Solar Water Heaters are one of the most successful solar products which have managed to proliferate without government subsidies needed for other solar products like solar panels etc.Note Solar Power in India is taking off with the government promoting its through the JNNSM subsidy policy.The payback period for solar heaters is quite short and it substitutes the need for electricity needed to run power guzzling water heaters in residential and commercial establishments.The other reasons for the success of solar water heaters is that they are relatively easy to build and install making them quite popular.China has the largest number of solar water heaters installed in the world and other countries are not far behind.India too has seen a rapid growth in the use of solar water heaters with roofs around India marked with solar water heaters.Note the government of India through MNRE also subsidizes the buying of solar water heaters making them even more popular.Solar Water Heaters of different qualities,capacities and prices are available in the Indian market.Solar Installers are responsible for doing the whole turnkey installation of solar water heaters,piping system and maintenance.
Solar Water Heater Market in India
Solar Heater Market has seen growth increasing for the past 15 years with more than 20% CAGR seen in the last 4-5 years due to the following reasons.Despite the rapid growth,there is huge scope for growth of India’s Solar Water Heater Market which has been estimated to be around 2.5 million square meters.More than 50% of the Solar Water Heater Installations are concentrated in the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra.Note India receives very high solar insolation throughout the year making it ideal for Solar Water Heater Installations.Most of the SWH systems are sold to residential installations more than 80%.Commercial establishments are still slow to adopt SWH.Note the penetration of SWH in India is still 10 times lower than that of China and shows huge growth potential.Note around 1 million households in India have solar water heaters and the growth rate is around 20%.Assuming an average solar water heater system cost of around Rs 30000 ($650) ,the total market size would be around $130 million or Rs 600 crores.
Solar Water Heater Subsidies in India
India’s JNNSM Solar Policy has set out ambitious target for Solar Water Heater Installations at 7 million square meters in 2013 and 20 million in 2020.
a) Capital Subsidy – Capital subsidy equivalent to upfront interest subsidy Rs. 1850 per sq. m. to registered institutions and Rs 1400 per sq. m. of collector area to registered commercial establishments.For housing complexes Rs. 1900/ sq. m. of collector area
b) Interest Loan Subsidy -85% of the cost of the project will be provided loans for 5 years from IREDA/Banks at 2% for domestic users,3% for institutional and 5% for commercial users (no accelerated depreciation allowed.Banks too get an incentive of 1% of the loan.31 Banks are supporting the interest subsidies.Note like for Solar Panels,NE states,hilly states and Islands get additional subsidies,in this case 0% loans.
Note MNRE gives subsidies and grants to municipal corporations,solar heater installers and banks to promote the use.
Solar Water Heater Types and Prices
There are two types of solar water heaters that are sold in India –
a) Flat Plate Collectors (FPC) based Solar Water Heaters The solar radiation is absorbed by Flat Plate Collectors which consist of an insulated outer metallic box covered on the top with glass sheet. Inside there are blackened metallic absorber (selectively coated) sheets with built in channels or riser tubes to carry water. The absorber absorbs the solar radiation and transfers the heat to the flowing water. There are 60 BIS approved manufacturers of Solar Flat Plate Collectors.
b) Evacuated Tube Collectors (ETC) based Solar Water Heaters Evacuated Tube Collector is made of double layer borosilicate glass tubes evacuated for providing insulation. The outer wall of the inner tube is coated with
selective absorbing material. This helps absorption of solar radiation and transfers the heat to the water which flows through the inner tube. There are 44 MNRE approved ETC based solar water heating suppliers.
The advent of ETC solar water heaters has been supported by the import of cheap glass tubes from China. There are
113 approved Indian producers. The largest player market share is under 15%.There is no popular solar water heater companies or brands though Tata BP Solar is known somewhat. The solar water system cost for a residence varies from Rs. 25000 to Rs. 75000, depending on technology and capacity.The standard is Rs.15000- 20,000 for a 100 litres capacity system and Rs.110-150 per installed liter for higher capacity systems.Financing of solar water heaters has not become popular despite a huge crying need as the customers are poor in a lot of case and can’t afford the high capital cost of a solar water heater system.
