China’s Communist Government is notorious for suppressing any note of dissent to its authoritarian rule.Its vice like grip over Internet is already well known by the outside world.The Chinese government does not tolerate any protests as can be seen by its brutal suppression of common people in Tiananmen Square,Tibet and Xinjiang.The one party rule ensures that a massive amount of power rests in the hands of communist party officials in provinces.This has resulted in huge amount of graft and corruption.People who are unfairly treated have little hope of redress as the legal systema has little independence.
People who try to petition the central government against injustices and human rights violations are routinely beat up by provincial police offices and hired thugs.It is not uncommon to hear about people who go to the capital Beijing to complain against regional offices get beaten up and thrown into jails.The high handedness of communist party officials has funnily came to haunt them in 1 such case.A Senior Party official’s wife was beaten black and blue by provincial police officers who thought her to be a complainer.The woman who had gone to meet her husband in his office was taken to a police station after being soundly beaten by fists.It makes you wonder what happens to ordinary people when such influential people can get beaten.Don’t think you would have found this incident written about in the media or police officials apologising to the woman if her husband was not a senior official.Human Rights not only in China but other developing countries like India have a very very long way to go to match developed countries.
Plainclothes police severely beat the wife of a provincial official, mistaking her for one of many Chinese who petition government offices in the hope of redressing wrongs, the China Daily reported on Wednesday.The case of mistaken identity has become a hot topic among Chinese Internet users, highlighting the abuse that China’s armies of petitioners routinely suffer at the hands of police and hired thugs who wish to silence them.Six public security officers set on Chen Yulian, the wife of a provincial law enforcement officer, last month when she tried to enter her husband’s office building, which houses the Hubei provincial party headquarters, the China Daily said.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jane Ginn, AGreenInvestor. AGreenInvestor said: Glaring Lack of Human Rights in China as Leader’s Wife gets beaten by Police on Mistaken Identity […]