China Sunenergy (CSUN) is a Chinese solar company which used to produce solar cells initially. Later, the company expanded into solar panel production, with solar developers and installers as its main customers. CSUN is listed with the NASDAQ and is the smallest US listed Chinese solar stock, with a market value of just $30 million. CSUN will ship around 500 MW of solar products in 2013. China Sunenergy is closely affiliated with the renowned China Electrical Equipment Group (CEEG). However the company has survived the vicious solar downturn, though it is still in losses. China Sun Energy set up a 300 MW solar cell/panel factory in Turkey, which will allow them to sell their products across Europe and US without being impacted by EU’s pending decision on anti-dumping duties. CSUN manufactures solar cells and modules.
CSUN modules are designed for use at any location. They can withstand ammonia and salt spray e.g. in coastal and farming areas and are even hail-tested with a diameter of 25mm and an impact speed of 23m/s. The products are certified according to international quality and environment standards ISO 9001 and 14001. CSUN produces both mono- and polycrystalline modules:
i) QSAR I & II
a) Cell type: Monocrystalline
b) Module efficiency: up to 16.63%
c) Average power rating: up to 320 Wp
d) No of Cells: 60 or 72 cells (156*156 mm each)
Models: QSAR I CSUN 320-72M, QSAR II CSUN 320-72M, QSAR I CSUN 270-60M and QSAR II CSUN 270-60M.
ii) Standard Mono Series, The Energizer
b) Module efficiency: up to 16.06%
c) Average power rating: up to 300 Wp
d) No of Cells: 60 or 72 cells (156*156 mm each)
Models: CSUN 300-72M, CSUN 205-72M, CSUN 250-60M
b) Module efficiency: up to 16.01%
c) Average power rating: up to 310 Wp
d) No of Cells: 60 or 72 cells (156*156 mm each)
Models: CSUN 310-72P CSUN 260-60P
ii) Standard Poly Series
b) Module efficiency: up to 15.75%
c) Average power rating: up to 305 Wp
d) No of Cells: 60 or 72 cells (156*156 mm each)
Models: CSUN 305-72P CSUN 255-60P
1 Comment
Hi, I think your info about China Sun Energy is incorrect. I read from the news that due to financial problem, this company has already been moved out from NASDAQ in 2016.