The Solar Industry has become so big and globalized that we miss out on a lot of interesting stories and news. This post will hopefully fill in the missing gaps:
1. USA solar panel shipments were up 43% y/y in 2011 with 51% imported from China
2. A CPV Factory opens in the US despite all the PV Factory closings
3. China’s Suntech gets a mini bailout of $32 million, LDK keeps floundering
4. Rumors that First Solar will supply its thin film CdTe solar modules to 1000 MW Blythe Project
5. China to Fund a Big 50 MW plant in Kenya with Chinese made solar panels (obviously)
6. Sharp which is giving up on Europe and USA develops a new window cum transparent solar panel
7. Climate Change haters Saudi Arabia led consortium to build a hugely expensive CSP plant in Morocco
8. Canal Based Solar Power Plants all the rage in India as 5 more planned
9. Greece continues to fast track solar power farms despite no money
10. Will Solopower succeed when all the CIGs players have failed / failing