Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on its 50th Anniversary has called the Developed Nations Subsidies as “Unfair” and has referred Alternative Energy as the biggest challenge facing the Rich Oil Exporting Nation Cartel.OPEC is being a huge hypocrite as Fossil Fuels Subsides totaled $550 Billion last year which is almost 12x the Subsidies given to Green Energy.However no mention of this fact was said as these Green Subsidies were “not acceptable” OPEC.Head of this Rich Oil Nation Cartel Abdalla el-Badri wants a “level playing field” with Green Energy.Perhaps adding on the external costs of health hazards,pollution,Climate Change would level the field a bit.OPEC is a 12 Nation Club formed mostly of Middle Eastern Nations who control 80% of the Global Oil Reserves and 33% of the Production.Saudi Arabia is the non-official leader of this Cartel and has been known for its opposition to Climate Change efforts.The other nations too support Saudi Arabia recently blocking a group of Poor Island Nations from accessing climate change data.These Nations have shockingly asked for Aid as Global Warming Concerns reduce the Fossil Fuel Demand.Most of the Middle East Exporters are filthy rich generating huge amounts of cash from the Export of Fossil Fuels.
OPEC Greed Blinds them to Climate Change
OPEC has totally ignored the reason why such subsidies are being given by developed nations.Global Warming and Climate Change is the biggest threat facing mankind and despite concerted efforts by the Fossil Fuel Lobbies the fact is not going to change.A Global Agreement on Climate Change is on the backburner while USA shows no sign of helping it.OPEC has conveniently forgotten the massive subsidies given to Fossil Fuel.There is no protest against the Billions in Subsidies given to Oil and Gas Consumption in countries like India and China.Its Plain Greed for Money that has OPEC making such statements.Leading members of the OPEC like Kuwait,UAE and Saudi Arabia also have no qualms in promoting Nuclear Energy and Solar Energy.Abu Dhabi has funded a huge Renewable Energy Company Masdar while Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have made ambitious plans for building Gigawatts of Nuclear Energy.They want to reserve their Oil for Exports even as they consumer Greener forms of Energy at home.However with leaders like Saudi Arabia what else can you expect.Also note OPEC does not find anything illegal or unfair about its very existence.Cartelization is an illegal form of cooperation where producers of a product cooperate to artificially inflate prices and loot consumers.However OPEC has no qualms about cartelization and rent seeking forms of looting.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is unhappy with what it sees as unfair competition from subsidized alternative energies, OPEC chief Abdalla el-Badri said Tuesday on the day of the group’s 50th anniversary.
Experts have identified the rise of renewable energy as one of the challenges that the 12-country club of producers will have to deal with in the years ahead.Secretary-General el-Badri was referring to government policies, especially in Western countries, to raise the share of alternative energy supplies, to tax fossil fuels and to support renewable sources of power.
‘That is not acceptable to us,’ he said, adding that his organization wanted to compete on fair terms in the overall energy market.
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[…] of the prices of oil and gas ,billions of dollars which are exported to Europe.Like the Middle East countries,Russia too does not believe too much in Renewable Energy.Despite a solid technological base in high […]