Solar Energy in Japan has a long future dating back to 1994 when the government introduced capital subsidies to boost solar energy installations on rooftops.Till 2004,Japan was the largest solar market in the world after which it was overtaken by Germany.After 2004,the growth in the solar industry tapered off as the government reduced the subsidies for solar panels to almost zero.The huge domestic market gave rise to Japanese companies like Sharp,Mitsubishi,Kyocera,Panasonic-Sanyo become top solar panel producers in the world.
Sharp,the Japanese Zaibatsu known more for its Electronics Products is also the world’s No 1 Company in terms Solar Module Revenues.Sharp has been the solar world leader since the past 4-5 years despite stiff competition recently from upcoming Chinese Crystalline Solar (c-Si) players and Thin Film Leader First SolarSharp’s c-Si division is not cost competitive with the Chinese and Taiwanese companies as its cost structure is almost 30-40% higher than the cheapest Chinese producers.Though the quality of Sharp’s crystalline silicon modules is considered much better,the cost difference has become too big in a rapidly commoditizing industry.While companies like Masdar are abandoning their Thin Film plans,Sharp has started shipping a-Si modules from its 1 GW capacity plant in Sakai.With its established distribution strengths and technological abilities in LCD Technology,Sharp is one company that can survive the c-Si onslaught.
Sharp Solar Panels Manufacturing
Sharp is one of the biggest seller of solar panels globally and has a massive distribution network.Though the quality of the solar panels made by Sharp is much better than normal crystalline solar modules,note the premium that you have to pay is much more.The lower cost of solar panels made by Asian companies has made Sharp look to move its solar panel factories away from its home base..In volumes,Cd-Te leader First Solar has already overtaken Sharp while Suntech,Yingli,Trina are also fast catching up as the Chinese displace the Japanese in global solar rankings.Sharp’s c-Si business is not cost competitive with the company making very low margins despite much higher ASPs.It has been increasing outsourcing from Taiwanese solar cell companies in order to reduce costs.However that remains a losing strategy for Sharp despite its premium quality reputation.The company has decided to increase the focus on amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Technology building a massive 1 GW plant in Sakai.
Sharp has along history of solar panel manufacturing and have solar pv modules in atellites, telecommunications, water pumps, remote houses and safety signals, to grid-tied homes, businesses and large solar farms.
Sharp Solar Panel Prices
Sharp Solar Panels Kit sells for $5-6/watt which also includes wiring,brackets and screws.Sharp Solar Panels on the other hand can be bought from retail at $2/watt prices if you look at good shops.There are some wholesale solar panel websites which are wholesale in name only and charge you as high as $3/watt or more.Note good quality European and Japanese solar panels can be bought from $1.8-2/watt while Chinese solar panels can be easily be bought at $.5/watt.The factory price of solar panels is as low sas $1/watt due to a massive supply glut of solar panels globally.
Sharp PV Modules Review
Sharp Residential Solar Panels
Sharp sells a 235 Watts NU-Q235F4 Solar Panel.This black frame module comes with a standard 25 year warranty.It has 60 solar cells and has an efficiency of 14.4% which is average to below average.The most efficient solar panels from Sanyo and Sunpower can easily touch 19-20%.This solar panel uses multicrystalline technology which is slightly inferior to monocrystalline technology though less costly as well.They are manufactured in USA and Japan.
Sharp Commercial Solar Panels
Sharp sells a wide variety of 235-240 Watts Solar Panels for the Commercial Rooftop Market.Note these solar panels are manufactured in varied locations and qualify for domestic content requirements which exist in Ontario and USA as well.
NU-U235F2 | 235W Module |
ND-U235Q2 | 235W Module |
ND-U230Q2 | 230W Module |
*ND-L240Q2 | 240W Module |
*ND-L235Q2 | 235W Module |
*ND-L230Q2 | 230W Module |
ND-224UCJ | 224W Module |
ND-230UCJ | 230W Module |
NU-Q240F2 | 240W Module |
NU-Q235F2 | 235W Module |
ND-230QCJ | 230W Module |
ND-224QCJ | 224W Module |
*ND-H230Q2 | 230W Module |
*ND-H235Q2 | 235W Module |
*ND-H240Q2 | 240W Module |
Sharp Solar Panels for Utility Market
Sharp mainly sells its amorphous silicon thin film solar panels for this segment of the market.Note Thin Film Solar Panels are more suited for large ground mounted solar farms which have no space constraints and where cost is more important.Also Thin Film Solar gives a better performance under high temperature and low light than normal crystalline solar panels.Sharp is selling a wide variety of a-Si Solar Panels with 115-135 Watt Power Ratings.
NA-V121HR | IEC Thin Film |
NA-V128HR | IEC Thin Film |
NA-V142H5/NA-V135H5 | IEC Thin Film |
NA-V115H1 | UL Thin Film |
NA-V121H1 | UL Thin Film |
NA-V128H1 | UL Thin Film |
NA-V135H1 | UL Thin Film |
Sharp 135 Watt Solar Panel nA-V135h1 is a Tandem Microcrystalline Solar Panels (Read about Types of Solar Panels) which has 45 cells in series by 6 in parallel per quadrant: 4 quadrants in series (1080 total cells).It weights 19 lbs and has high voltage characteristics which is need for utility applications.
Solar Panel Reviews of Different Brands