
June 5, 2024

World Environment Day – India 2024: Focus on Land Restoration

Since today is June 5, 2024, we’re right in the middle of World Environment Day! This year, the global theme is “Land Restoration: From Desert to […]
August 18, 2020

Pros of Domestic Waste Management At Home

Many residential societies in major cities are being educated about domestic waste management. There are multiple benefits of waste management and by our little effort, we can save our […]
July 5, 2013

Atlanta Gives Green Light to Green Future

Atlanta has discovered that it’s not just good for health and the environment to “go green.” It’s also economical, practical, and above all, it’s easy! The ATL […]
June 27, 2013

Will President Obama finally make a move to push Climate change regulation in the USA

President Obama failed to push climate change legislation in his first term, though there were a lot of expectations that some sort of carbon tax or […]
May 25, 2013

5 Ways to Make Your Commute to Work More Eco-Friendly

Commute in an Eco-friendly Way The commute to and from work can add up quickly in gas expenses. According to Project America, the average passenger car […]
May 14, 2013

Advantages of running an Eco Friendly Business – Can Save You a lot of Money

Running your business in an environment friendly way has many benefits to you, your business and your employees. Not only that, you also feel good in […]
April 23, 2013

Think Green, Think Waste Management- Path for Sustainable Environment

Solid Waste Companies and individuals should take waste management seriously to help save the environment. Unfortunately, too many people worldwide aren’t aware of how to properly […]
March 22, 2013

India's Coal Addiction causing thousands of Deaths each year due to Pollution

Coal Deaths in India India gets more than 50% of its energy requirements from coal, of which the country has got billions of tons in reserves. […]
February 19, 2013

9 Key Facts about World's 3rd largest Oil & Gas (E&P) Company, ONGC

ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited or ONGC as it is known commonly is Indian state-owned oil and Gas Company. ONGC produces around 77% of […]
November 4, 2012

What is Natural Gas used for Today – Heating, Industry, Electricity and Cars

Use of Natural Gas Massive discoveries of natural gas reserves in shale gas formations has meant that the prices in USA have gone down substantially and […]
July 16, 2012

Energy Efficiency Rankings show Europeans far ahead of Anglo-Americans

Energy Efficiency Rankings In an unsurprising ranking by International Energy Efficiency Scorecard developed by ACEEE, US and Canada have bottom ranks in Energy Efficiency along with […]
July 13, 2012

Shale Gas Fracking Dangers – Insurance companies refuse to give Coverage

While Shale Gas extraction continues unabated in the USA leading to a massive oversupply and a price crash in natural gas, the environmental dangers continue to […]
July 7, 2012

Solar Panel Maintenance and Cleaning Companies & Costs

Need for Solar Panel Cleaning Solar Panels are exposed to the environment – sun, wind, dust, rain etc.   Solar panels are very similar to windows, lying […]
July 5, 2012

Despite massive Green Manufacturing Expansion, China’s Greenhouse Effect to grow to critical levels by 2020

China Solar and Wind China’s renewable (solar & wind) manufacturing industry has generated a massive global oversupplying leading to a price crash in solar panels and […]
July 1, 2012

Solar in UK sees a Utility Scale Solar Farm boom powered by Renewable Obligation Certificates

United Kingdom is seeing a raft of new Solar Farm projects in the 20-50 MW range even as the solar feed in tariffs have been sharply […]
June 21, 2012

Japanese Solar Panels – Comprehensive Guide to Manufacturers, Cost, Efficiency &Technology

Updated: 7/06/2016 Japanese Solar Panel companies Sharp, Kyocera, Panasonic-Sanyo, Mitsubishi were the top solar panel producers in the world. Solar Energy in Japan has a long […]
June 20, 2012

Indian Solar Water Heaters capture 30% of the Water Heating Market of $200 million

Note the market for water heaters in India is around $200 million annually and solar water heaters have managed to capture more than 30% of the market showing that solar water heaters are now a part of the mainstream. Note many solar products are starting to become more mainstream as their price competitiveness increases every year. Solar Panels which are the most widely used solar product has seen the price come down by almost 80% in the last few years .
May 21, 2012

