systems from American Superconductor citing high inventory.Other Wind Turbine companies are in even more trouble as the industry suffers from huge overcapacity.The Chinese Wind Capacity has grown at 100% CAGR to reach 18 GW in 2010.However this strong growth has led to saturation of the wind market and price wars are being seen in China.Exports to other countries have been difficult as the cost of transportation of Wind Turbines is high.Besides Chinese Wind Companies don't possess strong technology and quality unlike established ones like Vestas,Gamesa,GE and Siemens.Though Dongfang and Shanghai Electric have managed to win some Turbine Orders in India,the export percentage is negligible.Wind Power in India too has reached a stable growth level and a number of wind companes in India are fighting for marketshare as well.
April 25, 2011

India Wind Turbine Industry to see raft of new above 2 MW launches (Suzlon,Kenersys,Regen,Siemens) as competition increases

Wind Power in India is the 5th biggest wind energy market in the world with more than 2 Gw of wind capacity being installed in the country.However Wind Energy Companies in India are seeing increasing competition from the entry of low cost Chinese Wind Turbine manufacturers Shanghai Electric and Dongfang.Chinese Wind Companies have seen astronomical growth in the last 5 years to occupy 7 of the top 15 global positions in the top wind companies in the world from zero.On the other hand India has only Suzlon in that list. Wind Turbines in India which are not as sophisticated and advanced in the western market with most turbines being of lower than 1 MW capacity.However with increasing focus on improving the LCOE and development of low wind locations,India Turbine producers are concentrating on introducing higher capacity 2.5 MW turbines and advanced technology like "direct drive" wind turbines.
April 11, 2011

Wind Power in India – What you Wanted to Know about Wind Turbines,Indian Wind Companies,Subsidies,Capacity,Offshore Wind and Wind Farms

Wind Power in India forms the biggest Renewable Energy Sector in India with an annual investment of around $2.5-3.5 Billion a year and a capacity installation of around 1-2 Gw a year.The Wind Industry in India has shown tremendous growth to become the 5th largest global market by installed capacity which totaled around 13 GW by end 2010.With the government of India mandating a target of 15% from Renewable Energy by 2020 from 6% now,Wind Energy stands to gain immensely.A Number of Private Companies like Caparo,Technoelectric,KSK,Orient Green Power,Greenko have newly entered the Wind Electricity sector and are setting up hundreds of megawatts of capacity each.Wind Energy Companies in India have also rushed to set up Wind Turbine Equipment Manufacturing alone or in JV with foreign partners while Global WTG Companies like Siemens,GE are adding to their Indian factories as well.States like Maharashtra which are low on Green Energy Capacity are giving additional incentives and subsidies to promote the use of Wind Energy while low speed Wind sites are being targeted as well.
April 11, 2011

Wind Industry in India – Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacturer Shanghai Electric enters following Dongfang courtesy KSK Energy

Wind Energy Companies in India were already facing trouble when China's largest power equipment producer and the 3rd largest Wind Turbine Manufacture Dongfang Electric won major Wind Contracts from Power Producers.Note Chinese companies have become the low cost leaders in the Wind Equipment Industry and sell much below Western competitors.Leading WTG companies from the West like Vestas and Gamesa are reeling from Chinese competition and slowdown in Western markets.Suzlon too has been affected as Korean shipbuilders and Chinese wind producers have become major players.India is the world's fifth biggest wind energy market and is expected to continue to build 1.5-2 GW wind power plants per year for the next decade.
April 8, 2011

Wind Power in China – 3 Signs of Trouble as Wind Energy Capacity Doubles – Declining Growth Inevitable

