About GreenworldInvestor
Green World Investor is a website/blog which covers topics on the Global Green Industry and India.This Blog provides information primarily on Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Energy Storage, Efficiency etc as well as articles on Indian Finance and Renewable Energy industry. There are also legacy topics on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Unemployment, Trade, Income Inequality, Geopolitics, Economics and Poverty. GWI was started as a pure writing passion in May 2011, with the whole purpose of sharing the author’s views with the world at large. Today it makes the team proud to share with you that the blog is been read & followed by people from the industry in all corners of the world.About The Authors
Hello, I am Sneha, the Editor-in-chief for the Blog. I am a Chartered Accountant by profession, with interest about the Financial & Indian Market. Prior to GWI, I was associated with HDFC & Agilent Technologies, Gurgaon. I strongly believe in a Sustainable and Green Living and thus write a lot about Renewable Sector – Solar and Wind in particular. The virtual world have made me so many friends from everywhere. The journey has been very overwhelming.
Thank You Everyone & we would be glad to receive suggestions, inputs & comments on GWI from you guys to keep it going.
I am also an avid writer with Seeking Alpha.
My work has been published in other mainstream media too:
Globe & Mail “An investor with a green thumb and interest in India” (April 24th, 2015)
AltEnergy Stocks website Seven Indian Clean Energy Stocks (Nov 26th 2012)
An article on Solar Lighting was published in India’s leading lighting magazine, called Lighting India (Sep-Oct 2015 edition – page#42).
You can contact me for consultancy/trade inquires by writing an email to greenworldinvestor@gmail.com