Japan’s Nuclear Disaster took a turn for the worse as another Fire and Blast in the Nuclear Reactor led to Severe Radiation Leak.Japan’s PM warned people within 20 miles of the Plant to evacuate and within 30 miles to remain indoors.There is a high probability of the Nuclear Containment Vessel may get Damaged as Temperatures kept rising with the failure of the Cooling Systems.Radiation Levels at the reactor reached 965.5 micro sievert per hour, later jumping to 8,217 micro sievert at 8:31 p.m. The level would be more than eight times the 1,000 micro sievert limit to which people can be exposed in one year without effect, according to the report.The Wind was blowing south which implies that one of the highest population density cities in the world – Tokyo might feel the affects of Radiation.Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged calm in a national address Tuesday.
An explosion Tuesday at the Unit 2 reactor at a Fukushima power plant may have damaged the reactor’s inner containment vessel, the most serious development yet in the ongoing crisis at the severely damaged facility. Tokyo Electric Power Co., which owns the Fukushima No. 1 (Daiichi) plant 140 miles north of Tokyo, said radiation levels at the plant were rising and that everyone who lives within 18 miles of the plant had been advised to stay indoors. Nearly 200,000 people who live within 12 miles of the plant had already been evacuated.A fire has started in a fourth reactor at the site as well, but Japan’s nuclear safety agency quickly report that it had been extinguished.
Major organizations like WHO and IAEA said that a Chernobyl situation with major radiation affects is highly unlikely but mild radiation seems to have already come out from the Nuclear Plant.Iodine Tablets are being distributed.The damage has gotten worse with another blast rocking the reactor No. 2 and a fire starting at the No. 4 reactor.Note reactors No.1 and No.3 have already seen blasts in the past 3 days post the earthquake.This Tepco has sent away all its staff except 50 persons away as radiation leaks become worse by the hour.
A radiation leak is feared after Japan’s Nuclear Safety Agency reported a third explosion at Unit 2 of the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power plant in the country’s northeast.Shinji Kinjo, an agency spokesman, said that “a leak of nuclear material is feared”, after the explosion was heard at 6:10am local time (21:10 GMT) on Tuesday.Naoto Kan, the Japan prime minister, warned people within 30km of the Fukushima plant to stay indoors.Low-level radioactive wind from the reactor could reach Tokyo, the Japanese capital, within 10 hours, based on current winds, the French embassy said in a statement on its Japanese-language website on Tuesday.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged calm in a national address Tuesday, but said that there was a high risk that radiation had leaked from a reactor after an explosion at the nuclear plant where workers have been struggling to cool earthquake-damaged facilities.
“Substantial amounts of radiation are leaking in the area,” Kan said in a televised address, adding that workers were “making utmost efforts to prevent further explosions or the release of radioactive materials.”
Asian Markets Crash with Nikkie Leading
Asian Markets which were up yesterday on the news that the Nuclear Accident will be only minor in proportion have woken up to a new reality.The Japanese Stock Index which was down 6% has fallen to 11% as fears and panic reaches the Stock Market.Other Asian Stock Markets like Taiwan and Hong Kong are down 3-4% as well as supply chains of semiconductors and electronics will be severely disrupted.Japan is the world’s 3rd largest economy and a serious problem there would affect all its major trading partners like China,Taiwan and Hong Kong.Japan’s GDP would face negative consequences and a 2-3% hit this year can be expected leading to a slowdown in global trade and growth.
1 Comment
While it is good to be informed, it is always useful to be safe. Nuclear reactors are inherently dangerous in nature. To worsen the thing, no government in the world is fully transparent about the hazards of living within proximity to nuclear reactors. This includes highly developed nations including the United States and Japan. People always have to rely on independent third-party sources like Scientific American etc.