We at Greenworldinvestor have been the biggest proponents of using solar power. Solar energy applications have come a long way in terms of costs and efficiency levels. Solar power has increasingly being used in several day to day aspects of our lives, especially in the rural areas where there is hardly any grid connectivity. Some of the important breakthroughs in this regard are solar powered rooftops, lights, pumps, vehicles, cookers etc. These areas have been successfully using the free energy from the sun and making a difference to millions and billions of lives on earth.
The improvement in cost and technological advancements has paved the way for the usage of solar energy in diverse areas. However, there have been few interesting stories over the recent past which has propelled me to come up with a list of most unusual/ weird applications of solar power.
Keep reading to learn about 10 Strange Places Where Solar Has Been Used:
1. Life Saving Devices like Pacemaker – We recently covered how solar energy can also power the beating of your heart. Solar cells can be now placed under the skin to recharge implanted electronic medical devices like cardiac pacemakers continuously. According to Swiss researchers, a solar cell 3.6 square centimetre in size can generate enough power to run a typical pacemaker.
2. Solar Boats – During May last year, the Indian PM Narendra Modi had gifted e-boats to the boatmen in Varanasi. These boats were supposed to run on power supplied by the rechargeable batteries, which in turn would get charge from solar panels. These e-boats are supposed to bring down the daily cost of a boatman, by at least Rs.500 spent on diesel.
3. Solar Tree which is basically solar panels arranged on a pole, in a manner that they harness maximum solar energy. It is a collection of solar panels put together angularly to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight. A Solar Tree should be planted hand in hand with natural trees to increase not only the place value, but also the green quotient of a location.
4. Solar ice cream kart is designed to allow the ice cream to be in its original form. It has a DC refrigerator system with a battery back up inside, which is charged by solar panels fitted on roof top of the kart.
5. Solar Fountains is an innovative way to use the free solar power and a boon for nature lovers. Use eco-friendly ways to power your fountain in your lawn or garden. A solar panel is used to power the running of this landscaping and you can team it with a solar garden light to further add to the beauty 🙂
6. Solar Cooker uses solar energy to heat food or drink to cook it. It requires little fuel and maintenance. India has already installed the world’s largest solar cooker at a cost of $280,000 at Shridi subsidized by the Indian government, which generates 3,500 kg of steam every day to make food for 20,000 people.
7. Solar Toys have a solar panel inside which can be put under the sun and when charged can be connected with the toy to move them. This also saves the parents from the cost of batteries which need to be regularly replaced in these toys.
8. Trash and recycling compactors – Yes you heard it right. Solar power is now being used to recycle waste in a garbage bin. Solar-Powered Trash Compactors and recycling kiosks are perfect for cities, community centers, parks, beaches or other high-traffic areas. An environment friendly way to keep our environment clean and safe from diseases. Solar power is used to compress its contents so that it does not need man power to be emptied regularly. I find it quite interesting approach and recommend highly to be implemented in India. The country suffers from intermittent cleaning services and parts of the Indian cities remain dirty and at risk due to the garbage.
9. Swimming Pools are a great way of recreation and exercise at the same time. It is because of this that these pools are now used all round the year. Thanks to solar energy life has become easier. You can now use solar panels bring it to a desired temperature. Solar swimming pool heating technologies first appeared in the 1970’s and today’s solar pool heating systems are super-effective and very reliable. Solar pool heating systems have a lifespan of up to 20 to 30 years.
10. Solar Roads are made up of special tempered glass that is very strong and can even support small trucks on road. These panels also have inbuilt LED lighting system that provides for signage, and multiprocessors that make these roads intelligent enough to communicate with each other. The world’s first solar road, “SolaRoad” was built in Netherlands and went live in 2015, generating 70kWh of energy per square meter annually.