Micro Wind Turbine Manufacturers – List

Micro-wind turbines are small-scale wind turbines that convert Wind Energy into electricity. The wind speed is the important factor on  which the amount of electricity generated […]
May 10, 2012

E-Waste in India grows by more than 500% in 7 years

India’s fast growing middle and upper classes are consuming electronic gadgets at an astounding rate.The replacement cycle has also decreased dramatically as growing disposable incomes means […]
February 29, 2012

Chinese Bank Financing used by China's Solar Companies as a Competitive Advantage in India

China's solar panel companies can used their government banks backing as a major competitive advantage. Just like their telecom equipment companies ZTE and Huawei they can use the debt to win contracts over suppliers from India and elsewhere. Note there is a already a major controversy in the USA over the subsidies and support given to Chinese solar companies and has led to a so called solar trade war between the two . Even USA has used its EXIM Bank to provides millions of dollars in financing of solar farms which are supplied by US Solar Panel producers First Solar. Chinese companies Goldpoly are using the strong billion dollar lines to build solar projects in the Europe as well
February 26, 2012

Fukushima Nightmare makes Kuwait Develop Cold Feet on Nuclear Energy,will UAE and Saudis capitulate as well

Oil Rich Middle Eastern Nations like Kuwait,UAE and Saudi Arabia have been planning to build nuclear energy plants for quite some time now. They have been extensively engaged in discussions with Asian consortia to supply technology and expertise for building nuclear power plants in their countries. The reason for their nuclear love is that these nations are seeing rapid growth in energy demand. The reason is their fast growing population which is increasing their consumption of oil and gas produced. This is reducing the export dollars from the supply of fossil fuels. The countries want to increase renewable and nuclear power so that they can conserve their depleting supplies of oil for exports. However the Fukushima incident has given some of them cold feet. While countries like Vietnam and China are pressing ahead with their nuclear expansion plans, Japan,Germany,Switzerland have decided to give up nuclear power. Widespread nuclear protests in Germany made the government take the drastic action of stopping a number of nuclear reactors. Kuwait Develops Cold Feet on Nuclear Energy,will UAE and Saudie\s capitulate as well
February 24, 2012

ToughStuff to sell Durable Solar Panels to African Poor under Business Call to Action (Bcta) by UN Development Programme

Solar Energy is one of the best ways to bring energy to the disenfranchised poor in Africa and Asia which have no access to electricity and energy. Note Solar Panel prices have fallen by almost 90% in the last 4-5 years making solar energy much more accessible to the poor . Solar Panels can be now be bought at less than $200 which makes them affordable to large sections of the poor. They having stopped costing a ton in subsidy money given the low prices. Besides massive capacities exist in China and other places in Asia which can churn out solar panels in the hundreds of millions.
February 23, 2012

Why German has done more to Fight Climate Change than any other Nation

Critics have claimed that Germany has spent $130 billion in solar subsidies to provide only 0.3% of its electricity. This is a shallow and ignorant argument at its worst. The critics from all over the world cite figures and statistics without going into the deeper implications. Germany has in the last 5 years made solar energy reach the poorest people in the world . The country's subsideis have made large solar companies lower costs and improve technology at a rapid pace to keep up with the lowered subsidies. Solar Panels which were sold for $4/watt in 2008 are solar for 80c/watt now. A truly remarkable story in Energy which has been missed the the fossil fuel funded hacks in media. For the last few centuries man has been trying to harness solar energy at reasonable costs but has failed to make a big impression. Germany in the last 5 years has made a huge and lasting impact as solar energy will go from strenght to strenght ..
February 18, 2012

China Rules the Wind Market with 40% of Global Demand and Market Leading Companies

China continues to rule the global wind energy market generating around 40% of the global demand in 2011 with 18 GW of wind turbine installations. The dominance of the Chinese is underlined from the fact that they installed 3 times more wind energy than USA which is a bigger electricity market. China also dominates in supplying wind equipment to the global market. Its companies like Sinovel, Mingyang and Goldwind are starting to win marketshare in overseas market .These companies which are trying to grow outside to escape the glut in the domestic market have won some major overseas orders.
February 16, 2012

