The solar landscape has changed drastically over the recent years. While technologies and efficiencies have improved, prices have gone down dramatically. This has led to a change in the consumption pattern all around the world. With electricity prices taking the better off mankind, now renewable energy has reached a stage where people can think of going completely going off-grid. Now, India has the cheapest solar system prices in the world, even 20% below China.
A lot has changed at the respective company levels too. We have ourselves witnessed in the past that companies poised to become the leaders have fallen, for example, SunEdison. Similarly, the industry is going through a level of stagnation and whose prowess in the overall solar industry has declined in the very recent past. PV-Tech has come up with a list of solar companies based on their weighted rankings between 2014 and 2017.
These Top Global Solar Manufacturers (2017) are poised to play a significant role in the global solar industry in terms of changes in technology and manufacturing. Some of the companies that rank on the list have made an impact over the past years in PV manufacturing. For example, First Solar is today the dominant thin-film company in the industry, while Wacker is a pure-play polysilicon supplier. GCL tops the list as the polysilicon giant makes stronger moves in solar upstream segment and capacity expansion. Longi Solar has made a strong presence felt on the list, as the company has made rapid strides in championing a cheap form of monocrystalline silicon technology and has become the largest producer of mono solar wafers for the industry today.
Also, read 12 Biggest and Best Solar Panel Companies In The World
I think this list gives a clear understanding of where the solar industry stands today. The overall market has welcomed new technology with open arms as they prove to be very competitive with the traditional solar technologies. The record efficiency gains and the price improvements have made it quite lear that solar is here to stay for long.