China Wind Power Market has become the biggest in the world with more than 18 GW of capacity installed in one single year Note China has managed to double its capacity each year since 2005 and at the end of 2010 Wind Capacity totalled 44 GW which makes China the biggest Wind Power country in the world overtaking the USA.China has now got 7 of the Top 15 Global Wind Turbine Manufacturers and 2 of the Top 3 WTG Companies.China's Massive Demand for Energy has made power plants mushroom in the country where more than 70% of the electricity is met by Coal.Wind Energy still forms only a small part of the power mix at less than 7% of the total power capacity and serves only a fraction of the Kwh of electricity given the lower load factor of Wind Power.Note Wind Power has grown in China as its Advantages as a Clean Source of Energy far outweigh its Cons.However the rapid demand growth has made a top inevitable as a country can only install that many megawatts in a year.
April 8, 2011

Wind Turbines in India – List of Types,Sizes,Capacity of Turbines from Wind Turbine Manufacturers

India's Wind Energy Market is the 5th largest in the world and is the biggest renewable energy sector in India (non-hydro).Wind Power forms almost 70% of the Alternative Energy Capacity in the country and will have an important role to play to meet India's target of 10% Renewable Energy from Electricity by 2020.Wind Energy is very cost effective in terms of cost and is approaching Gas Electricity Prices.Combined with the favorable tax treatment,accelerated depreciation,subsidies by different sates,Wind Energy has become the favored Green Energy Sector for investment by large private sector companies.Wind Power Plants are increasing in number and scale as larger companies like Caparo enter the Wind Power Sector.Wind Turbine Manufacturers in India are fast expanding capacity and investment to capitalize on this opportunity.Suzlon remains the Bid Daddy of the Wind Industry in India,however a number of foreign and domestic Wind Turbine Manufacturers are giving it a run for its money.Global Wind Turbine Leaders like Siemens,Enercon,GE have started Wind Turbine Equipment Manufacturing in India in recent times to lower their costs.Here is a list of the Major Wind Turbines available in India of different types and capacities from the various Different Wind Manufacturers.
April 8, 2011

Wind Power Plants in India – Guide to Cost and How to Setup a Wind Farm,State Wind Capacity,Wind Subsidies and List of Major Wind Farms in India

Wind Power Plants has seen a phenomenal growth of around 33% CAGR in the last 5 years and the total capacity at end of 2010 was 11800 MW with most of the capacity installed in the state of Tamil Nadu which is the largest state in terms of Alternative Energy Capacity in India.GWEC has set an ambitious target of 65 GW for Wind Energy in India by 2020 which means an addition of 5 GW each year which seems too high given the wind power potential in India is only around 65 GW.However using low wind speed sites may increase the potential besides the use of offshore wind power in India.A number of Wind Turbine Manufactures in India have set up facilities attracted by the domestic market with Suzlon being the biggest Wind Company in India. The Indian Wind Energy already has the 5th largest installed capacity in the world and is set to grow at a rapid pace driven by investments from the private sector attracted by the generous wind subsidies from the state and central government in India.Most of the Installed Wind Capacity in India is located in the southern and industrial states of the country.The other states like UP,Bihar lacks sufficient Wind Energy Capacity despite having high power tariffs and substantial electricity deficits.It can be said that Wind Power in India is being developed only in the progressive states like Gujarat,Maharashtra and others.To continue to grow at the same rate,the industry needs to diversify geographically but that would need the backward state governments to pull up their socks.
October 18, 2010

List of Wind Energy Companies in India – Pretenders or World Beaters

Wind Energy in India is the biggest Green Industry currently with around 1 GW of Wind Power Capacity being installed in a year on average.The Growth in Wind Industry has been driven by states like Tamil Nadu who have heavily subsidized and promted Wind Energy.India at around 10 GW of Wind Capacity is the world's 5th largest Wind Energy Producer.However India remains far behind China in terms of Wind Energy Growth .Last Year China installed nearly 13 GW of Wind Energy which is more than India's total installed capacity of Wind Energy.With a target of around 230 GW by 2020,China is on track to install 20 GW of WInd Capacity a Year in the next 10 years which would make India a Pygmy.Also two of the largest Wind Turbine Producers Sinovel and Goldwind are from China.India despite producing a world class company Suzlon in the early states of Wind Industry Development is struggling.Suzlon has fallen on very hard times running big losses while other Wind Companies are of hardly any decent size.