Solar Water Heater Benefits
Solar Water Heater Manufacturers in India
Tata BP Solar – One of the biggest producers of Solar Panels in India,this Tata Group Company sells Solar Water Heaters under the Vajra,Zing and Hotmax Nova Brands
Venus– The company sells solar water heaters in 100 and 200 liters capacity.The price for the lowest SWH starts from Rs 18,800 ( $400) which is not expensive
Note there are more than 100 manufacturers of Solar Water Heater Manufacturers that have been accredited by MNRE. Note there are no dominant solar water heater companies in India as the market is heavily fragmented.Provides a great opportunity for a company to come and win over the market through good quality and cost.
Here is the complete list from the MNRE website of ETC Solar Water Heater Manufacturers
List of Eligible Manufacturers / Suppliers
As on 01/04/2011
S. No. | Manufacturer/ Supplier | Brief details of the Test Sample | ||
Andhra Pradesh | ||||
1. | M/s Sri Sundaram Solar SolutionsDoor No. 8-2-70 Harsha Vardhan Colony,
Old Bowenpally, Secunderabad – 11 (A.P.) Tel:- 040-64517469, 09849007469 Fax:- 40-27500619 E-mail: |
2. | M/s Qbarons Natural Energy systemDoor No: 45-48-13, Flat No.201, Venkata Chalapathi Residency, Jagannadhapuram,
Visakhapatnam – 530016 (AP) Tel: 891-6644669, Fax: 891-3065866 E-mail: |
3. | M/s Radiant Energy Technologies Flat No: 205, 2nd Floor, Hanumantha Reddy Complex, Secunderabd – 500009 (A.P)
Tel: 040-27892222 / 40196364 E-mail: Website: |
4. | M/s Greentek India Pvt. Ltd.Plot No.8, Lepakshi Colony,
West Marred pally, Secunderabad-500026(AP) , Tele: 4065198519, Fax: 040-65198519/27807145 E-mail: , Website: |
5. | M/s Photon Energy Systems Ltd, 8-2-686/DB/19.
Mount View Enclave, Road No. 12, Banjara hills, Hyderabad 500 034 (A.P.) Ph. No.: 040-23331337/8/9, Mob.: 9000333762 Fax: 040-23331340 |
6. | M/s Radiant Energy TechnologiesFlat No. 205, Hanumantha Reddy Complex, Tadbund ‘X’ Roads, Secunderabad – 500009
Ph – 040-27892222 Email – |
Delhi | ||||
7. | M/s Arsh Electronics (P) Ltd.224, Surya -Niketan, Vikas Marg Extn Delhi – 110 092
Tel: 011-22374859, Fax: 011-22379973 E-mail: |
8. | M/s Natural Energy Systems5/51, West Panjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026,
Tel: 42463235 E-mail: |
9. | M/s Greenforce Renewable Solutions (A unit of Prachi International Pvt. Ltd), A-14, Ist Floor, Wazirpur Indl. Area,
Delhi – 110 052, Tel: 011-27373022, 45621233, Fax: 011-27371030 E-mail: Web: |
10. | M/s Shriram Green Tech, 5th Floor, Akashdeep Bldg., 26A, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110 001
Tel: 011-23312267, Fax: 011-23313494 E-mail: Web-site: |
11. | M/s Bhambri Enterprises 794, Joshi Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi
Tel: 011-23541114, 55388606 Mob: 9811759494 E-mail: |
12. | M/s Koto Trade & Services Pvt. Ltd., E-153, Forest Lane, Near Sainik Farm, Country Club, P.O. Neb Sarai,
New Delhi – 110068 Tel: 011-29535499,26162636 Fax: 011-26162649 E-mail:, Website: |
13. | M/s Modern Solar Technologies(India)D-1/9, Hauz Khas, New Delhi,-110016
Tel: 011-26964272 Fax:- 41656180 E-mail: |
14. | M/s Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.,Jain House, D-75, Panchsheel Enclave,
