The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster refused to die down despite some of the extreme scenarios out of the picture.The Japanese Government today raised the Disaster Level of the Fukushima Accident to 7 (same as Chernobyl which is the worst Nuclear Energy Disaster) from 5 (same as Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident in the USA).Japan’s nuclear-safety authorities raised the Level on April 11 as Radiation Levels outside the Fukushima Evacuation zone were found to be higher than that of Chernobyl
A study of soil samples conducted by a team of experts from Kyoto University and Hiroshima University has revealed that as much as 400 times the normal levels of radiation could remain in communities beyond a 30-kilometer radius from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.The study found cesium-137 at levels between about 590,000 and 2.19 million becquerels per cubic meter.After the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986, residents who lived in areas where cesium-137 levels exceeded 555,000 becquerels were forced to move elsewhere.
A study of soil samples has revealed that as much as 400 times the normal levels of radiation could remain in communities beyond a 30-kilometer radius from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, where explosions spewed radioactive materials into the atmosphere.If more radioactive materials are emitted from the crippled Fukushima plant, the level of cesium-137 could rise even further.Calculations were also made of changes in the radiation level in the air one meter above contaminated ground over a three-month period from March 15, when an explosion occurred at the Fukushima plant.The study found that even after three months there would be between 7 and 21 microsieverts per hour being emitted from the contaminated soil into the air.If an individual remained outdoors for the entire three-month period, the person would be exposed to between 30 and 95 millisieverts over the period.Assuming the cesium remains in the soil, the accumulated level of radiation after one year could be between about 70 and 220 millisieverts.
Why did Japanese Government ignore IAEA,High Radiation exceeds in Areas 60kms from the Plant
Note IAEA and Greenpeace had long warned about high radiation levels outside the 20 kms Evacuation Zone.IAEA had found high levels of radiation in the Itati village 40 kms from the Fukushima plant almost 2 weeks ago but the Japanese government had failed to act on the advice.Now given the very high levels of radiation,the government is being forced to enlarge the evacuation zone.INES the Japanese Nuclear Safety Agency raise the Disaster Level as they found Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had been releasing up to 10,000 terabecquerels of radioactive materials per hour at some point after a massive quake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan on March 11.The commission also released a preliminary calculation for the cumulative amount of external exposure to radiation, saying it exceeded the yearly limit of 1 millisieverts in areas extending more than 60 kilometers to the northwest of the plant and about 40 km to the south-southwest of the plant.It encompasses the cities of Fukushima, Date, Soma, Minamisoma, and Iwaki, which are all in Fukushima Prefecture, and some areas including the town of Hirono in the prefecture.
Greenpeace confirms radiation levels of up to 10 microsieverts per hour in Iitate village, 40 km (25 miles) northwest of the nuclear plant.
Greenpeace has detected harmful radiation levels in an area 40 km northwest of Fukushima and called the Japanese government to extend the evacuation zone of 20 km which the Japanese officials rejected calling Greenpeace readings unreliable.Note the government readings so far have not inspired much confidence either.The government has called for “voluntary” evacuation of people living between 20-30 km which does not make much sense in such a dangerous and confusing scenario.
[…] Threads is a 1984 BBC television play depicting the effects of a nuclear war on the United Kingdom and its aftermath. Written by Barry Hines and directed by Mick Jackson, Threads was filmed in late 1983 and early 1984. The premise of Threads was to hypothesise the effects of a nuclear war on the United Kingdom after an exchange between the Soviet Union and the United States escalates to include the UK. Additionally on this topic you can read:… […]
What about the level of all the OTHER radioactive substances spewing from the ruptured reactors?!