Sandy to have an economic impact of $50 billion or 0.5% of US GDP
In Greece people who receive a paycheque become the exception
US Hourly Labor forced to work even during the Hurricane to provide food on the table
People still struggling to get their lives back post 2008 Crash
Global Markets
They should read some reality from Doug Noland
China now an owner of the Heathrow Airport
Resource Rich Indonesia stamps on the toes of Foreign Investors
Hyundai caught lying about gasoline mileage (Corporate lying and fraud does’t surprise anymore does it)
Panasonic reports a gargantuan loss, should be on debt watch like Sharp
Linkedin trail blazes revenue growth even as Facebook,Zynga and Group fail to monetize
Falling commodity prices booat Indian company profits but sales dissapoint
Samsung Note II flies off the shelf defying early critics
Google dominance becomes a concern for antitrust regulators as small businesses have no redressal