New Delhi – 110 017 Tel: 26493159, 26493160, 41748412, Fax: 41748409 E-mail: |
15. | M/s BeSure HealthCare Pvt. Ltd.B-257, Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase-I, New Delhi-110020 Tel: 011-41407300, Fax: 011-41406890 E-mail: Website: |
16. | M/s Medors Biotech (P) Ltd.Biotech House, D-1/3, Rana Pratap Bagh,
New Delhi-110007 Tel: 011-32323200 Fax: 011-43805305 E-mail: Website: |
17. | M/s Empire Fantronics (I) Pvt. Ltd. J-27, Sec-3, Bawana Industrial Area, New Delhi – 39
Ph – 09811937775 Fax – 011-27762775 Email – |
Gujarat | ||||
18. | M/s Hiramrut Energies Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.148 & 127, GIDC-II, Jamwadi,
Gondal – 360311, Dist. Rajkot (Gujarat) Tel: 02825-224272, 224824 Fax: 02825-240472 E-mail: Web-site: |
19. | M/s Om Energy EquipmentChandrasekhar Nagar Main Road, Opp. Back Bone Shopping Center, B/h. Radheyshayam Packaging , Rajkot (Gujarat),Mob:9879049493
E-mail: |
20. | M/s Patel Engineering,9, New Nehrunagar, Dhebar Road South (Atika),
Rajkot -360002, Tel: 0281-2323239, Mob: 09825735178 E-mail: Web-site: |
21. | M/s Sun Gold Enterprise511, World Trade Center, Nr. Udhna Darwaja, Ring Road, Surat
Tel: 0261-6592355 , Mob: +91-9825194488 E-mail: E-mail: |
22. | M/s Redren Energy Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.2625, Road D/5, Kranti Gate, GIDC Metoda,, Rajkot – 360 021 (Gujarat)
Tel: 02827 287281, Fax: 02827 287381 E-mail: Web Site: |
23. | M/s Sun Free Heat IndustriesPlot – 301, Phase-1, Nr.old Tele. Exchange, G.D.I.C.,Vitthal Udyognagar – 388121 Anand, Gujarat,
Tel: 02692-230423 ,9428799552 E-mail: |
24. | M/s Farmson Enviro care Plot No.3704/, Phase –VI, G.I.D.C., Vatva, Jasodnagar – Memdavad Road (East) Ahemdabad – 382445
Tel: 079-256840913 E-mail: |
25. | M/s NRG Technologists Pvt. Ltd.989/6, G.I.D.C. Makarpura,
Vadodara-390 010 Tel: 0265-2642094, 2656167, 9904764068 Tel/fax: 0265-2642094, |
26. | M/s Warm Stream,P.B. No.22, Anand Sojitra Road,
Vithal Udyognagar – 388 120 (Gujarat) Tel: 02692-231316, 232309, Fax: 236478 E-mail: |
27. | M/s Yogi Solar IndustriesNeeldhara Complex, Nr. Gundala Railway Crossing, Gundala Road, Gonda – 360311
Tel: 02825-221502, Fax: 223272, Mob: 9825632875 / 9909040002 E-mail: Website: |
28. | M/s Electrotherm RenewableA Division of Electrotherm (India) Ltd. Plot No. 414/1 GIDC Phase II,
Vatva, Ahmedabad – 382445 Tel: 91 79 25895711, 66186500 Fax: 91 79 25895703, E-mail : |
29. | M/s. M.G. Rama Energy Pvt. Ltd.Regd. Offie: 204 Ajanta Com. Complex, Opp. Bombay Hotel,
Gondai Road, Rajkot – 360 002 M. 93777 55648, 0281-2467675 Email. |
30. | M/s Sun Energy SystemsC-1/411, Nr. Water Tank, G.I.D.C., Vitthal Udyognagar – 388-121, Anand, Gujarat
Ph No.: 02692-230317, Mob.: 9825328298. Fax: 02692- 231216 |
Haryana | ||||
31. | M/s Solanand Solar Systems,Khera Chowk, Railway Road,
Ambala City – 134 003 Mob: 9215627335 Fax: 0171-2556035 E-mail: |
32. | M/s Rose Enterprises,Plot No.248, Sector 25, Part II,
HUDA, Panipat – 132 103 (Haryana) Tel: 0180 – 6538248 Mob: 09812400862, 09812400863 E-mail: |
33. | M/s Suntron Energy Ltd. 546 A, Pace City – II Sec-37, Gurgaon.
