We all grow up in different environments and have a different mindset. The family and its values play a major role in shaping our personality. Today’s story is about a student none other than myself and my sweet take on Weird Life! 🙂
I grew up in a very religious environment and thus have a very strong spiritual bent of mind. My family – right from my Grandmother to the little kids knew the importance of bowing to the Gods and lighting candles in the temples. Though my family taught me the importance of Karma, they also imbibed virtues about having a Guru/ God/ Supreme Power.
I was appearing for my CA Intermediate exams to be held in November 2004. Though I had prepared well for my test, I was very nervous and was feeling very sick to go for my paper the next day. I prayed to my Guru and asked for His blessings, as and when I could during the previous day. Believe me I was freaking out and was unable to handle the stress. I was a good student and used to achieve good marks, but experienced exam sickness since my childhood days.
Finally the next day arrived, I stepped out of my house sheepishly. It was the first paper of the whole series. I felt so sick that I did not want to go to the exam hall. However my family’s support and Guru’s blessings made me move forward and I kept saying in my mind “Relax, All will be well and it will be over soon!”
I asked my friends not to discuss any more of Accountancy with me throughout the whole journey to the exam center. The dreaded moment had arrived and we were handed over our question papers. With one last prayer in my heart, I flipped my question paper. The first word I saw in the question paper was “Sneha”.
Yes my name!! I was dumb founded. You don’t expect to see your name in a CA question paper. It was as if all my prayers were answered. I was simply not believing my eyes. For a moment I found myself transported in some other world. After the trance I realized I had to answer my question paper and with a silent thank you (Jai Gurudev!) in my heart to my Guru, a smile on my face and the new found confidence I began writing my paper. I scored 70% in that paper (when students used to struggle getting a possible 40%) – the highest ever in the history of my CA journey.
This is what I mean by Life is weird – full of surprises, both sweet and bitter. Do write to us at greenworldinvestor@gmail.com and share your experience in life where no logic holds good and you feel Yes… Life is Weird! 🙂
Stay tuned for another unbelievable but true story of a student in the next weekend.
Life is weird isn’t it? I am sure we have all faced a situation in our life, where we fail to understand or reason why it happened – either good or bad? Sushil Kumar of Motihari didn’t know he would win Rs 5 crores in Kaun Banega Crorepati or Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers would never have thought of going bankrupt. During a certain phase of life we reach a point…. read more