The massive dumping of radiation seawater by TEPCO into the Pacific Ocean has triggered outrage amongst various stakeholder groups.Fishermen are angry at is will massively affect the marine life who are bound to get poisoned by the 11,500 tons of radioactive water which is 100 times over the legal limit.A fishing industry group in Fukushima prefecture has asked Tepco to stop releasing toxic water into the sea near the power plant as Radioactive iodine and cesium were found in fish caught off the coast of Ibaraki, north of Tokyo.The Fishermen are already facing a bad time are bound to get hit even worse from this.Green Groups are protesting this deliberate ejection and say that it might be unethical to dump the water if not illegal under international laws.Green Groups are protesting the fact that more efforts could not have been made to store the water in ship tankers or overland facilities instead of taking the easy way out and dumping it in the Pacific.Note the radioactivity spewed from the Japanese Nuclear Plants is affecting nations globally.South Korea which lies very close to Japan has expressed concerns over the toxic water being dumped into the ocean.
South Korea has expressed concern to Japan over the release of radioactive water by Tokyo Electric Power Co. into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Yonhap News Agency reported Tuesday, citing South Korean foreign ministry officials.Seoul had yet to determine the extent of possible environmental damage it would suffer if the releases continued in Japan.
DAMON MOGLEN: We’re really in a disastrous situation in Japan. There are only bad choices at this point. We really do face a situation in which we could have further explosions and fires at the reactors and the nuclear waste site, and they do indeed need to cool it down. But that can’t possibly be a justification.
ADRIENNE FRANCIS: The organisation’s Damon Moglen has been working on nuclear issues for 25 years.
He says dumping radioactive waste at sea is forbidden under an international treaty called the London Convention. Japan, the US and Australia are all signatories to the treaty, but he says it doesn’t cover release of radioactive material from land.
DAMON MOGLEN: This is really a landmark international agreement and yet, in this case, the Japanese government and industry are using a loophole which says that, while you can’t dump nuclear waste directly into the ocean in barrels, for example, you can actually pump it into the ocean from land based sources.
ADRIENNE FRANCIS: The Friends of the Earth are calling for the waste to instead be moved into storage tankers at sea, or into tanks on land. They’re calling for the US government to urgently step in to prevent the deliberate waste dumping.
The Japanese are now requesting the help of a Russian ship which was designed to rescue nuclear submarines in trouble.This specially designed Russian Ship has a radioactive waste treatment plant called Landysh housed on a barge and was built with Japanese assistance
Japan’s government asked Russia for help processing radioactive waste from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi station, and is specifically interested in the Landysh facility, used to dismantle nuclear submarines, Sergei Novikov, a spokesman for Russia’s state-run Rosatom Corp., said in Moscow yesterday.
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[…] radiation coming out from the damaged nuclear reactors and its effects on marine life and soil.Fishes caught off the coast of Japan have found to have dangerous levels of cesium and […]