From unpredictable weather to the onslaught of various disasters due to natural causes, it is only fitting for ordinary individuals to participate in our global efforts to protect the environment.
With the increasing push for more sustainable alternatives, one that is gaining much attention is using solar energy, not just for industrial use but also in our homes.
This year, nearly 48% of American households have claimed that they plan to install solar panels in the near future. This is a promising number, considering that in 2022, fossil fuels still account for more than 60% of electricity generation. Although it may take decades for the world to fully transition away from fossil fuels, small investments in renewable energy can make a significant difference.
It will even be more substantial when you pair it with a solar battery, storing the excess energy generation from your solar panel for emergencies and even earning you appreciable tax incentives. Learn more about tax credits here.
Your journey to a more sustainable life is often shaky and complicated. One way to persevere with this venture is to educate yourself with the know-how and best practices for maintaining a solar system. One of the most crucial know-how to prevent unnecessary fire accidents is to know the best location for your storage batteries.
Experts typically recommend placing it in your garage or outdoors if the circumstance allows it. Other locations can be ideal as long as you are aware of the following considerations before you make an informed decision:
Typical Weather and Climate Conditions
In the US, each state normally experiences different climate or weather conditions throughout the year. It is important that you are aware of the weather patterns in your area. In Hawaii, for example, Family First Solar Hawaii mounts solar batteries in garages or even outdoors because their weather patterns are consistently fair, with only occasional storms and rainfall. In areas that experience extreme climate variability, such as heavy rainfall, extreme heat, and humidity, a garage or some separate shed is an ideal location for their batteries.
Battery Size and Weight
It is essential to know the specs of your battery before you decide on how you want it installed. Sometimes, it may call for some expert advice from a structural engineer to make sure that your solar batteries are in an ideal location. It is firmly encouraged to follow the engineer’s recommendations, as they have expertise in building codes and other government regulations.
Ventilation and Safety
Some battery models can emit flammable gases or become quite hot, depending on usage. Make sure that wherever you place your battery, it has enough ventilation and is not surrounded by materials that can easily catch fire.
Materials of the House
Some houses are built that make it ideal for solar batteries to be stored indoors without any problems. Brick houses allow for flexibility in indoor locations; however, houses made of wood are strongly advised to have the batteries placed outside and even build a non-combustible barrier in between.
Manufacturer’s Guidelines
As solar batteries differ in their technological makeup and other technical characteristics, it is always best to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers themselves. As a safety precaution and following the standards set by relevant agencies, the manufacturers must test their models to determine the ideal conditions that guarantee safety and effective function.
Government and Relevant Agency Rules and Regulations
Several agencies develop standards for Energy Storage Systems, or ESS, which solar batteries are part of. NFPA 855, or the Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems, was developed by the National Fire Protection Association. It generally offers guidance and requirements on the best practices for installing energy storage systems in your home. Ultimately, NFPA 855 stipulates that residential ESS are permitted to be installed in only the following locations:
Follow this site for more information.
Size of the Whole Energy Solar System
Another vital thing to consider is the size of your whole system. This determines the location of your battery relevant to the solar panels and inverter. Remember, energy losses occur while electricity travels along the wirings. The longer your system’s wires are, the more energy is lost to the travel.
The much more complicated solar inverters mostly depend on the coupling. For example, in DC coupling, the battery should be as close to the inverter, while AC coupling means two separate inverters. The battery inverter needs to stay close to the battery, while the one for solar does not need to be.
Equipped with this knowledge, you are on your way to having a smooth start on your transition to sustainable energy. Along with the best know-how is choosing the right installer to cater to your needs. Ultimately, it is always wise to ask your installers where the best location in your house may be, making them a crucial choice.
For residents in Hawaii, you may want to enjoy up to 35% state tax credit for your solar energy systems. Hawaii’s government does not need permits for systems under 50 kilowatts. If it exceeds 50 kilowatts, you can always apply for permits at Hawaii Energy. Be sure to seek expert advice before tackling the process on your own.