1) Panasonic to close its solar cell factory in Hungary. Approximately 500 jobs to be affected.
2) Conergy takes steps ahead to file insolvency. Payment delays in one of the PV projects resulted in the company’s liquidity.
3) Juwi installs solar plants in Japan and France. ~50 MW of PV in France and 1 MW rooftop PV plant in Japan installed.
4) Solar Impulse flies solar-powered air plane in USA.
5) NTPC’s solar plant to be built by TATA Power Solar (TATA BP Solar) in Madhya Pradesh, India.
6) Update on EU-China Trade War. In order to avoid duties, China imposes limitation on the solar panel exports to the EU territory upto 10 GW per year.
7) Renesola excels in microinverters too, gains certification in major countries.
8) ~750 thousand solar panels have been commissioned in California site confirmed SunPower & NRG Energy. This is equivalent to almost 500 residential solar PV system.
9) Mexico air force base to get 3.4 MW of Solar PV. SolarCity has taken the initiative.
10) Gujarat, India to cut FIT rate from 21 cents to 15 cents per KwH. The main reason cited is the abnormal profits earned by solar plant owners.