Ph. No:0124 4222606,9300055100 Fax: 0124-4222609 |
34. | M/s Sahab Ji SolarSahab Ji Complex, #717/20
Idgah Road, Model Town, Panipat Ph – 0180-4018444 Mob- +91 9813091444 E-mail: |
Himachal | ||||
35. | M/s Pure Solar Pvt. Ltd.C/o PA-Times, Kasauli-Dharampur Rd,
Distt. Solan, Tehsil-Kasauli, HP Ph: 01792-264177, 264033, 264750 Mob: 09816064750: E-Mail: |
Karnataka | ||||
36. | M/s Tata BP Solar India Ltd.,78, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560 100
Tel: 080-22358465, 51102577 E-mail: Web-site: |
37. | M/s Vijaya Industries, Katapady – 574 105, Udupi Dist, Karnataka
Tel: 0820-2557127 , 09448377327 Fax: 0820-2557327, E-mail: Web sote: |
38. | M/s Rashmi Industries, No.60 & 61, Begur Road, Hongasandra, Bangalore – 560 068
Tel: 080-25734114 / 15 Fax: 080-25732309 E-mail: ,, Website: |
39. | M/s Legend Solar Energy Systems Private Limited,425/A, 11th Cross, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore-560 058
Tel:-080-28360159 Email: , Website: |
40. | M/s Solar Hitech GeysersNo. 4, Sri Krishna, Behind Bhima Jyothi LIC Colony, West of Chord Road,
Bangalore – 560 079, Fax: 080-23223152, 23221511 E-mail: |
41. | M/s Nutech Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd.Post Box No. 9167, No. 5, B. M. Shankarappa Industrial Estate, Sunkadakatte, Vishwaneedam Post, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore – 560 009
Fax: 080-23483766, Mob: 09480518782 E-mail: E-mail: |
42. | M/s EmmVee Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd., #55, “Solar Tower”, 6th Main, 11th cross,
Lakshmaiah Block, Ganganagar, Bangalore – 560 024. Tel: 080-23337428, Fax: 080-23332060 E-mail: |
43. | M/s Orb Energy Pvt. Ltd.,No.12, Srigandhada Kavalu,
Sunkadakatte, Magadi Road, Bangalore – 560 091 Tel: 080-23286142-46, Fax: 080-23286141 E-mail: Website: |
44. | M/s Anu Solar Power Pvt. Ltd., 248 3rd Cross, 8th Main, 3rd Phase Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – 560 058.
