As oil prices continue to fluctuate at high rates, green investing has been looked at by a great number of people. Since oil is a commodity that nearly every country benefits from through trades with others, the rising cost per barrel has made several countries beginning to look at alternative energy sources. Countries such as China, India, and South Korea are encouraging alternative energy programs in order to secure a future void of the financial ravages of oil.
1. Automobiles – One of the most prevalent aspects of oil consumption comes from the use of automobiles. Every year, gas prices are higher than the year before with no signs of every dropping back down to the $0.91 per gallon areas such as Los Angeles experienced back in 1988. Since then, gas has been on an ever-growing hike. Manufacturers around the world have began producing electric cars in order to help stem the use of gasoline, but it will take more than a handful of these units in order to truly drop the price per barrel around the globe.
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2. Power Plants – Although there are a great many nuclear power plants around the world in operation, energy needs are still surpassing productivity. While many of us are afraid of turning the planet into a neon-green sphere that acts as a beacon to other visiting civilizations of the Universe of what not to do when pressed for power, companies and governments are putting more efforts into methods to replace power created by fossil fuels. Solar and wind are the two most notable contributors to the power grid for green technologies. In the U.S, rebates and tax credit are given to those who employ solar and wind generated power to help offset the cost of installations.
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3. Africa – Solar awareness has even become a practice of those that are impoverished in African areas. Organizations such as SolarAid help by providing lighting within the homes of those who are still using kerosene lamps for illumination at night. Through using provided donations, this organization is on a mission to remove kerosene lamp use from Africa by 2020. Although this may seem like a small step towards the improvement of humanity as a whole, it is a way to show that humans as a species do have the power to create change on a massive scale, even if it’s one bulb at a time.
4. Wasteland to Power – In India, portions of the Thar Desert has been tagged for solar collection. As these areas are not occupied, they can be looked at for utilization by solar power without interfering with the daily lives of individuals. These power plants can generate hundreds of gigawatts each, but require the support of backers and investors. Such is the case with the Sahara Desert project that is facing a rocky start before it even begins.
As time progresses, innovations are continuing to look promising. More efficient photovoltaic cells are being created, high capacity batteries are being developed, and more efficient turbines are being manufactured all in order to benefit the people of this planet in more ways than reducing the electric bill in the home. Our energy demands are growing as technology requirements expand. It will be interesting to see what new innovative green technologies are released prior to 2020. Read about Solar Products in India.
This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston. Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @
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