A Recent Survey conducted by TCS shows that 85% of School Students were hooked on to Social Networking.With poll of 10,000 students taken amongst students in the range of 12-18 from 11 cities,the sample may not be an exact one.However it shows that around 8 out of 10 school students are members of Networking sites such as Myspace,Facebook,Orkut and others.Orkut continues to be the dominant SN website despite its poor performance globally.Facebook has been rising exponentially with some students spending 2 hours or more everyday on Facebook.The rise of Social Networking portends important changes for marketers and educationists.Note Google and Wiki are also well represented with school students using them increasingly to access information and entertainment.
Facebook has become a must have feature in mobile phones being marketed to the school student target segment these days.Even empirical data shows that Facebook has become de rigeus for most of school students.It has become impossible to avoid Facebook with most members of one’s social circle migrating to this ubiquitous platform.
India’s Youth is a group of confident, optimistic, career-minded and socially-connected individuals, reveals the second annual The Web 2.0 Generation survey. The survey conducted by India’s largest IT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), it polled over 10,000 school going children between the ages of 12-18 in 11 cities across India.
The survey shows that India’s youth are more likely to have a mobile phone than not, seamlessly move from fixed to mobile internet, are spending more time online than ever before and have embraced social networks in a uniquely Indian way.
The Article has been taken from the KoolSkool Blog