Tel: 080-28394259, 28393913 E-mail: Website: |
45. | M/s G.C. Solar Industries #977, Ground Floor, ITI Society Layout,
Outer Ring Road, Nagarabhavi Road, Banglore – 560072, Tel: 080-23210848, Mob: 9845023816 Fax: 080-23210848 E-mail: Website: |
46. | M/s Sun Zone Solar Systems#1/4 , Balagangadhara Nagar, Nr. Ambedkar Engineering Collage Mallathahalli, Bangalore- 560056,
Tel: 080-65979935, Mob.: 9845213060 Fax:080-23215645 E-mail: Website: |
47. | M/s Digiflic Controls (India) Pvt. Ltd.No. 893, 2nd Floor, M.E.S. Ring Road, Muthyalanagar, Jalahalli,
Bangalore – 560 054, Tel: 080-2345-7389/7579 Email: Website: |
48. | M/s Supreme Solar SystemsNo. 5, 1st Floor, Vidya Sagar School, Bhoopasandra, R.M.V. 2nd Stage,
Bangalore – 560094 Tel: 080-23417677 |
49. | M/s Kotak Urja Pvt. Ltd. #378, 4th phase, 10th cross, PIA Bangalore.
Ph. No.: 8028363330. Fax: +9180 28362347. |
50. | M/s Astral Solar Systems#623, HMT Main Road
Mathikere, Bangalore- 560054 Ph- 080-23371691 Fax- +91 9880642427 Email- |
51. | M/s Om Shakthi IndustriesP.B. no. 9173, #2, S.T. Narayana Gowda Industrial estate, 13th Cross, Srigandhanagar, Kareemsab Layout, Hegganahalli, Vishwaneedam Post, Bangalore – 560091
Ph- 080-28362967/65982645 9448062867/9448074674 Fax- 080-28362967 E-mail: |
Kerala | ||||
52. | M/s V-Guard Industries Pvt.Ltd., 44/875, Little Flower Church Road, Kaloor, Cochin-682017 (Kerala),
Tel: 0484-2539911, 2530912 Fax: 0484-2539958 |
53. | M/s Kraftwork Solar Pvt. Ltd., “Adithya“ 29/2862, Near Gandhi Square,
Poonithura, Kochi – 682038 , Tel: 0484-2707339, 2707228 Fax: 0484-2707228 E-mail: |
54. | M/s Hykon Solar Energy (P) Ltd.,Hykon House, Ikkanda Warrier Road,
Thrissur – 1 (Kerala) Tel: 0487-2444163, 2444183 E-mail: Web-site: |
Maharashtra | ||||
55. | M/s Akson’s solar equipments Pvt. Ltd. “Vatsal-damodar”, 41/1, Sahajanand society,Kothrud, Pune – 411038,
Tel: 25380109 E-mail: |
56. | M/s Bipin Engineers Pvt.Ltd., 143, Opp. Lokmat Wadgaon Dhairy,
Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 041 Tel: 020-24392064, Fax: 020-24391979 E-mail: Website: |
57. | M/s M. M. Solar Pvt. Ltd.692, Surendra Nagar, R.P.T.S. Road,
Nagpur – 440015 , Maharashtra, Mob: 09822220747, Fax: 0712-2247314 E-mail: |
58. | M/s Novergy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,301, 3rd Floor, Building No.1, Gera Gardens, Koregaon Park, Pune – 411 001
Tel: 020-64010282 E-mail: |
59. | M/s Phoenix Import & Exports, 51, Deshmukh colony, Sadar Bazar,
Satara – 415 001 (Maharashtra), Tel: 02162-230383, Mob: 09422038284, 09423864592 E-mail: |
60. | M/s Fortune Compuhard Pvt. Ltd.Fortune House 272, Pratap Co-Op.
Hsg. Soc., Saharkar Nagar No. 2, Pune 411 009, Tel: 24221843 Fax: 020-24220833 Email: |
61. | M/s Sudarshan Saur Shakti Pvt. Ltd.5, Tarak Colony, Opposite Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Aurangabad – 431 005
Tel/fax: 0240-2376609, 2376610 Mob: 9225303600 E-mail: |
62. | M/s Jay Industries, D-64, Miraj MIDC,
Miraj – 416 410 Dist. Sangli,(Maharashtra) E-mail: E-mail: |
63. | M/s Racold Thermo Limited Chakan – Talegaon Road,
Chakan, Pune – 410501, Tel: 02135-253593 , Fax: 02135-254025 E-mail: Website: |
64. | M/s Standard Engineering Co.,131/7 B, Hadapsar Industrial Estate,
Pune – 411013 Tel: 020-26870237, 26870414, Mob: +91 8888-55-6616 E-mail: Website: |
65. | M/s Kiran Lab Plast,23, Vallabhnagar, Malegaon Road,
Dhule – 424001 Tel: 2562233262 Mob:-09423192961 E-mail: |
66. | M/s Twincity Sunlife Pvt.Ltd. 2-22, Evergreen Industrial Estate, Shakti Mill Lane, Mumbai- 400 011, Maharashtra.
