Common Man takes the responsibility to build a clean and greener India. Solar Energy as we always advocate here at Greenworldinvestor is highly environment friendly, energy efficient and easy on the pocket too. With solar energy reaching grid parity, it makes sense to install solar power and cut on electricity costs. I would like to share the thoughts and experience of our reader Mr. W Jesudas, who is into solar energy and believes in the promotion and usage of solar energy for being highly energy efficient and cut dependence on Government for electricity.
Mr. Jesudas took the initiative and installed solar panels to drastically cut his electricity cost.
“I have successfully incorporated solar power on my apartment by putting a small solar panel of capacity 240 watts for about 15000/- rupees. I replaced my old fridge with an inverter fridge 360 liters. I run my computer on solar energy and also my TV during day time. My bill has come down at least Rs. 1200/- every month from last years. I have already got back my investment in solar panel and will get my investment in high efficiency inverter fridge in next year. So anybody with an initiative and determination can make his house black out proof with very little investment. My current bill for November, December for 2 bedroom apartment is only Rs. 760/- which was Rs 2000/- last year”.
He is highly inspired by the Germany’s efforts towards solar energy.
“Germany has been doing tremendous work on the solar and wind energy and they have by their policies made possible for everybody to have solar on their roof. I am talking about the 10 fold reduction in solar cell cost in the last 10 years. Now Germany is on the mission to reduce storage battery cost by a factor of 10 in the next ten years. When that happens we can produce all the energy we need and also store as much energy for the night time and solve our power problems without producing green-house gases. Germany and China together will get it done”.
He advocates the usage of super-efficient inverter technology for residential purposes.
“The latest inverter technology used in refrigerators and Air conditioners can save a lot of energy. I have found that installing an inverter refrigerator is equivalent to installing 500 watt solar panel and inverter AC is equal to installing a 2 KW solar panel. Thus for people who cannot install solar panels they can go for installing inverter Refrigerators and AC’s which save enormous amount of energy. As I have earlier said my current bills have come down drastically, since I installed a panel of 240 watts and an inverter refrigerator. I am in the process of replacing my AC with inverter AC too. Thus a combination of super-efficient appliances in the house and small solar panels can cost effectively reduce the current consumption of any state”.
Currently Mr. Jesudas is in the process of enlightening the poor people in India about their ability to produce their own power and using super-efficient inverter technology in homes and apartments.
I am thankful to Mr. Jesudas for sharing his experience on our blog and will like to congratulate him for the tremendous work he is doing in this field. I hope this article will surely encourage my other readers to take a step forward towards solar energy and cut on their electricity bills.
1 Comment
excellent….. keep it up……