Hydroelectricity is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. Hydroelectricity capacity is around 800 GW accounting for almost 20% of the global electricity capacity. China and Canada have the largest hydro capacities in the world. If you consider Hydro power as renewable energy, then Hydro is the most widely used renewable energy in the world. In fact Hydroelectricity is the 3rd biggest source of electricity in the world after coal and oil/gas. Hydroelectricity power plants can have massive capacities with the Three Gorges Dam in China being the world’s largest at 22.5 GW. The Itiapu and Guri Dams in South America are the 2nd and 3rd largest with 14 GW and 10 GW capacities. China is set to double its massive hydroelectric capacity to almost 400 GW by 2020 from 20 GW currently. The advantages of Hydroelectricity are many.
Advantages of Hydroelectricity
- No Fuel Cost – Hydro Energy does not require any fuel like most other sources of energy. This is a huge advantage over other fossil fuels whose costs are increasing at a drastic rate every year. Electricity prices are increasingly rapidly in most parts of the world much faster than general inflation. Price shocks due to high fuel costs are a big risk with fossil fuel energy these days
- Low Operating Costs and little Maintenance – Operating labor cost is also usually low, as plants are automated and have few personnel on site during normal operation.
- Low Electricity Cost – The Electricity produced from Hydro Power is quite low making it very attractive to construct hydro plants. The payback period is estimated to be between 5-8 years for a normal hydro power plant. Hydro Plants also have long lives of between 50-100 years which means that they are extremely profitable.
- No Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Air Pollution – Hydroelectricity does not produce any GHG emissions or cause air pollution from the combustion of fossil fuels unlike coal, oil or gas. This makes them very attractive as a source of cheap, non carbon dioxide producing electricity.
- Energy Storage – Pumped Hydro Storage is possible with most of the hydro power plants. This makes them ideal storage for wind and solar power which are intermittent in nature. Hydro Dams can be modified at low costs to allow pumped storage.
- Small Size Possible – Hydroelectricity can be produced in almost any size from 1 MW to 10000 MW which makes it very versatile. Small Hydro Plants are being encouraged by government as they cause less ecological affects than large hydro plants. Even micro hydro plants are possible.
- Reliability – Hydro Power is much more reliable than wind and solar power though less than coal and nuclear as a base load source of power. Hydroelectricity is more or less predictable much in advance though it can decrease in summer months when the water is low in the catchment areas.
- High Load Factor – The Load Factor for Solar and Wind Energy ranges from 15-40% which is quite low compared to Fossil Fuel Energy. Hydroelectricity on the other hand has a load factor of almost 40-60% .
- Long Life – Hydro Plants has a very long life of around 50- 100 years which is much longer than that of even Nuclear Power Plants. The long life implies that the life cycle cost of a Hydel Power Plant becomes very low in the long term
The massive installed capacity of Hydroelectricity is a testament to the Pros of Hydro Power compared to other sources of Energy. With other renewable energy having disadvantages of intermittent and high costs, Hydro Power will continue to dominate the non-polluting sources of energy. Low costs, long history and almost no pollution makes Hydroelectricity one of best options to construct new energy plants.
Greenworldinvestor Articles you should read
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Tidal Energy
- Advantages/Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy – Cons Winning over Pros
- Pros and Cons of Wind Power,Turbines and Farms – The Advantages outweighs the Disadvantages
- Ten Advantages of Biomass Energy – Oldest Alternative Energy Form gets back in vogue
- More Evidence about Advantages of Solar PV vs Solar Thermal
- Advantages of Solar Energy – Declining Cost the Biggest One
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I, Mohammad Wahid proprietor of Libra Education Consultancy P. Ltd. Kathmandu, Nepal. would like to presents some of queries regarding the Hydro Power. I have found that your organization is doing Hydro Power Conference annually which include Hydropower development, Hydro Projects, Small & Mini Hydro, Risk Management in Hydro Power. Now lets come to the points, I would like to request you to do same Hydro Power Conference in Nepal. Let me introduce Hydro Power in Nepal through mass flow of water in rivers/ flow of wind/ nuclear power. Well, authorized people of Hydro Power Specialists from America/ Europe and Asia had studied the capacity of Hydro Power in Nepal, thus they found that In Nepal there is 83,000 (Eighty Three Thousand) Mega Watt capacity of Hydro Power can be produced through rivers/ ponds, lakes, etc. In world, its the second country which can produce such huge amount of Electricity.
But unfortunately, people of Nepal does not have such instruments/ devices for the producing such huge amount of Electricity. But the Government of Nepal has made 1 big opportunity for the people of Nepal i.e, Nepalese Citizen were allowed to establish small projects which produce some amount of Hydro Power.