Tel: 22-24954596, 24939644 E-mail: Website: |
67. | M/s Shri Solar SystemK-43, MIDC, Ambad,
Nashik – 422010, Maharashtra Mob: 9890034188, 9890822788 E-mail: |
68. | M/s Savemax Solar Systems (P) Ltd.,97, Jayaprabha, Jadhavnagar,
Vadgaon Budruk, Pune – 41 Tel: 020-24358781 Fax:020-24358613 E-mail : Website : |
69. | Green Field Material Handling Pvt. Ltd.Plot No. N-49/1, M.I.D.C. Addl. Ambernath Indl. Area. Ambermath-E. Thane-421506
M.No. 9310385796 & 022-25416054 Email: |
70. | Sunmitra Solar,Salunke Industries,Plot No. B-42/3, Old M.I.D.C., Satara- 415 004
Maharashtra Tel.: 02162-245025 Email: |
71. | Stylish Concepts “BlueHeaven”Bunglow No. 14, Pradhikaran, Nigdi,
Pune 411044 Tel: 020-27640303/04. Email: |
72. | The Standard Products Mfg. Co. G-13/8, M.I.D.C., Taloja Indl. Area,
Taloja- 410 208, Dist: Raigad Tel: 2740 2228 / 6516 5192 Fax: 2740 2228 Email: Web-site: |
73. | M/s Skylark Thermal Energy Systems.172 Shanivar Peth,
Trimbakeshwar Soc. Off. Shaniwar Wada, Pune 411 030 Tel: 24452298 |
74. | Solaris EnergyG. No.224, Opp. IBP Pump,
AP Eklagna, Tal Dharangaon, Dist. Jalgaon Tel: 0257 2272727 Fax: 9422773311 Email: |
75. | M/s. Divya Industries, No. 814, Laggere Main Road,
Chowdeswari Nagar, Laggere, Bangalore- 560 058 Ph. 28398471, 28391123 Email., Website: |
76. | M/s Sunrise Solar pvt. ltd.,B-4, Jai Bharath Industrial Estate,
Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore – 560 022 Tel- 23574332/30, 9845537337. Fax:- 23492007. Email. Website: |
77. | M/s Borosil Glass Works Limited, Khanna Construction House, 44,
Dr. R. Thadani Marg, Worli, Mumbai – 400018, Tel: 022-2493 0362, 2493 0366, Fax: 022-2495 0561, 2492 0718 E-mail: |
78. | M/s GK Energy Marketers Pvt ltdFlat no. 350, Bidg No. 25, ground floor, Next to Dandekar Bridge Circle, Lokmanya Nagar, LBS Rd. Pune: 30
Ph No.: 020-24321115, Mob.: 9970094444 Fax: 020 243211115 e-mail: Web-site: |
79. | M/s Geeta Solar System,M-132, M.I.D.C. Jalgaon-425003 0257-2270152, 9823022259 E-mail: |
80. | M/s Ecosun Energy Company,S.No. 50+52+53A, Plot No. 2,
Snehalkunj Society, Santnagar, Off. Pune- Satara Road, Pune-411 009 Ph. No.: 020-24219085, 9422089863 Fax: 020-24219085 Email: Website: |
81. | M/s Econ appliances Pvt. Ltd.421, Aurora Towers, Moledina Road, Pune- 411001.
