President Obama will pay a visit on Sunday to the scene of the one of biggest oil spills to strike US coastal waters. This visit will come more than a week after the BP oil well exploded and is gushing oil in the waters .I can’t think what the President will do after a week since I can’t see his oratory stopping the thousands of barrels of oil from coming out of the well .The only reason I can see for his going is that he trying to damage control after his administration was criticized for doing too little to control damage from this horrific environmental disaster.
Obama to visit Gulf Coast, oil slick approaches – Reuters
President Barack Obama will visit the U.S. Gulf Coast on Sunday as his administration aims to deflect criticism that it could have responded more quickly to a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that threatens to become an economic and ecological catastrophe.
The CEO of British Petroleum has offered to compensate for the costs of the oil spill, not that he would have much of a choice after his company is hit with lawsuits.Note he is concerned with his company’s operations and future prospects rather than the people or animals that have been affected by this spill.Guess the PR spin doctors of the company are not doing their job too well
BP CEO says will pay oil spill claims – Reuters
BP Plc will compensate all those affected by an oil spill from one of its wells in the Gulf of Mexico, said its chief executive, who admitted that the disaster could hit plans to open new areas off the U.S. coast to drilling.
What will be the outcome of this oil disaster ? NOTHING
Just like earlier oil spills like Exxon Valdez and other , don’t expect this oil spill to change anything in regulation or policy making.The current administration has offered to allow states to drill oil off their coasts, I don’t think this spill will change anything . The super rich oil industry with its army of lobbyists will ensure that nothing changes the status quo. What options do we have to substitute oil – NOTHING.
Well that is what the oil lobby will tell you.They will also tell you that renewable energy energy is too expensive,its not scalabe and global warming and IPCC are frauds.
I would have a different answer but would let my readers decide for themselves what they want to believe in
1 Comment
Substantially, the nightmare of the Gulf oil pollution is in reality a burning question. Your post is worthy contribution to this hot oil desaster. We have to watch it in depth. In fact I do not fit in with some small things in general Im fully on your way. I am looking forward to forthcoming development, which eventually brings hope and stops the oil desaster.