i) Is Solar a Seasonal product?
Consumer demands based on the season are called seasonal products. For instance, there is more demand for heaters/ geysers during the winter season and for air conditioners during the summer season. In sharp contrast, solar is a non-seasonal product as we need power for our daily life. Solar panels are functional for 365 days out of 25 years, which you have a warranty for. Irrespective of the season, you need electricity to run your TV, lights, and fans every day, and solar can provide you with that required power free of cost.
ii) Does it make sense to install a solar system in places that do not receive strong sunlight?
Yes, it absolutely makes sense to install a solar system even in places that do not receive strong/ direct sunlight. Places in India receive decent sunlight. As long as the sun is shining, your solar system will function. Nowadays, solar panels capable of working efficiently in low-light conditions are available in the market. With technology upgrades, solar systems will become more and more available for all.
Also, read Tracking The Sun! All You Wanted To Know About Solar Trackers
iii) We need a solar power system only in summer.
No, we need the power to work even in our day-to-day life. It is true that in the winter season the output of the system might be low due to reduced sunlight but do not forget your power consumption pattern also changes. You tend to use less electricity in winter when compared to summer. So it balances eventually.
iv) Are solar products for real? They seem like fancy things having no real consumption value.
Some potential customers think that solar products are only for light use and will not be useful in real-life crisis situations. Well, this is not true at all. It was seen during the recent floods in parts of the country like Bengal, Bihar and Assam were grappling for power. If consumers had a solar system in place they would have power irrespective of the main power supply.
v) Solar products are available at all price ranges, but still, sellers ask to buy the expensive ones.
It is true, given the rising popularity of solar products, there is a wide range of solar products available in the market at all price ranges. Going solar is a big decision that one makes as it is a lifestyle change. There are efficiency upgrades each year and hence new products are also launched every year. Given India, is a price-sensitive market, people tend to buy goods based on low prices, and sellers are ready to sell them low-quality products because they do not want to lose the customer. If a customer is properly advised about technically advanced products, they will surely buy even at a little higher price tag. Buyers should always strive to buy the latest technology product even if it costs more.
Hope this article could provide a wee bit of clarity to the readers who are thinking about installing solar. You can write to us with more questions. We will try and help you with the answers.