Ph No.: 020-26054553, Fax: 020- 26052722, Email: |
82. | M/s Soltrap Systems S. No. 36/2, Dhandekar Estate,
Kondhwa (B), Pune 411048 Ph. No.: 022 26860237, 9371014067 Email: Website: |
83. | M/s Prompt IndustriesPlot No. 61, Near Mahabal Mental Miraj Area, Miraj – 416410
Ph- 0233-2645052, 2227429 Email- |
Punjab | ||||
84. | M/s Solarium Solar Power Systems,40 – A, Raghunath Enclave,
Ludhiana (Punjab) – 141001. Tel: 0161- 2802131, 09878002131 Fax: 0161- 5021314 Email: |
85. | M/s Vishivkarma Solar Energy Corp.G.T.Road Bye-Pass, Phillaur – 144410 (PB).
Tel:01826-222523, Mob.: 9814081435 Fax: 08126-222104, E-mail: Website: |
Rajasthan | ||||
86. | M/s illusions4real,D-104 / 2 Meera Marg, Bani Park,
Jaipur-302016 (Rajasthan) Tel: 91-141-2203535, 91-9950705044 Fax: 91-141 220 35 35 E-mail: Website: |
87. | ESSE Power,125, Lane -4, Guru Jambheshwar Nagar-A, Gandhi Path, Queens Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Tel: +91-141-2359663, 9413590071 Fax: +91-0141-2358214 Email: Web-site: |
Tamil Nadu | ||||
88. | M/s K.S. Industries,195 R.M.T. Bunglow Road, Sai Nagar, Industrial Estate (post),
Coimbatore – 641 021 (Tamil Nadu) Tel: 0422-2673319, 9894111935 E-mail: Website: |
89. | Solsen Solar Equipments(p) ltd.4th floor, P.K.N.A. Tower (Naidu Hall Building) 81,
Bye Pass Road Madurai- 625-010 Tel: +91-452- 4379234, 4500850 Email: Web: |
Uttarakhand | ||||
90. | M/s Ados Electronics Pvt.Ltd.,Khasra No. 3883 & 3884,Laltappar Industrial Area, Majari Grant, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Tel: 0135-272-2620, 941299-2620 E-mail: Web site: |
Uttar Pradesh | ||||
91. | M/s Silver Spark Pvt. Ltd.C-143, Hosiery Complex Phase-II,
Extn, Noida- 201305 (U.P) Tel: 0120-4052000, Mob.: 9811032815 Fax: 47574466, E-mail: Website: |
92. | M/s Maharishi Solar Technology Pvt.Ltd.Factory- C-146, Hosiery Complex,
Phase-II, Noida – 201305 (U.P.) Tel: 95120-4348500 , Fax: 0120-4545503 E-mail: Website: |
93. | M/s Sasco Solar Industries47 B, Co-operative Indl. Estate,
Dada Nagar Kanpur 208022 Tel: 0512 – 2360156, 9554011111 Email: Web-site |
West Bengal | ||||
94. | M/s Solace,20 Kankulia Road, Kolkata – 700 029
Fax: 033-24406503, 65356925 E-mail: Website: |
95. | M/s Sigma Steel & Engineers Pvt. Ltd.AD 182, Rabindra pally,
Kestopur, Kolkata – 700101 (W. Bengal), Tel: 033-32953536, 09051130211 Fax: 033-25717493 E-mail: Website: |
96. | M/s G P Tronics Pvt. Ltd. ,502 Karnalalaya Centre, 156A Lenin Sarani, Kolkata-700 013
Tel: 033-2215 4705 / 0301 Fax: 033-2225 1273 E-mail: Website: |
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I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also offer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.5+0.5)%+x%. X% IS Lessee broker’s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading.
Contact me through this email:( or through
skype: (muhsin.abid.ali) in other to furnish you with other information.
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