With the growing interest in renewable energy, the fascination around solar panel systems has also gone up all across the globe. The ability to utilize a renewable resource like the sun to power an entire house is incredibly beneficial for the environment and the need of the hour.
While the awareness on the subject has gone up, we still don’t completely understand how our solar systems work and what they are made of.
Solar systems work with the help of solar panels or photovoltaic panels, a solar inverter, and a compiling rack. It might also consist of a battery to allow it to work effectively even when the solar panels aren’t producing electricity. While all the components of a solar panel system are important for its efficiency, today, we’re going to discuss the importance of a solar inverter.
Image Source: Luminous
What is a solar inverter?
A solar inverter is one of the most critical elements of your solar panel system. It converts solar energy into usable electricity that can be utilized to power the electrical appliances at your home or workplace.
How does a solar inverter function?
A solar inverter functions by taking the DC energy from the solar panel and converting it into AC current. This is important because our appliances work on AC and cannot function on DC. This is why a solar inverter is necessary for the solar panel systems to work.
To explain this in a little more detail, the sunlight falls on solar panels or PV cells that are made up of semiconductor materials (crystalline silicon or gallium arsenide). These materials are a combination of both negative and positive layers and are connected to a junction. When the sunlight falls, these layers absorb the solar energy and sends it to the PV cells. This energy circulates in the system, and the electrons run loose in the positive and negative layers, producing DC energy. Once this energy is generated, it is either stored in the battery or directly sent to the solar inverter – depending upon the kind of solar panel system you have.
This DC energy needs to be converted into the AC format, and the solar inverter executes this task. The solar inverter gets hold of this energy and runs it through a transformer, which then converts it into an AC output.
This being said, not all solar inverters work as effectively. You need to keep in mind a few things while choosing the best solar inverter for your home.
Estimate Your Requirements
One of the most important things while choosing a solar inverter is that it should meet your electrical requirements. Understand the power requirements of your home by figuring out how many appliances you need to run and how much electricity they consume. This information will help you choose the right solar inverter for your home.
Check for Warranties and Guarantees
When you spend money on your solar panel systems, you want them to last long and provide you with optimal efficiency. This is why you must go for a solar inverter that comes with reasonable warranty periods to avoid spending extra each time your inverter breaks down.
Go for Reputable Brands
One of the best ways to ensure that you’re opting for a high-quality product is to go for a well-known reliable brand like Luminous. These brands have made a mark for themselves in the market and are known for offering excellent durable and efficient products. So, if you’re on the lookout for a solar inverter or other elements of a solar panel system, head to their website and explore out their range.