List of Earth's Largest Wind Energy Countries – China Leads with 60 GW of Wind Electricity Capacity

Wind Energy is the largest renewable energy source in the globe right now (if you don't count in hydro and nuclear energy). The total installed wind energy capacity exceeds the solar and biomass capacity by quite a margin at over 200 GW . The recent surge in wind energy installations has been from China which put up almost 40-50% of the global wind turbine installations in 2010 and 2011. Now China has surpassed every other country to become the largest wind energy country in the world with over 60 GW. While Europe earlier led by Spain, Denamark and Germany used to lead in wind capacity, they have been comprehensively overtaken by the Middle Kingdom in the last couple of years. USA comes in next but still far below its potential while the rest of the world has started to pick up now. India is the 5th largest country and has been steadily putting up around 2-3 GW of wind capacity each year.
February 16, 2012

$600 Billion – Shocking Global Support of Fossil Fuels

While there is massive outrage amongst some politicians against the giveaways to support renewable energy, there is very little discussions on the massive subsidies given to the fossil fuel sector. Note globally more than half a trillion dollars is given away to support fossil fuels which is already a mature competitive sector. Green Energy which is a developing industry has got compete with not only the established 100 year infrastructure of fossil fuels but also against these massive $600 billion. However propagandist's and ignorant sections of the media protest against the support given to the cleantech industry.Here is some bad and shallow journalism on German Solar subsidies
February 10, 2012

5 Reasons Why Solar Thermal is becoming Favored Choice for Hybrid Clean Fossil Fuel Power Plants

However Solar Thermal Technology is finding a niche in Hybrid Fossil Fuel Power Plants . The reason that Solar Thermal is gaining traction in Solar Hybrid Plants is 1) They can use the existing Electricity and Transmission Infrastructure of the new Fossil Fuel Plant or the Existing One 2) Solar Thermal Technology in most cases generate Steam which can be used by the Turbines of the Fossil Fuel Plant saving additional costs
February 9, 2012

US Coal Companies become latest Victims of Cheap Natural Gas

US Coal Companies are being forced to close coal mines and reduce production because of a massive glut of cheap natural gas and emission standards . Note Coal Disadvantages are much more than that of other fossil fuels making it the dirtiest form of energy. While India and China face massive coal shortages , USA on the other hand faces a glut . Coal has been coming under increasing attact in the West with few new thermal plants being opened and many closed due to tougher pollution standards. Note Clean Coal Technolgies and CCS is being promoted to prolong the use of Coal but they are not getting much traction.
February 7, 2012

First US Nuclear Repository a Distant Dream even as Several Needed

USA has the largest amount of spent nuclear waste in the world and it does not have a single permanent nuclear waste storage site. It is quite shocking that thousands of tons of dangerous nuclear waste is put in temporary locations waiting to start a new disaster in the Fukushima pattern. Note the greatest danger and fallout from the recent nuclear disaster was due to spent nuclear rods . The first site that was being prepared in Yucata mountains is mired in controversy despite millions of dollars being spent.
February 7, 2012

Chinese Kangaroo Courts to be Tested in American Superconductor Wind IP Theft by Sinovel

Chinese Legal System is mostly a joke with the communist party running the world's most populated country with an iron hand. The courts are mostly for show as dissidence against the Party is not tolerated and human rights are non-existent.Also most of the major companies are run under crony capital rules rather than free markets. Most of the rulings are done which favor the ruling party mandarins with little respect to whatever Communist Party laws are. IP Theft has been a big problem for overseas companies operating in China with Google existing the country sometime ago after it was hacked. With the world's largest Internet companies having to run because of IP theft, smaller companies have no chance.Sinovel is the biggest wind company in the world right now because of Chinese government support and policies. It commands huge influence in the corridors of power as it is unlikely to have become this big without major government and bank support.