Soybeans are a legume species, and, unlike other plant foods, soybeans have a high protein content – equivalent to animal products. Not only is soy a good source of protein, but it also provides many other beneficial nutrients. Soy contains two healthy types of fat, called omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Soy is also an excellent source of folate, iron, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, insoluble fiber, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, manganese, and B vitamins.
Soybeans are used to make various products such as tofu, soy milk, and ‘meatless’ meats. If you would like to grow your own soybeans, here is a quick overview of how to start a soybean farming business.
Write a Business Plan
Decide how you will fund your business, where you will base it, how much land you will need, what equipment will be required, and whether or not you will employ staff.
When you have thought about all of this, look into what permits or licenses you may need to acquire before registering your business.
Soybeans grow best in tropical climates where they are exposed to direct sunlight and never become shaded. The soil needs to be moist and not sandy, with a pH above 6.5. A minimum of one acre is required if you want to set up a commercial soybean business. A vital factor to consider is the ethics of soybean farming. Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed by soybean cultivation; therefore, it is essential to the planet that you farm environmentally friendly soy.
The Beans
There are a few different seed varieties of soybean. When cultivating soybeans for commercial production, it is critical to choose the right seeds. Green seeds are required for soybeans that are being farmed for consumption, yellow seeds for soy milk or flour making, and black seeds for producing dried soybeans.
It’s is best to plant soybean seeds around May when the winter is finished as the soil needs to be warm. Soybean growth is very dependent on planting depth. For maximum growth, the seeds should be planted between 1 and 1.5 inches deep. If the soil is coarse and dry, plant the seeds up to a 2inch depth. A grain drill is used to plant seeds on a large scale.
Soybeans use very little water during the seedling stage. If they are planted in early May, they shouldn’t need to be irrigated until June. Too much water in the early stages can grow taller, leafier plants that are more susceptible to disease. If you think you need an irrigation system, consider using a solar-powered irrigation pump – these are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than electric pumps.
In late September, the soybeans begin to mature, and the leaves of the plant turn yellow. By mid-October and into November, the leaves brown and fall off, leaving the plant’s pods exposed. A combine harvester is used to pick the pods, separate them from their stems and pods, and store the soybeans in a big tank. The soybeans can be now be transported to customers.