Now what I really want is to introduce Nepal as a most powerful Hydro Power Producer in the Asia through your organization. So, if you are interested I can manage all the government rules & regulation to invest in Nepal for Hydro Power.
Yours Truly
M. Wahid
Libra Education Consultancy P. Ltd.
Planet of Earth Energy Crisis.
Dear Sir,
The Subject matter is all over the World facing Energy problem, So I am trying to
Explain an idea for Old & New Dams / Reservoirs Hydro electric projects Civil Design Geometry
Can be modifying in Architectural Transition to increase our energy potential. Because we are
Losing heavy quantum of already storage water in our Big Dams and its relevant projects to generate Hydro Electric old technology, Now it must be need to convert into new theory of Scientific Technology as per utilizing in the way of experiment with foreign expertise at any Hydro electric base Model of concern Department or forum to finalize the following unique and entire world Globalize developing idea for its further implementations in the current ongoing and next coming future Hydel projects as soon as possible.
with best regards.
Planet of Earth Energy Crisis.
Dear Sir,
The Subject matter is all over the World facing Energy problem, So I am trying to
Explain an idea for Old & New Dams / Reservoirs Hydro electric projects Civil Design Geometry Can be modifying in Architectural Transition to increase our energy potential. Because we are Losing heavy quantum of already storage water in our Big Dams and its relevant projects to generate Hydro Electric old technology, Now it must be need to convert into new theory of Scientific Technology as per utilizing in the way of experiment with foreign expertise at any Hydro electric base Model of concern Department or forum to finalize the following unique and entire world Globalize developing idea for its further implementations in the current ongoing and next coming future Hydel projects as soon as possible.
with best regards.
RE: Planet of Earth Energy Crisis.
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your interest in proposed idea consideration, Due to other sectors & individuals responses take to my self need to be consult a proper forum regarding the situation now I am able to communicate with your good self. Also sorry for some days delaying answer from my side.
Please consider some point of views as following:
1. Idea come into my mind Last year. Some discussions with local personals in respective field but not proper and positive response yet.
2. Research papers / abstracts need to be develop after consultations subject matter from foreign expertise as like your consideration of interest.
3. Theories & ideas can be implement upon debating at world wide conversations with its fats and figures must be considered.
4. It doesn’t mean that my self have no proper proposal for describing because this one is a serous issue for entire world to escaping the current energy crises.
5. Mechanism / Methodology of idea to implement with Design criteria must be Liaise in near future as well as your kind and positive action.
6. My self keep this idea to preventing not go towards wrong ways, Sir your good self know better to me very well. Because after all it is the property of whole world and its creatures, Which will be fully utilize upon when enhance the capability of electrical energy generate according to the new term of way.
Sir about my CV.
My Name is Shabbir.
Qualification: School certificate.
After this go toward Technical Course for Surveyor in 1982.
Then start as Land Surveyor Jobs in different Companies in Pakistan.
During in 30 years jobs mostly work on Topographic & as built Surveys.
Observations & Knowledge come through different Projects and Sites in the due course of my whole life.
Hoping for a positive response will be coming soon as well as your good self reply.
with best regards.
Shabbir (Land Surveyor)
Dear ladies and gentlemen.
With high consideration for you, and special respect for your job Id’ like to present our company (counterpart with yours). Our company is called “EMIKEL” ltd. It’s centre is in Elbasan of Albania, is the first company which started producing electricity in the territory of Albania.
It’s the first company by concision which produces energy by using water resources of different forms. Today We have three hydropower plants functioning, with a productive capacity 16-20 MW / hour.
We thought to lay our operations further, considering that the territory of Albania is very rich in water resources, We thought to build and other energy works, knowing well that the energy produced by hydropower plants is economic , Ecological (because does not use any type of carbon or hydro-carbon substances) .We have already completed the project of a hydropower plant on the Shkumbin & Bistrice River. Not divert attention from other water sources which are numerous in the territory of Albania
Listen with a min capacity 5 mw / hour and a max capacity 30 mw / hour, and another one on the river mat with a capacity of 80 -100 MW / hour. We have deposited the documents for granting the project and have passed the first two stages.
We’re addressing to you having update information on your activities and opportunities if you see it logic and have mutual interest, We offer cooperation and partnership to you (always under the relevant contribution and the laws in force for collaboration or partnership. )To be more concrete we currently do not have the opportunities of a modern and advanced technology, also our investment opportunities are not of that size that can afford such huge investments and strategic.
This is a brief presentation and a cooperation invitation, in the future if you are interested We could explain more widely by answering your questions and providing relevant meetings
With great appreciation
Bejk R Teungaj